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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. Agreed, sleepers/timber blocks are great, but the hardwood ones are a big heavy for us mere mortals
  2. Even the 10 spline shafts, with stock/close to stock tyres, last very well, I was running 34s with 10 spline and a locker, and somehow never managed to snap anything -twisted yes, but no snap. But then I don't think I drive like a moron.
  3. Agreed, red stuff like a little bit of warmth, that said the first braking operation at the end of the road is fine, and I never need to think about it again. I'll be running them in future, for sure.
  4. I just buy the 'not £9 a set' brand pads and they seem fine. That said, I've got EBC red stuff in my Audi and I love them, especially when pressing on a bit.
  5. I really don't agree with ramps for a land rover, they are very often too flimsy and offer no tangible benefit over a lifted axle, IMHO. I have just scrapped three sets of ramps as they have all got ruined in various ways, mostly bent on the upramp, despite being rated to 2 tons. The 'trick' with carpet or cardboard or wood is something you can do, but really is a trick you shouldn't need. All IMHO, we can all disagree of course
  6. Yup, this is the whole matched set, as mine was an earlier box and was fitting a 1.0:1. So should fit anything, by my reckoning.
  7. Not really, you just need to be able to read the workshop manual in most cases. Then everything else is found with a google search and reading.
  8. When you go to buy it, they give you all the options to pay for collection etc. But you could try ringing them.
  9. Yup, or is you fancy dismantling, and remantling your current known good box, I have the 1.4 gearset.
  10. 48mph is not 4th, that is lockup engaging and about right speedwise. I think default is 52mph on 205s, that yours is lower suggests something is not quite right. Normally a higher gear will give a higher lockup. How is your kickdown cable adjusted? Too slack and it won't kick down and make it feel really sluggish being off boost. The auto is a higher 4th gear ratio that the manual boxes, around 0.7:1, so that combined with the tyres and you are really stretching the poor oil burner, and they aren't exactly fast as standard.... That brings me to final point, are you sure the TDi is running properly?
  11. I have the LT230 innards available for not much cash which would allow you to convert your 1.2 to a 1.4, if you are handy with a spanner this could saves you hundreds.... Let me know if interested.
  12. Probably, but the potential for innuendo in this thread is so high that we had to say something.
  13. He's not keeping that engine for long anyway 😜 But yes, I have had that before, alarming, and a good warning to make sure you have 50% coolant mix in there...
  14. Grrr, argh. Just as they'd sorted out the mess of smashed vehicles in the middle. Dirt Nationals there last year was excellent.
  15. Pop to the shops across the Sahara.
  16. Absolutely would daily this. Especially if someone bought one for me.
  17. Correct, very interesting conceptually though.
  18. Agreed, I should get some of that $1.5M I reckon.
  19. I see this much more as a Baja style truck, but even for that $1.5M is utterly potty.
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