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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. Glad to read you're still alive ! Yes, most other halves are not impressed by us experimenting with tools.... Hope you'll be well soon !
  2. Good Afternoon, In the OneTen a new Speedo was fitted when it was put back on the road The speed indicator works actually quite good and reads about 2 km/h higher than the GPS. The odometer works quite good Hoewever... The tripmeter takes about 1.000kms. to show a KM distance so is useless.. Where to go to get the meter repaired ? Thank you.
  3. I can collect anywhere in France - that 's just miles. Can you please PM me his contact details ? Many thanks.
  4. Hmm.... Interesting. Would he be interested to transport a Ninety roof to France you think ?
  5. " The front face of the bumper on this one is a big block of metal so I really hope the number plate helps break it up a bit. " Recovery eyes also help..
  6. Oh, there is a cover allright.. No, I am not buying this..... Really, I am NOT. Feel free to sent me £ 3000 and I'll buy it on your behalf, store it for you here in order to collect it later this year.
  7. The Series does have a charm and sort of is complete. However, I do not need more projects as I have 2 1/2 sitting in the garden and SWMBO made it very clear I can't have another LR Project if she can't have another horse.. 🙄 We have some serious work - both with the trains and building - and need to use that sensible. Having said that..... Another horse... 😔
  8. Advertised as a "Range Rover 4x4" with electric winch.... I think it is a Series II / IIA
  9. Looking good - please tell us when you post please. Dank je wel !!
  10. Lucky You ! A commercial new Defender is here € 54k
  11. Bienvenue Mr. Elson ! Good to see you here again - hope you'll enjoy it !!
  12. I've sent a reminder..... Not a word..
  13. I'll try to get the message to him but he is totally not communicating right now.... 🙄
  14. I made 2 for the 109" a long long time ago. Basically it is a box with angle iron on the top that sits in that void. I suggest aluminium / steel as stuff flies around under there..
  15. And what sort of money will they be you think ?
  16. We did not go for paint : Powdercoating after the galvanizing
  17. It will be interesting to see what money he wants for that... Can't your friend collect it from the seller ?
  18. Ed, I can take that Mazda off off your hands..... 😄
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