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Everything posted by jai_landrover

  1. Am thinking out loud, was on a course at work and one of the guys did a battlefield tour but the jammy bugger got to fly over in a dc3!! Very Jelious!! Especially as they cannot do it anymore not allowed to carry passengers apparently. So was thinking when my 90 is in a better health ( getting there slowly) I am very tempted to drive across and vist WWII sites of interest Dunkirk and more of the lesser known sites. Maybe try to find any info on any family that died over there. Will be a shakedown for my 90 and a trip with the wife as she like the history and wants to go visit such places. My question, had anyone else done this in their landy I guessing it's probably quite a popular thing, or I assume so or I'm well off and it's not a landy thing. I guess hotel or motel type thing for staying overnight. Not sure a roof tent would be great unless the weather was super amazing. Would be nice to make a long weekend of it and being so close seems silly not to.
  2. Question is why the hell wouldn't you fit one? It's not difficult the huge fan and cowling will always draw air through the inter cooler. Last time I discussed this one guy on Facebook was raving about how it's great not having one and the turbo lag was less la la la however he said it became very slow and smokey after an event and melted pistons on the motorway home he did say, he didn't think this was a result of no inter cooler tho which was most reassuring. Good luck if you are using it without. For the extra effort involved of say fit it. Tis like people not fitting turbos to tdi's in series conversions. yes it works ish, yes it may even be better than the sagged out old 2.25 petrol it replaced but it's never going to be right. I mean compression ratio is well low to be much cop without a turbo.
  3. My mind was fairly set on the idea all reviews seem good. My bro's ATs have done silly amount of miles but are pants when it come to the nationals and muddy ruts. Cheers for the feedback! I have some silly huge 36 inch offroad tyres on ebay, once they sell I will get some bfg's on and start the migration back to standard gearing.
  4. Right none of the usual what's the biggest blah blah Right I want some decent sensible tyres I must be getting old. I have set my heart in BFG's 255 85 r16 KM2's my question in a nutshell does anyone here run them?? Are they as good as the older bfg's for strength and wear?? I want to be able to jump in my motor and end up in Gibraltar or wherever in the world without mishap. I have silly huge aggressive hideous things but I'm getting older and the 90 needs to do more road miles and cope with quagmire of the nationals and laying out trials and comp safaris. Thought appreciated J
  5. Aye agree with Mo. Driving fords with the water up to your elbows is all great and dandy but the £120+ in oil and parts typically, plus the hassle to strip and rebuild everything to make sure it's reliably serviceable sucks.
  6. That pic above is the bumper I have just collected for the prize sum of £11.99 and a genuine bumper and hidious bullbar for 99p. It has the centre mount for the spare wheel. I may have to re sort my winch I really like it was toying with the idea of welding tags on for bush cables and cutting the centre out but I really dont want to do that its quite nice. If I decide to sell I will give you first dibs on here I suspect I will use it but might mean re sorting the winch tho
  7. Right o I got a wee bargin on ebay today, I wanted this bull bar for my 90 but think I may well have to cut it about. Which would be a shame. I also won a military bumper with fittings for flags plastic end caps and shackle for 99p from the same guy and hidious bullbar (scrap) attached. So what vehicle exaclty would this be from??? I have seen a pic somewhere but x mil parts is not my strong point J
  8. I had some that would fit my 90 rear backplate however one of those projects that got shelved Not sure where they cane from my old man has boxes of old carp like that and probably from an old rover car i suspect. Was my first lesson in reaming out knackared wheel cylinders and seal kits!
  9. MSA Specs are good when I say home design I mean home design within MSA design
  10. One Tonnes have the crossmember notched out and thats only a slight lift.
  11. No issue spending money. I have never said I begrudge spending money on a roll cage in fact quite the opposite. My own time is worth more to me than most peoples Hourly rate as I believe most people have the same beliefs. Paying someone else to do the job would work out cheaper by far I would expect. My issue is trusting somone else!! Have you seen some of the welding passed off on some challenge vehicles more to do with critical suspension mods than cage in this instance built by supposidly "pro workshops". Not knocking anyone or anything on here don'r get me wrong. Its interesting how this has gone. The soloution is above by another poster who has the best compromise. That builder/Forum guy sounds a very sensible chap! Buy the material and take it to be bent to own specs. The point I was making was the extreme effort put into outing of everyman who used to be able to build to a high spec in his own workshop. own bender to get things Right. This hate of Blueband has come from car builders in the last few years I'm sure. This somehow got lost into a my truck is better because xxx CDS is better because xxx. seemed is better because xxx The actual Point it seems people think unless you own a fab shop, use the latest CDS, get "pro workshop" builder to build it, your uncapable of building a vehicle to compete with. Or am i Missing something? I guess now its set in most peoples minds and beyond sense to me anyway. With the recent welding poor fab work poor engineered design seen on more then a few instances. I wouldn't trust anyone "supposidly coded or not" to weld a wing mirror on, let alone touch my chassis or any critical part. The reg change is very interesting and the way its been defended is again is very interesting. I wonder how far it will go will the MSA/FIA try the same thing?? Good Mudding!
  12. The problem is there has been plenty of 60 mph Plus accidents with seemed its how they used to make comp safari cars way back when dont you know and believe me they were going faster then 60 mph even in the 70's! Hell a few cars still competed after there accidental excusrions into trees at speed. There are several accidents on you tube and many will remember some of the bigger accidents of the 80's and early 90's where seemed did just fine thankyou! As for falling down a rock face or prolonged over and over. I'd prefer something to not crush or deform! Minimum spec cds does and its quite well documented. Add to that the welding high carbon content is more involved. There is a few pics of the weld making its node brittle and after a roll rips the ajoining tube away from the welded node where its become brittle. I believe this was a brought cage not built at home (I could be wrong but if memory serves me right) Alot of people up spec the wall thickness of CDS but then lose the weight advantage. The one thing that will always steer me away from buying ANY Cage from anyone else. Did you see the spec of the material? Do you know EVERY weld is good under the neat bead? Do you know that they bothered to clean the chassis before welding or maybe they hired a new guy and he is welding your motor up. Would you bet your life on it?? Just because you paid someone doesn't mean they bothered to care, Your just another punter. With the way things are these days with the carp being sold I wouldn't bet my pet gold fish's life on someonelses weld or prep. If I make it to spec, order material and double check its actually to spec before I build it, I know it will be upto the job. That, I'd bet my life on! I don't understand the seemed haters, and I probably never will.
  13. Interesting. I've seen 2 minimum spec CDS rear hoops deform and bend rearward whilst going around a tight corner around a tree.The tree caught all of the competitors rear hoops and 2 were deformed. The two that were deforemed were CDS cages the competitors were told they cannot compete any more they must redo the cage. One guy left the sport one guy went to whitbread and ordered new rear hoop.
  14. It good to know the reason behind the MSA pulling out. Its a shame the FIA have not got something in place for the Ultra series.
  15. Material specs are just that if little johnnys climbing frame steel meets specs quoted in the blue book then it meets requirements. Material spec is there for a reason. It matters little what the intended purpose of the material was. The problem comes when someone wants to cut corners and pass it off as a good cage built to spec. Not sure about you elbekko but myself I look at the vehicle and the owners "idea"s before getting in and passengering/driving because you life or those that passenger you are in the hands of that weld or that hoop.
  16. There is a massive snobbery against seemed tubing in this sport. Its old we get that! its heavy we get that, its tough tho! Built to spec its been proved for years. Vs the new CDS that been supplied to various places of late I'd stick firmly to Seemed. Its been proven hell I've been in a rollover not quite 60Mph but hey must be somewhere up there. IF built to spec its Perfectly safe. Don't get me wrong I'm the first to moan if someone builds a a home build and joins mid bend and does not follow any regs. (The reason you Never buy a second hand cage is it not). I've even been known to almost Pleed to people making homemade cages to follow regs. some members on here and other forums can confirm that. Take for example the AWDC. It was truly MAssive and I mean massive!! As a kid I remember trials at Bovington trials and comps were HUGE!! competitors lined the sections. I just don't see that now at any comps from pretty much any organiser as a sport its just not as popular as it once was. MAybe elitism is the only way to go forward? I'm not picking on AWDC others also. Its just I have some experience with the membership numbers competing years gone by some 20 odd years and now its nowhere near the number. Not many cater for "Daves homebuild" market anymore and it will get less and less as time goes on. I guess the ALRC will always have a monopoly on the "old" seemed motors competing. I am not surprised that alot of the bigger clubs are pushing the everyman out. I'm surprised that that are effectifly banning them from competing by regs and cost.
  17. Do you run 3.54 diffs and a series gearbox?? If so you lost effeciency there, A std setup serviced hand brake works well Except for caked in mud, A point worth looking into. I may be mistaken but didnt older rover cars have slave cylinders with a mechanical hand brake linkage to pull on the drums? I did toy with this and independant levers for trials so you can lock the spinning wheel but never got any furthur than finding a slave cylinder the correct size to fit from my old mans scrap collection.
  18. If it's hitting the bump stops the springs are too weak for the load or your driving too fast for conditions. If there is a noise then many possibilities
  19. Some alloys will fit some were designed to fit not many mind RRC 3 spokes will not many later ones will not it's far more complicated than will x fit even the 3 spoke alloys I had 3 versions with differences in measurements. The only sure way is to try. Be wary I've seen more than a few older 90's with alloys driving about around here with the front wheels wobbling all over the place simply because it's not sitting flush on the hub face. How they can drive it at speed is beyond me. Either the person fitting them is clueless or down right shouldn't be touching vehicles. My 90 is a shed but mechanicals are 100% right.
  20. Surley the point of the FIA is to set Regs Internationally to cover all events................ I know they have lots and lots of regs but thats the point of them.
  21. Najw, Thats a fine answer. I was not speculating as to why. I put at the end I wish I knew and you answered it!
  22. I'll be straight I do not want to move my PAS or play with my PAS bracket.I've seen numorous Bodges inc some right bodged up bit of Ali chequerplate thing bent over a kitchen work top by the looks of things.None have been adaquate. My post was just has anyone else moved theirs and found a nice neat out of the way place. I have looked at where the mechanical fuel pump would be and it looks promising. Will look at mountng it there in the next few weeks
  23. How many old skool trialers will not be allowed to play anymore. Its put out there to say its to take the sport to the next level. Or what is should say is to take away the everymans chance of competing away. You cannot buy a £150 bender and build a motor to a high spec. You have to get a cage brought in.or buy the expensive equipment. This puts professional builders/garages/companies the big boys at a great advantage. Same way the Comp safari of AWDC has gone Pro a lone runner home bulder has zero chance of getting anywhere unless you throw serious serious cash. The truth is they want to make the sport very expensive. Bigger sponsors and bigger events and lots of cash coming in. Huge coverage magazines and to be fair who can blame them?? Thats the truth. If they were genuinly trying to push the sport forward i.e extreme then they would allow Any tyre shape size open centred plus 4 wheel steer etc. It depends this year Ultra 4 next year MSA or NFU or Boge it and scarper or whoever. Who do you build the car to what spec? Didn't some vehicles mis the specs for the msa last year? But were still competing?? I know one vehicle certainly had a crushed main hoop at the top bend and had been competitng in events up until I saw it which was I think around a year if not longer. The MSA will have a good reason to pull out. I just wish I knew exactly why.
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