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Dakar Rally cancelled


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Yeah you know Ed ,

A little ditty that Bush Doctor wrote a few years ago ,

Edward Oh Edward you are a real man

You perform stunts like no other can.

Escorts, Sierras, Waffles and skips.

We are in awe of your death defying tricks.

Next year Grand canyon or buses 13

Your the hero of my LRO magazine.

People flock to Malvern especially to see ya

Who says your commentary is boring diarrhoea

Tickle the throttle don't ride the clutch

Your professional advice is oh much too much

With nerves of steel we know you'll go far

It's amazing to see you in your daddy's car.

A bit of a mincer your spirit is free

Why did you have a girly at challenge Harptree

Modeled on Beckham but in dads TD5

You might be alright once you've had the ride.

Perched above the arena you are never wobbly

You are the greatest


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Although irrelevant to the original topic of the thread, and at the risk of being flamed out of the forum :lol:

I have always found Ed to be an exceptionally polite and down to earth chap.

He was the first ever winner of the Scorpion Racing Challenge Trophy back in 2005.

In his first ever lap at his first ever safari at Waterbeach earlier this year he set the fastest lap time.

Surely these achievements hint to some sort of talent.

Finally at Billing this year he spent a whole day blagging goodies from a wide range of suppliers to hand over to a young disabled boy who has a passion for 4x4s and offroading.

Lets slag off Al-Quaeda shall we... :rolleyes:

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Hear Hear.....I thought he was a really nice bloke too, in the short time we spoke........as I'm new to all this, and have never seen a Bowler up close before...he showed me his. He gave me directions to Tixover from Rockingham Castle, and he gave me some driving tips for when I got there. I thought he was a top bloke.......

Now, can we PLEASE get on to the cancellation of the Dakar rally and the terrorist thumping!!

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Guest diesel_jim

"They", the organisers, get threats every year from all directions, mainly form "bandits" down in the rmeote regions of the desert.

why this year should be any different because an annonymous group of ragheads (Al Q) have spouted off, i don't know.

could just be the spineless French i suppose, giving in to them. :D:D:lol::lol:

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"They", the organisers, get threats every year from all directions, mainly form "bandits" down in the rmeote regions of the desert.

why this year should be any different because an annonymous group of ragheads (Al Q) have spouted off, i don't know.

could just be the spineless French i suppose, giving in to them. :D:D:lol::lol:

Hmm.. why don't we just get a bunch of these to patrol the route:


That'll teach'em !


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I would imagine many of the entrants spend many months of each year and tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars preparing for the Dakar, and to be told the event is cancelled when they are virtually on the start line must be heart breaking as well as financially ruining for the smaller outfits.


Oh, Bloody Al Quaeda :angry:

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"They", the organisers, get threats every year from all directions, mainly form "bandits" down in the rmeote regions of the desert.

Why this year should be any different because an annonymous group of ragheads (Al Q) have spouted off, i don't know.

could just be the spineless French i suppose, giving in to them. :D:D:lol::lol:

Jim - while I'm inclined to agree with your comments ;) , the decision follows the killing of 4 French 'tourists' on (I think) Christmas eve.

I think there is mounting pressure on the organisers to stop killing people (especially locals!) and as their game is under threat, they don't want to take any chances - the fact that people have been killed already adds credence to the claims I guess?)...

Al. :)

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I would imagine many of the entrants spend many months of each year and tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars preparing for the Dakar, and to be told the event is cancelled when they are virtually on the start line must be heart breaking as well as financially ruining for the smaller outfits.


Oh, Bloody Al Quaeda :angry:

I was chatting about this with a mate at the weekend - I really feel for all the smaller guy's who've scraped togehter the money for a once in a life time trip. Even if you get the money back for the entry fee they'll have all ploughed a huge amount into preparing their cars and for sorting out logistics. What a total nightmare!

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Better than doing it and you/another competitor getting killed by Al-Quada though.


I think the threat must have been pretty big - apparently its fairly normal to be shot at while driving through some of the dodgier regions. Its just that at speed they tend to miss. I guess the threat must have been against fuel points or something along those lines. It must have been pretty big to pull it at this late stage and the call must have come from the French Government.

The only positive spin you can put on it is that because of the massive financial loss that the North African nations will have suffered due to the cancellation it should massivly reduce any support for islamic terrorist organisations opperating in these countries. In the long run that can only be a good thing.

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playing the odds, I'd say more likely to get shot bouncing in Brixton on a Saturday night.

lack of local pennies wont stop jack squat Will, for fundamentalists finding money isnt a prob.

Im sure the US will get round to invading the nearest oilfield terrorist stronghold at some stage and ensuring total chaos and tribal warefare peace and stability for the region when they realise the area has any form of mineral or oil deposit needs freedom.

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We were talking to Glen Mckeith last night about a very small scale desert rally he was planning but its not so rosy with bandit etc let alone have back up from Al

We were looking at Dakar via some of the routes the race takes...

But is it worth the risk as it only takes one disgruntled local with a gun to end you holiday very abruptly

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playing the odds, I'd say more likely to get shot bouncing in Brixton on a Saturday night.

Nah, Brixton is almost becoming respectable these days as the nicer areas of Battersea, Stockwell, and Camberwell have started pushing south……….Brixton property prices have shot up (pun intended :lol: ) over the last 2 or 3 years

If you want to get shot at (usually by a 12 -15 year old hoodie) , then Southwark is the place to be ……….. New Cross & Forest Hill…………… ;)



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playing the odds, I'd say more likely to get shot bouncing in Brixton on a Saturday night.

lack of local pennies wont stop jack squat Will, for fundamentalists finding money isnt a prob.

Im sure the US will get round to invading the nearest oilfield terrorist stronghold at some stage and ensuring total chaos and tribal warefare peace and stability for the region when they realise the area has any form of mineral or oil deposit needs freedom.

Jez, I'd agree the fundimentalists don't need the money but the for the majority of the population the Paris Dakar is a huge money spinner. The fact that they've lost out may mean that where they tollerated, or even supported, the terrorists before they may no longer.

Jim, good question. It would depending on where, who with and how well prepared but, in principal the only problem I'd have is not having a car :P

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