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22 minutes ago, ThreePointFive said:

What's the mpg?

Not a clue, very little information is out yet. this is about the sum total of the published information, https://ineosgrenadier.com/en/gb/news/introducing-the-ineos-fusilier. It will be another Magna developed vehicle available as a BEV and a BEV with a REX, (ICE range extender). The rumour-mill suggests it will be lower, shorter, heavier and more expensive than the Grenadier.

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Radcliffe’s comments about European (including UK) policy forcing manufacturers and buyers alike into a soley BEV future were interesting.  It seems he hold a view similar to Toyota, which is a far smarter and more balanced view than the idiots making policy.

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On 2/24/2024 at 5:28 AM, ThreePointFive said:

What's the mpg?

Obviously, the full battery version works in a different language! However, the one with the petrol motor could be interesting.  A good friend's sister had a Nissan car with that system - a small  petrol motor solely charging the battery and drive being only electric.  Apparently, the motor turns on fairly regularly and revs its little heart out for a while, until the battery has enough charge, then turns completely off.  It's a sensible system, because the charging motor only runs at peak efficiency and the electric drive loses little energy.  I can't remember what he said the miles per gallon were but I remember it was outstanding.  A bigger, heavier Fusilier with more wind resistance won't be outstanding but I'll bet it's well above 30 miles per gallon in general use.

I'm definitely keen to see how that pans out.  I'm also encouraged by the comment that their hydrogen vehicle would be ready now, if there was a refuelling network available...

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  • jeremy996 changed the title to Fusilier
17 hours ago, deep said:

Obviously, the full battery version works in a different language! However, the one with the petrol motor could be interesting.  A good friend's sister had a Nissan car with that system - a small  petrol motor solely charging the battery and drive being only electric.  Apparently, the motor turns on fairly regularly and revs its little heart out for a while, until the battery has enough charge, then turns completely off.  It's a sensible system, because the charging motor only runs at peak efficiency and the electric drive loses little energy.  I can't remember what he said the miles per gallon were but I remember it was outstanding.  A bigger, heavier Fusilier with more wind resistance won't be outstanding but I'll bet it's well above 30 miles per gallon in general use.

I'm definitely keen to see how that pans out.  I'm also encouraged by the comment that their hydrogen vehicle would be ready now, if there was a refuelling network available...

That is my understanding, and it does make engineering, thermodynamic and straight common sense.  Should be better in most respects than a typical hybrid and none of the range worries of a full BEV.  I’m still concerned about the safety of lithium ion batteries, though, regardless of their size.

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I've signed up for the updates as they come, so I'll add them here. I really don't see me buying a Fusilier when they are released; my Grenadier will only be 3-4 years old and I intend to run it to expiry, (mine or its!)

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Looking at the pictures provided and reading between the lines, does this look more like a Freelander2 type vehicle than a smaller Grenadier?  Narrower, lower, smaller wheels, possibly independent suspension and possibly a monocoque?  Or am I way off the mark?

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I had a look at a video last night that analysed the Fusilier based on the scant information currently available.  The bloke agreed it was likely indespension and low, so I might be on the mark after all.  Sadly, but understandably, Ineos is already branching into the mainstream...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/23/2024 at 4:56 PM, jeremy996 said:

Not a clue, very little information is out yet. this is about the sum total of the published information, https://ineosgrenadier.com/en/gb/news/introducing-the-ineos-fusilier. It will be another Magna developed vehicle available as a BEV and a BEV with a REX, (ICE range extender). The rumour-mill suggests it will be lower, shorter, heavier and more expensive than the Grenadier.

Sorry Jeremy, my poor attempt at humour. Interesting stuff that they're pursuing this though, not sure if it's a departure from their mission statement or a way to broaden the business to make the core product (Grenadier) more viable. 

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On 3/28/2024 at 2:10 PM, ThreePointFive said:

Sorry Jeremy, my poor attempt at humour. Interesting stuff that they're pursuing this though, not sure if it's a departure from their mission statement or a way to broaden the business to make the core product (Grenadier) more viable. 

It’ll be how they meet the UK/EU regulations on selling a proportion of EVs and avoid those heavy fines on selling too many ICE cars.  It isn’t a measure of Ratcliffe or Ineos’ faith in BEVs.

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