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Everything posted by zim

  1. If the initial poster doesn't want your stuff, how much would you be looking for ? no rush.
  2. Dave - just out of interest, why do you say the thor is better than gems ? I've got a gems engine in my p38 that i'll be putting into my next buggy but it's at a stage where i could swap inlets. Gordon
  3. Carried on with this today. Been busy with other stuff. Made the diff cover pan, 6mm : Complete with CAD (Nige style and can be seen on the bench!) Then ran out of welding gas So will finish it off tomorrow More tomorrow. G
  4. On my truck the front axle is in the standard place. It was originally a RRC chassis, but similar to a 90's i think. Everything in front of the front cross member has been cut off pretty much. I'm not sure on how standard engine mounting would work for this as mine is a fair bit back. G
  5. Thanks for the offers. A friend from home is now living in Kent so will pick this up tomorrow. Thanks G
  6. Cheers for the offer. If nothing else has happened by then, it'd be much appreciated I don't have a real deadline. Maybe he does ? But a week isn't too bad imo. I'll let you know Thanks Gordon
  7. I agree with this as i've done it before / do it. I had my first BJ stolen and not recovered, this is the serial number i look out for. I then had my second BJ recovered but managed to get it back by chance. G
  8. Morning, I've gone and won an aluminium bucket seat on ebay, but unfortunately the seller won't post. Does anybody live around TN17 3BJ, i think it's roughly Cranbrook ? All it'd involve is you picking it up from him, throwing some cardboard around it and then i'll arrange a courier to come collect from you. Simples Beer pennies in return This is the item : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180923585779?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648 I'm in and out the country quite a lot so don't have time to shoot down from Manchester at the moment. Thanks Gordon
  9. Challenging we use about 8 - 10 litres an hour. Thats constantly in low box in a tuned 4.2 rv 8. G
  10. Mick, Is your 110 driveable ? If so pop round some time and we can have a fiddle. G
  11. My F250 has leafs front and back. I much prefer towing a trailer than driving it empty !
  12. Agree with above. To me a PRV will open if a certain pressure is exceded. It'll then dump. Not used to regulate. G
  13. You can't effectively run tools (impact wrench, drill etc) from an air con pump in my opinion. Sorry. (yes i have a tank). G
  14. Just the part number....i can look for another brand
  15. I wouldn't drill incase something drops in if you drill it out a bit wrong Rather knock a torx bit in or use an easy out. G
  16. Thanks. I've managed to find this : http://www.island-4x4.co.uk/fuel-pump-tank-petrol-britpart-prc7020-p-2747.html Should do the job.
  17. Evening Gents, I was wondering if someone could give me a hint as to which vehicle i'll be able to get fuel pumps from ? I would like a low pressure in tank pump. I would like the pumps in the tanks instead of outside to make packaging easier. Most in tank pumps i know of are high pressure which is no good for what i want. The low pressure are more robust and can survive sucking air for supplying the surge tank. What do the carb'd v8s use ? Anyone got a part number ? G
  18. I've actually not quite answered your question correctly. I connected my hose onto the fittings that screw onto the back of the compressor. See my thread linked above. the suction and discharge are different sizes, so i changed mine both to the smaller. This is what's on the back of my pump. G
  19. The threads are UNF. This means that you can use JIC, however you need to use a cone adaptopr. Not a 101% fit due to cone angles etc, but it works fine and seals fine. Put a check valve in line afterwards to be sure. G http://forums.lr4x4....showtopic=76977
  20. if you look closely you can see the small section of stripped ring gear & pinion. if it hadn't been pegged then i think more of the ring gear would have been stripped. i think the ARB let go and nothing was wrong with the cw+p. the pegged part worked well also, no complaints there. new stuff on route from ashcroft soon G
  21. 7th of October is good for me :) I'll speak to you / payment when i'm home. It's a pity you had to cancel this weekend though i'm sure people were looking forward to it G
  22. Damage...pah...i only wrote off an ARB, pegged housing and HD R+P ! I'm currently out at sea, will worry about this when i'm home next month. Cheers for the replies though, i'll have a fiddle at some point.
  23. This is the problem when it's someone elses...... If it were mine i'd swap the master first, but at £110 ish i might not be too popular if it's not the fault I did think about how to test the master, but haven't studied the pipe work properly. My idea was to dead end it somehow and then push the pedal down to see what happens. If it were to stop pretty much instantly, then the master is fine...if not the problem is somewhere else (in g.box). G
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