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Admittedly I've not tried it on WiFi - largely because WiFi doesn't work well with 4ft thick heavily iron impregnated walls. At home I'm just using PoE and the NVR is plugged straight into the network with a cable.

Actually thinking about it the one at the farm for the lambing is PowerLine (Ethernet over mains and the adapter provides an access point). That's been fine all lambing season.

I previously tried HikVision at the recommendation of a number of people - plugging one of their cameras into one of their NVRs proceeded to blow up the PoE hub. The quality was particularly carp as well, I'm actually quite impressed with the Reolink stuff.

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On 4/6/2023 at 7:50 PM, ThreePointFive said:

I'd always wire in any CCTV if you have the option. It defeats a lot of (fairly obvious) issues with WiFi based ones that I won't go into here.

Having seen the state of most of the CCTV industry I'd avoid all the Chinese stuff, all the "mobile phone app" stuff and be hard-wiring it on its own network.

Every single Chinese one we ever plugged in immediately tried to phone home to a random server in China, and the non-Chinese ones are just Chinese ones with a western badge stuck on.

Hikvision & Dahua are the big Chinese players, Bosch re-badge Dahua nowadays as I understand it.

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You can have the smartest cameras in the world, but none of it is any use given our ineffectual police and our permissive judiciary.  Criminals don’t care anymore about being caught because they mostly get let off with a warning by the police and praise from an idiot lefty judge.

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10 minutes ago, Snagger said:

You can have the smartest cameras in the world, but none of it is any use given our ineffectual police and our permissive judiciary.  Criminals don’t care anymore about being caught because they mostly get let off with a warning by the police and praise from an idiot lefty judge.

Sadly completely true. The other issue is that breaking into a garage/outbuilding and stealing things or in this case something not in a building carries a much lower sentence than breaking into a dwelling. Interestingly if a garage is attached to your house then it counts as being part of that dwelling and is thus less likely to be broken into.

I found this out when the police came round (4 days after the event) to check for forensic evidence from my garage being broken into. Totally pointless as of course by then I had needed to secure what was left. I am sure most of us here have a lot more valuable items in the garage than in the house!

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Had way too many run ins with thieving little bar stewards (rural Northumberland), had my heating oil tank emptied in December ( 1000 litres , not covered by household insurance, found that out the hard way - always read the fine print), we had the last laugh though. They climbed over a wall using some very very rusty shelves which collapsed. Judging by the amount of blood, it was a significant cut.

La couple of years back, caught some itinerant bar stewards trying to remove the doors from my V8, evidently hitting the twot 3 times with a shovel is classed as excessive force..... Used the flat of the shovel. I suppose cable tying him to the fence was perfectly OK as was lobbing a brick through their trucks rear window. 

They got 100 hours community service, I got a caution and bound over to keep the peace for two years. Local plod suggested that in future if I "catch" someone doing something similar "sort it out yourself and forget to inform us".

Security lights and trail cams installed, a bloody mouse sets em off now. Its fascinating just how many folks wander round my garden during the night. Those I know by sight, get a "stern" talking too.

I really really hate thieves

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