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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. What engine do you think it is?
  2. H4s are halogen, as are all of the H bulbs.
  3. Doesn't quite work like that in the UK, you get paid for every unit you make even if you use it, plus any you don't use, you get paid for again.
  4. Ah.... Well you can cheat then, and just unbolt the swivels at least.
  5. Why replace the diffs? If it is just an oil seal then you can do that without removing them from the axle case. Diffs go for 100K + without trouble, seems like needless expense unless you know they are bad.
  6. Until Monday around 3pm...
  7. I'd take a single new caliper over an axle build any day!
  8. Caliper has corroded/worn out and pad touching the disc 'hat'? Very common...
  9. So.... How's progress these days?
  10. They are all halogen from factory, do you mean higher power halogen bulbs?
  11. Yep, pretty much, some are restricted, but not many. Certainly waaaaay more flexible than Arduino.
  12. ESP32 is basically an Arduino on steroids, lots of IO, you can program it in the same way as Arduino, even using the Arduino IDE, so it is as easy as Arduino. You can also get ESP32 boards with built in CAN, and there's libraries out there to talk to other ESPs over wifi/BT, so you could run two ESPs at either end of the vehicle with no physical connection and still do all you want. It's also much, much faster than the Arduino, has much better support for storage and has multiple serial interfaces (unlike arduino). As far as CAN goes, I really don't think it ever complex, any more than serial, an interface either end and a loop to read the data and then you just make decisions on what to do with it.
  13. Mine is a 'thing' that has Bowler stickers all over it, but according to @miketomcat it's likely not an actual tomcat, but very much designed with it in mind. It had 8 shocks, a 3.5 V8 and Series box with the 4WD welded solid and the low ratio gears removed for lightness - they certainly had a few ideas about how to do it. 1280Kg
  14. No, fraid not, but yours looks very like mine....
  15. Be interested in lending at hand on occasion if it were to help. Not sure LGT would be much good at recovery, mind.
  16. Yeah... love Wales, hate Cardiff/Newport roads, even more so with all the stupid 20mph speed limits introduced for no valid reasons whatsoever.
  17. To be fair, probably saves you about 1.5 hours
  18. This combined with Binegar for a weekend would give a properly different set of challenges for people, mud and rocks and massive hills, vs a stone quarry with plenty 'oooh' moments. There's some 'relaxed' camp sites up near Priddy (a few miles from each) that would happily cater for a large group of people descending on them for a weekend. Probably no further for the likes of Stephen than 7S. I would be interested in starting a conversation with 7S though, if there was scope for playdays but with smaller tyres, it may have been tried, but may not be any harm in trying again.
  19. I assume comp safari etc will still be running there? or is it all 4x4 events? Big, big change if not, as they use it 3-4 times a year.
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