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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. If i remember correctly i bought a v8 bellhousing from a disco. Going by pics i found online, it put the engine more or less dead on where the factory v8 mounts would be. Yes its an easy conversion. Re tuning the rv8, search the forum. There is LOADS on the subject
  2. When i converted my td5 chassis i bolted gearbox (r380) to engine. Then connected the transmission to chassis mounts which then gave me position to weld the v8 engine mounts which i scribed onto chassis. Hope that makes sense? Regarding whether it will be worth it? Yes. Yes it will. The RV8 will drink fuel but as long as its not a daily driver, it will be far more enjoyable than the diseasal....
  3. I know they go on the inside Just couldnt see where the retaining plates fit. I will also be using a Wright Offroad moulded matting set which will probably be a little better. Every little adds up right. That would be very helpful. Thanks.
  4. Recently bought bulkhead soundproofing and retaining plates for TD5. However i cant for the life of me see how these retaining plates fit. I have checked bulkhead for corresponding holes in bulkhead for screws but there arent any? Also, am i missing any other fixings etc?
  5. Wonder what kind of spare wheel carrier that is... Got feckin cricked neck now.....
  6. Certainly sounds the part. Get 'em fitted and report back..
  7. Defenders can actually have quite a compliant ride with the correct spring rates. Especially 110's. The extra weight/wheelbase makes a big difference to ride quality. I imagine 130's are better again..
  8. Mine looked good as well. They just didnt fill the hole!! Though in fairness i dont they were sp4x4. Some other pattern doors.
  9. I would not buy PU ones. I think people buy them as they are easy to change, but they ruin the ride. When it comes to bushes i would be buying genuine from dealer.
  10. Maybe your old ones arent genuine. Maybe someone replaced them at some point. I cant recall any of my old bushes having metalastik written on them.
  11. I always thought that the term metalastic referred to the type of bush, ie rubber sandwiched between metal parts. Didnt think it was an actual brand as such? I stand to be corrected of course
  12. Cant comment on the paint as i did mine with matt black rattlecans Have you found out for certain the company you are using use LR tooling for the doors? Id still be a little cautious until i heard that from the horses mouth as it were. Id hate to hear that you got them painted to find they arent a perfect fit..
  13. Genuine. No question. Yes more difficult to change in future but well worth it.
  14. If indeed they use Landrover tooling then you should be fine..
  15. Dont want to rain on your parade, but if i were you i would test fit the doors before you throw away the packaging. I bought a pair of brand new pattern doors from a reputable ebay seller. They were nothing short of bloody awful. They were too small in just about every dimension, but especially height where they were about 1/2" too short. Ended up buying 1 brand new steel-type door, and an as-new puma 2nd hand door. They fitted perfectly as you would expect. Use caution with pattern doors. Hope yours are good. Just make sure you test fit...
  16. Im sorry to say but if theres no leads by now, its gone. Normally if they are going to be recovered its pretty soon after its nicked.
  17. Did you ever reach a solution to this. I have reminded Nige a few times to chime in here, and he PM'd to say he would, but alas he hasnt Below is a pic showing that fitment of the standard v8 air filter housing should not interfere with heater.
  18. Very clever guys. Fitting the dash and getting it all to work is top notch stuff. Why not just buy a supercharged RRS though? Its not exactly hose-down spec defender interior...
  19. Thanks for giving us some feedback sharpy. Glad your happy with them
  20. Something weird happening with my PM, so in case you didnt get it.... Im not sure of exact age of my axles. All i know is that they are TD5 vintage. I can take a pic tomorrow if you like Ross.
  21. Hahahahaha! After a comment like that, it just goes to show that you cant listen to anyone on forums. It just proves that you pays your money, you take your chances. Maybe a poll: do more people like them than dislike them. In the case of the STT's, in the UK, id say thats yes. JMHO though
  22. You could always ping PaulMc a PM. He is the bible on harnesses/connectors..
  23. Im sure Bawwy...i mean Barry will be along soon
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