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Everything posted by Orange

  1. OUCH!!! I'll look after the one I've got, then!!!
  2. The other thing it could be is radius arm bushes. Our RR had a major wobbling fault and after having all the wheels balanced for the second time, you could tell it was the back end that started to wobble first!! New set of arm-to-chassis bushes and job done! Sat quite happily at 70ish from Wales to Kent!! Arch trimming is usual with lifts and bigger tyres... There are various threads if you do a little search! There is even a link in the Tech Archive - for RR ones, but the theory is the same for Discos!! HTH Adrian
  3. Jolly good show!! Spiffing and all that!!
  4. Cheers, gents! I'll have a scoot around and see what we can do! Adrian
  5. The problem isn't mine, but the neighbours! They have a Freelander with, what we think, is a dislodged front passenger window. Seems that the window has come out of the channel and the mechanism is now sliding up and down creating nast graunching noises and scratching the window! Now, being that it's not my car, and that I guess all the door trims are held on with those easily snap-able plastic lugs, I didn't jump in and say "I'll have a look", plus I was up to my elbows in handbrake/Borg Warner issues!! So we are after a decent garage in the Maidstone/Medway area of Kent that doesn't charge exorbitant amounts for parts and labour. There is Delgragh Cross Country Rovers, but I shy away from them due to high prices. Bearmach is only down the road, but they only sell spares... Anyone got any other pointers?? TIA Adrian
  6. Greenlane 4x4 is wher I got mine from....I think! Mark got one too and he'll know - his memory is better than mine!! PM him and I'm sure he'll tell you!! Profile wise, it looks like this: and finished with lights: We had them slightly modified to have the number plate brackets put on. It means the lights are slightly closer together, but at least the front of the vehicle has a proper plate that doesn't interfere with the winch!
  7. No experience, but I rather like them! They do, however seem to be awfully 'similar' to other equipment, like the Southdown tank guard and the Scorpion bumper!! A damn site cheaper though!!
  8. Are you sure you didn't sit the Mrs in the car and force her to look happy??? I missed this last time round, but glad you are back in ownership!! Bet you missed it.......!!
  9. For info - Mark did an inner wing replacement thread for his Disco. Not identical, but the theory is the same and it'll show you how much work it can turn into. I'll find it and pop back in a mo..... Found it......here!
  10. The Maidstone branch was still trading last Saturday and I hope it will be on Thursday as I need some parts!!
  11. 1237080 signatures now!! It's almost inspiring! I can guess how long the PM will look at that one for......
  12. Ooooohhh!! Flashy lights!! Can't help with what might be wrong in that case, I just know how it should be! If you weren't getting the flashing light, I'd say the bulb had blown (ask how I know that!!! Astra dashboards are a right bu##er to get back!!), but that's thrown that argument out of the window!
  13. As far as I've worked out... Ignition on - battery light comes on to let you know the alt isn't charging Engine running - battery light off, unless the alt is faulty engine off again, with ign on - battery light on cos the alt isn't charging anymore I think that is the way it should be, but if it's not I'll go and change the way the wife's one was wired up on Saturday afternoon!! HTH Adrian
  14. Strangely enough I've just spent the afternoon replacing the alt on SWMBO's car. The voltage across the battery with the new alt fitted was 14.3v which seemed a little high. Turns out the battery was also cooked cos the old alternator was overcharging it for a couple of days!!! With the engine running and new battery and new alt it gave a loaded charge of 13.8v across the battery terminals and an unloaded charge of just over 13v. So that makes me unsure of what Luke has said - having spoken to a couple of people about the problems we've been experiencing, anything over 14v loaded charging was seen to be not good - on any 12v vehicle! between 13.6 and 13.8v is what should be aimed for, apparently..... I'm not an electrician, but that's the info I've gathered over the last couple of days, so thought I'd share it...
  15. It's not dead urgent, just that the money has got to be all paid by the 1st March.......Us paupers can only afford the deposit in January!!
  16. Has anyone that has entered received any further information yet?? Just a query, cos I received my membership details through, ta muchly, but nothing confirming entry or giving further details....
  17. Don't be getting any ideas, chumpy!!!
  18. D'oh.........flat battery!!! Nothing to do with any alarm cables was it??
  19. Sounds like a nice little project!! If the first one goes wrong, is the second one in the picture the backup?? B)
  20. It was probably the most used tool in the box when Mark and I restored his 2A!! We may even have got through 2 or 3!!
  21. Sounds like you've got it about right from my experience....I would add copious amounts of lubrication in the form of swarfega or washing up liquid. It's easy to remove with a damp cloth, so don't worry about how much you use! Another thing, start from the middle when you are putting it in and do a few inches at a time on each side, top and bottom. With regard to getting the old one out - if it's knackered just sit in the seat and push with your feet. If you want to keep it as an emergency spare, start at the top outer corners and go inch by inch working from all 4 corners towards the middle equally.
  22. Got there in the end!!! Did take a couple of looks though!!
  23. Another useful pipe supplier is Venair Direct link to the useful pipes is here Might help...I am certainly considering it!
  24. Must admit that I was quite surprised not to find it in the local motor factors. Ended up going to Halfrauds, it wasn't even that expensive - 3 quid-ish if my memory serves me right. Cost me more to get there!!
  25. I bet they haven't reduced the lower rate for the less polluting cars!! That would be too much of an incentive, now, wouldn't it!!!!!
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