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Smallest off road site in the UK ?


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Got a local land owner, just put in for a 4x4 off road site on a patch of land (London Green belt land).

Site is about 14 acres, with out any water or trees - think he might just be going through all the options in the land development list, myself. But assuming for a moment, he's serious.

Is 14 acres a viable area to build an enjoyable off road site ? And if so how many vehicle would make it packed ?

Are there any smaller public off-road sites anywhere.

Sorry forgot to mention on a small patch of this site he wants to stick 4 gypsy vans. Public meeting on Thursday, so want other thoughts on this.



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we have 8 acres of fields and that would be far too small for a decent site 14 sounds the same way, to be viable

unless it is steep/tree lined you'd still cover it all in a very short time

then again the adventure4x4 site is very very small (pretty U/S too IMHO)

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Woodlands 4x4 is only 19 acres


I suppose it depends on the amount of vehicles you let onto the site..

Yes I know woodlands very well, and know they have reduced their limit to 80 vehicles, as it gets gridlock in there with that many.

Would have said woodlands is bigger, as have got tyre wash area at exit, and somewhere to park trailered vehicles - perhaps woods are 14 acres, but going to be well boring on a open field with no trees. And is 5 miles from Woodlands - so know which ford everyone will go to for a wash. ;)


Bures is massive, so is Grand Canyon and Slindon, woodlands and Flimwell being lesser so. Interesting points. Will wait to see what daylight forum'ers have to say too.

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don't know if this is even possible, but the thought struck me:

1. apply for permission for a motocross track (rejected)

2. apply for permission for an offroad play site (rejected)

3. apply for permission for a gypsy camp (rejected)

4. apply for permission for housing.... <phew!> eerm ok then

Bingo - value of land increases 500 times... and that was the aim all along.

Or am I being cynical?


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If Devil's pit is 60 acres and that's really small then 14 acres isn't going to be a lot of cop !


:rolleyes: Thats about the size of Kirtons car parking for spectators!

IMHO It would be a one hit wonder or handy local proving ground, you would soon get bored with 14 acres or else get very busy with a 360° on a weekly basis.

Another measure, is that we have 500 acres :lol:

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Would be OK for clubs to go trialling if you got a digger in there.

Many clubs hire small patches of land for monthly events, and with trialling you generally only have one or two cars going at the same time while the others watch.


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Would be OK for clubs to go trialling if you got a digger in there.

Many clubs hire small patches of land for monthly events, and with trialling you generally only have one or two cars going at the same time while the others watch.


I'd agree. I've done trials on sites that are about 4-5 acres but they'd be terrible for anything but trials. IMHO 14 acres might be OK but it'd be a huge amount of work and it'd be unlikely to regenerate the revenue that'd be sunk into it let alone make a profit.

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