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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Nah, just get some bigger tyres, and the lift will look fine... Get some pictures, and start a thread in the members vehicle forum too! welcome to discovery ownership.... Mark
  2. Oh, Incidentally, if you don't have a 13mm ratchet spanner, go to halfords a buy one with some of the £130 you are saving! given the restricted access, it is worth it for this job alone! (same could be said of the 2" extension bar - probably the one that gets used the most in my socket set!) enjoy Mark
  3. Always happy to oblige! cheers Mark
  4. Just had to do this on mine. It is pretty easy: 1) undo the 3 bolts holding the heatshield on and wiggle the heatshield out from below - 7mm spanner 2) undo the earth lead from the back of the starter - 13mm spanner 3) undo the main power supply lead on top of the solenoid - 13mm spanner (you have disconnected the battery before starting... ) 4) undo the starter terminal from the solenoid - pull the connector off 5) undo the bottom nut - 17mm socket and short (2") extension 6) undo the outer of the two nuts at the top and reomve the bracket for the heatshield - 17mm socket and 2" extension 7) undo the inner bolt that hols the starter to the bell housing - crack it off with a 17mm socket on a 6" extension and a breaker bar, then it will probably loose, so use either a deep socket and 6" extension or a 2" and a 6" extension with a normal 17mm socket to allow you to get on the bolt head. It's a bit fiddly 8) wiggle the starter down between the exhaust and engine block and remove. refitting is the reverse of removal, etc. However, when you offer up the starter, put the nut on the outer of the two top bolts while you get the inner one located and threaded in. You will need to undo it to get the heatshield bracket on again, but it helps hold it in place. Hope that helps Mark
  5. Not much here, just slush really. Still, left the disco all tucked up and took the quattro out for a play :D
  6. Another vote for butters: This one came from eBlag for £200 in as new condition, so the deals are out there, but you may have to be patient. Remember to do a search for welder without limiting the categories on eBay - mine was listed in the musical instruments section (I'd like to see the welding stig get a tune a out of it... ) Cheers Mark
  7. The first type: and the second: [nb. both pix stolen from eBlag - did a search for 'spot weld drill'] hth Mark
  8. Geoff, there are two types I have used. The first one is like a tiny hole saw with a pin which centres the cutting edge on the spot weld. These are good, and available in most motor factors. However, when I came to do the disco, I did an eBlag search for 'spot weld drill' and cam up with sple small carbide drills that were ground with a point in the middle and two excellent cutting edges, and they drilled a kinda flat disc out. These were much easier to use than the first type, but I have no idea where to get some from now. They were sykes-pickavant ones, so top notch quality - will see if I can find some details... Mark
  9. Well, I thought I would test the battery - 11.6 V which I didn't think was too bad until I tested the winch battery, which was happily sat at 12.8V. So thought for what it's worth, I would refit the starter, and try jump starting off the winch battery. Once refitted, it roared into life immediately... So, dimwit of the day award goes to me, for not thinking to check the battery yesterday. To be honest though, usually when I get a flat battery it just turns a lot slower. This clicky noise is a new one on me. Battery is on charge now, so we will see if it manages to hold a charge this week, otherwise I guess it's new battery time. Still I guess it's cheaper than a new starter... Cheers Mark
  10. Talking to a colleague who has had one for about a year now, and he loves it. He did mention however that the hyundai offering had been rated as the best buy when he got his, but was a little out of his budget. Noone had mentioned it so far, so thought I would... Mark
  11. Possibly cos the old one is still cached in your browsers memory. press refreah a couple of times, and it should force it to reload the page from the server. cheers Mark
  12. Nope, ripped them all out a while ago... mostly just after I had set fire to them! will give it a try tomorrow cos the starter is on the bench at the moment.... doh...
  13. Shaun, thats a good thought. I was testing with my 2nd battery. I should have tried to give myself a jump start...
  14. The Disco is booked for it's MoT first thing next weekend, so thought I ought to go and check bulbs and the like. Jumped in to move it out of the carport, and the bloody thing dosn't want to start. All I get on turning the ignition key is a repeated clicking noise - not the usual single click then nothing. So I set to taking the starter motor off. Not exactly an easy job, but it came off without too much of an issue. When I put 12v accross the starter, and trigger it, all seems to be working fine off the vehicle - the solenoid is throwing the drive dog out, and the motor is spinning all very enthusiastically. This makes me start to suspect the connections, so I give them all a clean, and throw the starter back on. Still does the same thing - repeated clicking noise (like it's spinning the motor, but not engaging the drive dog...) Took it off again, and tested it, giving special attention to the solenoid - everything still works as it should. The solenoid is giving a good strong throw, and the motor is spinning well... So does anyone have any suggestions? I am a little baffled... Cheers Mark
  15. As geoff said, I did one of mine at the end of last year. If you look at the early pictures, you will see that mine were a bit beyond patching.... replaced the whole section, cos it seemed easier... Ended up doing more than I bargained for, making a new light box at the front, and patching a lot of the footwell too. hope that dosn't put you off! enjoy Mark
  16. Again, can't give much in the way of advice (sorry), but am very interested in how you get on as I keep kicking the idea round to do mine.... please make sure you take loads of pix. cheers Mark
  17. Not to mention when I did the Disco rear floor and the inner wings. Very useful indeed! Mark
  18. Anybody know if wolves like the taste of mink? Mink seem to be a real problem recently, after the animal rights activists decided to let them run free - the mink kill more of the indigenous wildlife than the humans do.
  19. Ihave one on the leading edge of the bonnet (been there for years... ) but also added one to the lightbar to be on the safe side: [i know it's disco, but the same is applicable to a defender] Cheers Mark
  20. Not at all, but we're not fussy - we'll poke fun at anyone!
  21. Yep, that's the Tom I was refrring too.... Cheers Mark
  22. Oi! Mine wasn't that bad... Oh, OK, yeah it was! Like I said, for someone who cannot and will not be able to weld, disco's and rangies are always going to prove a problem... Anyone got a cheap 90 or 110 lying around?
  23. Another vote for the 9002X... Very nice bit of kit, and worth the money.
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