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Everything posted by Orange

  1. Find a post by dollythelw and click on the link in the signature, or drop him a PM.
  2. My next step was to offer to wander up there and buy you a repair kit and post it over (5 min walk to Camping Intl.), but I know what the postal service is like when you are trying to hit a date!!! Enjoy the trip...... You'll love 7S! I was talking to Ade about it the other day and he seems keen for the Shires September trip!!
  3. I should imagine any respectable camping supplies place should stock repair kits for airbeds. These normally come with spare plugs/caps....
  4. Mine's done!! Confirmation Number 91R20436H32059202 - PM on it's way!
  5. I was kind of hoping that Dave would come along and offer some advice - I saw him lurking inthe background earlier.... Top gear is pulling between 2750 and 2800 rpm at 70 and is a bit clattery. Think I might investigate the sound proofing, afterall!! Pesky older brothers!!! Cheers for the input guys....
  6. I'd like to also improve the mpg as well, though!! Yes the soundproofing kit would be the cheaper option, but it only attacks one element of the problem..... If there's a way to hit all 3 nails on the head with one hammer, surely it's better to go down that route??
  7. I can't say for sure, but it's about 2800 to 2900..... I'm off out in a little while, so I'll check and get back! The main point is the noise that it generates makes it sound like it's doing a lot more!! Getting the noise reduced would make it a much better motorway cruiser!
  8. Here we are! Fitting side vents Also gives links to a couple of other threads started by HFH (Nigel) Hope it helps... Adrian
  9. There is a thread in the Defender forun, somewhere, about installing side vents in the wings.... Hang on a mo...
  10. I've been having a read of Les' TechArchive write-up on the fitting of a GKN overdrive to a 300TDi Defender (here) and it got me wondering about fitting one to a manual D2. I've had a quick scout around, but can't find anything about this variation of fitment and was wondering if anyone has done it or knows of it being done?? The main aims, as with all vehicles fitted with overdrives, would be to lower the cruising RPM, increasing the fuel economy and also lessen the engine noise when cruising at motorway speeds. This is the one thing that bugs me about the Disco and it would be nice to find a way of sorting it other than fiting a 6 speed box out of a new Defender... Any views or experiences?? TIA Adrian
  11. I see your potato and raise you a turnip!! Not really going to help much on the side windows, unless you are very posh and can afford heated glass all over!! I used Rain-X on the both the inside and outside of my old Mk 2 Golf and, while it worked a treat on the outside, it never really helped on the inside. In my younger years of reading Max Power in the 6th Form common room, I read a product test and it said that, officially, it shouldn't be used on the front and rear screens... Don't know how much truth there is in it.... or how anone could prove it!! Probably them just ar#e covering!!
  12. My favourite sound, whilst not from my motor (well, the V8 probably wins), is the sound of someone far off in the woods opening the throttle of their V8 as they tackle a particularly nast bit of terrain!! Paul Wightman's Piggy springs to mind having experienced it at Slindon during the MWWC!! As for smells, there's nothing like the boggy smell of fresh damp leaves on the interior mat drying out under the air vents during an autumnal green laning trip whilst, as Bish points out, nestling back into the leather seats and shifting into D with the walnut encased auto selector and purring off down the lane without having to spin the turbo up!!!
  13. Just out of interest, is the wiring already there in a TD5, or is it only provided for spec'd up stereo systems?? I ask, cos I know that some other bits are fitted, just not wired up due to customers not requiring that option.....cruise control, for example!
  14. Cheers Ivan.... Will have a look into it! Any clues who you bought it from??
  15. Here comes some more ignorance!! Being that you've put unleaded in a diesel and almost knackered it, won't there be a contamination issue if you use that fuel in an unleaded motor?? My guess is that there is enough petrol to dilute what diesel there is, but it still begs the question.... You aren't alone here!! I've done it to SWMBO's car!! I'd never had a diesel, so flew into the petrol station, whacked the green nozzle in the filler and only noticed when the cashier said "## litres of unleaded"...............D'OH!!!!!!!!!
  16. The wife said, and I quote... "If you expect me to get in that when we go on holiday, you've got another thing coming!!! We'll take my car!!!" Her car is an Astra estate which Vauxhall couldn't even be bothered to line the steering wheel up with the drivers seat!! Plus, she doesn't really like driving my car, so I get to do all the fun driving around the Lake District next week!!
  17. Having had a scout around on ebay, there seem to be varying opinions as to what fits what........ Will V8 300 series axles fit a 200 TDi model?? I'm fairly sure they will, but someone has put some doubt in my mind....
  18. I'm not pointing the pressure washer at it , I just noticed it when I was washing the car and when I looked closer there are water marks on the load cover. Never seen a pool of water on there, but it must only be when the wind blows against the back of the car! As for the front door, It's goot to know that the top and bottom are separate.......do you happen to know if all of the trim fixings will break off if I try to remove the trim from the front door???? I have this sneaking suspicion that they will! !
  19. I'm trying to solve a couple of issues with the doors on my 02 plate TD5... 1) The seal around the top of the rear door (boot) doesn't work very well (I know it's a Land Rover, but it's not a Defender!!!). If the wind is in the right direction, or , as I found out yesterday, you are jet-washing it off, water runs past the seal and ends up on the rear load cover. 2) The front passenger door has an annoying wind noise from the top rear corner... My question is the same as the title, really. Before I crack the nice shiny paint off of the bolts, is there any adjustment in the mountings/hinges, or do I live with the rear door and bend the passenger one in a bit, redneck styleeee?? TIA Adrian
  20. Winding the steering stops in will only move the rubbing onto the radius arms. You'll probably only gain bout an inch more steering lock. I had the same problem with Disco steels on my RR and swapped to a set of modulars. Much better!!
  21. AFAIK payment to the paypal account is instant. Transferring from paypal to a bank, however, can take an age, depending which bank you use! Go on - ask me!! 17 working days...... As Ali says, some people do not realise that you can leave money in your paypal account and it's quite safe (or, at least, mine has been when I've done it). Not every transaction has to be taken from paypal to your bank account to be completed. If I'm paid by paypal, I release the goods as soon as it's in there. Afterall, anything in my paypal account usually goes straight out to the people I'm buying from!!
  22. You've twisted my arm, you silver tongued devil!!! Orange x1 Ta muchly!
  23. Tailgate is still in better condition than mine, though!!
  24. Or here.... Jetex Maybe not quite the range that Al's suggestion has, but at least gives a comparison....
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