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Gordan's tax increase!!!


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just heard on the radio gordon brown is doubling the road tax for the top polluters, ie, 4x4 to over £400 a year.



Goes up to £300 per year immediately, from April next year it'll be £400.

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Guest diesel_jim
just heard on the radio gordon brown is doubling the road tax for the top polluters, ie,some 4x4 to over £400 a year.

Don't get drawn into the typical press attitude of "all 4x4's are gas guzzlers"

Still bad though. bloody tree huggers!

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Don't get drawn into the typical press attitude of "all 4x4's are gas guzzlers"

Still bad though. bloody tree huggers!

Graduated Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) rates for band G cars will increase to £300 in

2007-08, £400 in 2008-09 and frozen in 2009-10. Band B reduces to £35 this year, with this rate

then frozen for the next 2 years. Band F increases by £10 in 2007-08 and £5 in each of the next

two years.

Rates for Bands C-E,

pre-2001 cars and vans, and post-2001 vans will rise by £5 in each of the next three years

VED rates for petrol and diesel cars are aligned. In 2007-08 only,

the rates for motorbikes in the lower band will be frozen, with higher bands increased by £1-

£2; and rates for heavy goods vehicles (HGV), special types vehicles, combined transport

vehicles and all vehicle categories that are linked to the basic goods rate will be frozen.

Changes to VED rates for 2007-08 take effect from 22 March 2007. (44)

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On new vehicles and not older ones I would presume :unsure:

Nice to see he dropped the tax on green fuels etc..... :angry: , so much for promoting green issues :blink:

If your vehicle is pre 2001 then it will go up a fiver.

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Its based on the Co2 VED rating, thats how you are classified as polluting, it will apply as last year to vehicles registered in 2001 onwards. All vehicles pre 2001, do not have CO2 classifications(its suplied by manufacturer).

If anyone can find the details, that will determine if our 'older' offroad playthings are affected( unless you have a CO2 rated landy).

Edit to say:BU99ER, it all got posted while i awaited for the cr4p work dialup to work.

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Have not seen the details yet, but if, as i think its the only measure available, its based on the Co2 VED rating, thats how you are classified as polluting, it will apply as last year to vehicles registered in 2001 onwards. All vehicles pre 2001, do not have CO2 classifications(its suplied by manufacturer).

If anyone can find the details, that will determine if our 'older' offroad playthings are affected( unless you have a CO2 rated landy).

see my post three above :)

taken from the PDF supplied by the treasury

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You need to read page 191 of the 326 page budget report ............. i think this is along the lines of what stumpy camel posted.

this is what it says......

7.78 As with fuel duty rates, the Government today announces VED rates for this year and

the next two years to further sharpen environmental signals to motorists to purchase more

fuel efficient vehicles and continue to support the development of low-carbon market,


• raising the rate for the most polluting cars (band G) to £300 in 2007-08 and

£400 in 2008-09; and reducing the rate for low-carbon band B cars to £35 in

2007-08, with that rate then frozen for the subsequent two years;

• raising the rates for graduated bands C-E, cars registered before 2001 and all

light goods vehicles by £5 in each of the next three years;

• raising the rates for graduated band F by £10 in 2007-08, then £5 in each of

the subsequent two years;

• in 2007-08 only, freezing the rates for motorbikes in the lower band with

higher bands increasing by £1-£2; and freezing VED rates for Heavy Goods

Vehicles (HGV), Special Types Vehicles, Combined Transport Vehicles and all

vehicle categories that are linked to the basic goods rate;7 and

• aligning the VED rates for petrol and diesel cars as the differential in nitrogen

oxides and particulate matter emissions for new cars is expected to fall to

close to zero once Euro V and VI emission standards become mandatory.

• Changes to this year’s VED rates take effect from 22 March 2007. All changes

in subsequent years take effect from licenses commencing 1 April in the

respective year.

If your truck was pre 2001 then it rises by a fiver for each of the next 3 years ............... if your truck is post 2001 and in band G , then you're stuffed :lol:

Its the usual give n take budget .............. give it back on income tax and then take it back in the grand scheme of living.



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oh well

i haev to go through SVA and my engine is an 02. So that means i will be hit by tax bands according to engine size. i think that will leav me in the highest band.

So, i'm going to sell the 5.7 V8 i have and buy the bigggest most polluting big block in the world, becuase i might as well get my moneys worth!

thinkng a bored 8.3 V10 or similar.

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Two things in life you cant avoid ........... death and taxes................... however, as a successful businessman I'm sure you can do some legal 'massaging' to become budget neutral, so I guess it not quite time for the violins yet..... :lol:

Me ......... well, lets just say that with some careful mathematical adjustments to the numbers game......... I will also be budget neutral ;):ph34r:


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Two things in life you cant avoid ........... death and taxes................... however, as a successful businessman I'm sure you can do some legal 'massaging' to become budget neutral, so I guess it not quite time for the violins yet..... :lol:

Me ......... well, lets just say that with so careful mathematical adjustments to the numbers game......... I will also be budget neutral ;):ph34r:


Ian....so just how many company miles do you do a year :ph34r:

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a TD5 defender is band G by a long way.

at 299g/Kg on the log book.

Tim are you sure this won't be affected being a 2005 model?



Edited to add make car tax whatever he likes I'll still buy it.

If Val would go NZ would be our next destination.

this place is a joke

still income tax will come down in 2 years time :)

about the same time NI /VAT goes up I guess

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