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LR Defender 300Tdi Milage Club


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after a spontaneous Meet 'n' Greet with friends of mine in Munich we, how else could it be, started discussing about travels and our Defenders.

Now, as we both have rather high milages on our 1996 300Tdi engines and the engine was only developed to last for about 200.000km we were wondering who may have the 300Tdi with the highest milage.

It's just about the 300Tdi and it should be a genuine image of the odometer and the car (maybe with a short deciption of how it's being used and what has sofar been replaced).

I'll start with my Rhino-Lady and as the milage has changed a little since I have left the Australian Pub in Munich last night, here's an image from this morning...



It's an 300Tdi build in 11/1996 with just minor upgrades to the engine. It still has the original gearbox (I wonder for how long :( ) and the original transmission. The injectors were replaced at 250.000km and the cooler at 290.000km)

I use it as a daily driver and do a lot of travelling and offroading (Mongolia and back - 18.132km in 4 weeks).

But now I am curious what you are driving. Will there be a 300Tdi with more than 400.000 or even 500.000km on the original engine?

So long, Robert

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My dad had a 1995 300 Tdi 110 which had done 450,000 miles. But he sold it years ago now. He sold it in 1998 for one of the last of the 300TDi before the TD5's

So don't have a pic of the speedo. But just ask Jules on here as he knows the truck

It was the orignial engine but the transfer box had been replaced as 90% of the mileage was done with a 4 ton trailer on the back . The car was serviced at Land rover dealers every 6000 miles

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My dad had a 1995 300 Tdi 110 which had done 450,000 miles. But he sold it years ago now. He sold it in 1998 for one of the last of the 300TDi before the TD5's

So don't have a pic of the speedo. But just ask Jules on here as he knows the truck

It was the orignial engine but the transfer box had been replaced as 90% of the mileage was done with a 4 ton trailer on the back . The car was serviced at Land rover dealers every 6000 miles

Sounds great but doesn't really work out, mate, or could you explain to me how your dad managed to drive 450.000 miles in 3 years????????

I drive a lot but that's just unrealistic. Sorry.

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Sounds great but doesn't really work out, mate, or could you explain to me how your dad managed to drive 450.000 miles in 3 years????????

I drive a lot but that's just unrealistic. Sorry.

That only works out at 450ish miles a day for 3 years if I did the maths correctly. That's not that bad .


Seeing as he lives in Australia, surely that's just the distance covered to go to the shop every day?

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my current disco 300tdi has done 131,000 miles... (211,000KM approx)

....my old 300Tdi defender (1995 M reg) had done around 170,000 when I sold it... (274,000km approx)

those engines will go on and on and on if you look after them..

I change the oil and filter every 4,000 miles :)

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We get a 1998 300tdi hardtop in the workshop which will now have over 600k kilos on the clock, last seen at 597k. Ok, the engine was reconditioned at about 250k and the LT230 was changed after it ran out of oil, and the turbo has been changed at about 300k.

It will soon be the first 300tdi that we will have reconditioned twice, if the owner considers it worth it. The vehicle looks like rubbish, it is owned by a farrier. He has never, ever washed it.

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my 300tdi 90 has done 181,??? miles

ive had her 2 years and somerset council had her since she was born in 94

ive replaced injectors( nothing really wrong with old ones)

new cam belt (just maintainance)

and she possably had a new transfer box before i got her

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Sounds great but doesn't really work out, mate, or could you explain to me how your dad managed to drive 450.000 miles in 3 years????????

I drive a lot but that's just unrealistic. Sorry.

It was a truck that worked for a living. It used to go on a monday morning and drive up one side of the country to the top of scotland and then come back to southampton down the other side of the UK. It did this from the day new to the day it was sold. Same as the one before did and the one after did. It did all this with a trailer on the back and did it every week (apart from xmas week) I know it was completely mad mileage and my dad used to do a hell of a alot of mileage . Persnaolly buger that in a 110

May have got my dates wrong not sure but he got the £00 tid in 95 and sold it when the last of the 300 as he did not want a TD5 so that could have been 99 and not 98 but can't remeber

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No the red one I had was a 200 tdi and on the books it had done over 480,000 miles the dash clock was changed it did munched gearboxs it did go through 4.

That was the first Tdi he had but I think he bought it second hand with about 25k on the clock then when I got it in 97 it was a six years old by then.

From the day he bought it, it drove 10-12hrs a day towing a 3.5t box trailer. the next one was a white 300tdi it was sold to a local chap but when I tried to buy it a year before they did sell it it had done well over 300,000 and the metalic red one I think has now been sold on as well which I'm a bit gutted about as I would have bough it just because it was my dads last car before he died.

the taco law change in vans towing made the Land Rovers no longer effective as a Van could do the same job and carry more as the swifts and the big VW LT came onto the market

They had night heaters and beds in them

untill then the county 110's (two were on the road at a time) would normaly cover 110,000 miles a year with ease.

My dads first one was a ' A' reg V8 110 county which is still the one he loved the most I have memories of being a kid traveling to South of france in it from Southampton.

Bit os a shallow comment my D2 last year did 55,000 miles and I spend 11hrs a day walking round a construction site.

If a car is delivering or as my fathers were in haulage then 2,000 miles a week is the norm

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We get a 1998 300tdi hardtop in the workshop which will now have over 600k kilos on the clock, last seen at 597k. Ok, the engine was reconditioned at about 250k and the LT230 was changed after it ran out of oil, and the turbo has been changed at about 300k.

It will soon be the first 300tdi that we will have reconditioned twice, if the owner considers it worth it. The vehicle looks like rubbish, it is owned by a farrier. He has never, ever washed it.

Hi Jim,

could you take a picture or two when you get the Defender back into the shop? That really would be great.

Thanx, Robert

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My 300tdi disco has just clocked 210k miles. On its origonal engine.

Does 50 miles a day on a duel carriageway 70 odd mph. A few long trips (south coast- Yorkshire) a month and as much off road silly buggers i can throw at it.

Running on a mix of SVO and Diesel.

Its going fine although it leaks like a sieve. Going to have to sort that out one day !

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300tdi 90 with a measly 145K miles.

original engine, gearbox, tranny box and probably clutch (???!!!!)

previous owner to me had it since 50k miles and never changed the clutch while he had it. I bought it at 105k and i aint changed the clutch either!

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