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Bluddy 'ell!!

Dropped the 110 off at my specialist yesterday evening for an MOT, service and the mid-box removal job mentioned elsewhere.

Just had a call to say that overnight some oiks broke in and nicked me wheels and BFG's and stereo!!

OK, trying to stay calm, but what should I do?

Told them I want her running in time for Billing. We leave Thursday.

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Surely with whoever you dropped it off should have insurance?

Therefor they get you new wheels, tyres and stereo and they make the claim.

Especially as it was within their locked compound.

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Bluddy 'ell!!

Dropped the 110 off at my specialist yesterday evening for an MOT, service and the mid-box removal job mentioned elsewhere.

Just had a call to say that overnight some oiks broke in and nicked me wheels and BFG's and stereo!!

OK, trying to stay calm, but what should I do?

Told them I want her running in time for Billing. We leave Thursday.

Tell them you want it back for Thursday - you will probably not get a replacement set of alloys/tyres/stereo by then, but they should fit something to keep you rolling!

They should have their own insurance or simply pay you for getting the bits if they don't want to claim.

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The specialist is saying that they're not liable as the compound was locked....

Utter tosh.

If they are a garage, and you have left your vehicle under their "custody or control" they have a duty of care. If the vehicle is damaged / stolen / etc etc it is their responsibilty.


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The specialist is saying that they're not liable as the compound was locked....

And was it still locked after the scrotes had left, having nicked your wheels, tyres and stereo?

I'd say it was up to your 'specialist' to sort it - their business, their secure compound, their responsibility!

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And was it still locked after the scrotes had left, having nicked your wheels, tyres and stereo?

I'd say it was up to your 'specialist' to sort it - their business, their secure compound, their responsibility!

If they continue to refuse then report it as a theft by them to the police and inform trading standards

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Yup - its down to them and their insurance to sort it out.

Out of interest do you mind saying who it is seeing as you're near me?

PM if you don't want to post but it sounds like the sort of local specialist to be a bit wary of.

Hope it gets sorted.

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I would report it and get a reference number from the police then I would get on to your legal advisor. In the meantime stick to your guns and if it looks like they are going to continue to be awkward don't get involved in any face to face arguments with the 'specialist'. Write them a letter telling them what you expect and when you expect it done by, send the letter by recorded delivery and keep a copy.

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I would report it and get a reference number from the police then I would get on to your legal advisor. In the meantime stick to your guns and if it looks like they are going to continue to be awkward don't get involved in any face to face arguments with the 'specialist'. Write them a letter telling them what you expect and when you expect it done by, send the letter by recorded delivery and keep a copy.

Also say that if they don't respond favourably you will also be claiming legal costs and loss of use of the vehicle beyond the time you expected it back.

The thought of extra costs above the actual loss may make them see sense.

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IF, and its a big if, they do not respond favourably, you can also advise them that as you are going to Billing, you will tell everyone that you meet about what they 'specialise' in!

Whatever way it gets resolved, you are likely to require a crime ref number, especially if you are forced to claim off your own insurance to get mobile again, before your insurers pursue the 'specialists' insurers?

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You also need to :

Speak to the owner - nobody else

Set a time limit

Give them the option to resolve

Aoppear to be being reasonable - but for a set time only

Place the ball in their court

something along the lines of :

"Look, I understand these things happen, frankly I don't think you took enough care with my landy or this wouldn't have happened, but I am prepared to be reasonable - but only until 12.00 today / whenever date time, when I expect you to have come back to me with a satisfactory solution. If you don't by this time I will have no option than to contact and involve the police, my insurers and I will need your solicitors details too as mine has already asked for them. As I said I want to be fair over this, your call"

Then on the date time if they haven't rung you ring then and say

"you haven't come back to me - I am ringing you - last chance, which way is it to be ?...and your solicitors firm is, and who do the police contact - is it you ..."

DO NOT appaear as though you are unsure - they have messed up and it is down to them to sort whatever the wriggling they say. Just a thought - is there a "Any vehicles left here overnight are at owners risk " type message ?

Even so I still think they are on thin ice, also contact local police, your insurers and discuss with them, and DO speak to a solictor if you have a tame one


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I've got a claim number, so that's the good bit, but the Police haven't been yet.

Nick Kerner 4x4 in Winkfield is the specialist. I've used them over the last year and have been happy with them. Until now...

The current situation is that they're doing the service, MOT and 'box as I want her back for Billing.

They've put on some crappy steel rims to get her rolling.

I now need to speak to the owner. No-one there is prepared to make a decision without his say-so.

But, they're adamant that they're not liable.

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give your lawyer a call, the phone call is free for the advice usually. but as stated you left youi rcar in their care so its their responsibility. how can you be held responsible for you rcar in their care? did they ask for it to be left oovernight or was it for your convenience?

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But, they're adamant that they're not liable.

Ask them for copies of their insurance policy, and tell them that untill they can prove otherwise, you hold them responsible, and will take the necessary steps to ensure that you are not out of pocket.

Make them prove that they are not liable, they ought to carry insurance if they are a genuine bonafide garage, if they do not you have to ask why and then there are many other avenues that open up if you do not get a satisfatory outcome to their problem.

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I've got a claim number, so that's the good bit, but the Police haven't been yet.

Nick Kerner 4x4 in Winkfield is the specialist. I've used them over the last year and have been happy with them. Until now...

The current situation is that they're doing the service, MOT and 'box as I want her back for Billing.

They've put on some crappy steel rims to get her rolling.

I now need to speak to the owner. No-one there is prepared to make a decision without his say-so.

But, they're adamant that they're not liable.

I would like to think that the bigger picture of a specialst such as this will regret a true lack of customer care and service quality when this message gets around the forums and Land Rover World as these things tend to do.

Bad news travels lightening fast, and good news very slowly, and bad news has a habit of being remembered for a very long time after the event, the costs could be much greater tio a business than just being reasonable friendly and trying to resolve quicky and proffesionally

DO NOT let them get away with mucking you about


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The specialist is saying that they're not liable as the compound was locked....

So if I lock my house and it's robed the insurance company don't have to pay ????

What utter rubbish.

Hope you get it sorted and well done for naming this 'specialist'.


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It's been infered, but not blatantly stated, but DO get everything in writing, you may come to rely on it further down the road. Whilst word of mouth may appear to get a quicker reaction, once this degenerates in to a "he-said-she-said" scenario, being able to provide copies of written correspondance will be very useful.

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So if I lock my house and it's robed the insurance company don't have to pay ????

What utter rubbish.

Hope you get it sorted and well done for naming this 'specialist'.


Exactly - they're more likely to refuse if you were unlocked.

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Right, make a note of this number:

0845 1281384 - Consumer Direct

Bluddy brilliant!!

Under The Supply of Goods Act 1982, any service must be carried out with reasonable care and skill. The company has a duty of care to look after your property whilst it's with them. Any damages occurred must be recifiied in full.

In essence, if their insurance isn't covering it, then they must fork out for it themselves.

I'm going to be writing a letter this afternoon - recorded delivery stating these facts.

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