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The price of fuel!


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Subject: The price of fuel

Bring the price of petrol down

You know it makes sense!

See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it

We are hitting 106.9p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying £1 .10 a ltr. Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't

continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT,whoever

thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

Please read it and join in!

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take a ggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the market place

not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not

purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:

For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's

really simple to do!!

Do you really think this would work?????

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i got sent that a while ago. i dont use either of those companies anyway but i see it having more of a chance than any of these no fuel days.

interesting thing is, think how much lower the prices were when we had the last fuel blockades etc. and yet now we just sit back and take it!

the french dont stand for it, why do we?!

problem with the above is its the tax on tax on tax that's the problem, not the baseline fuel price IMO. its the government who need physically hurting!!

someone showed me the figures once, that a shell petrol station actually makes more profit on the crisps and chocolate and possibly magazines they sell than the fuel.

but then BP and Esso i always regard as drastically overpriced in comparison to the other already overpriced companies

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This kindo thing only really works in the city.

The only pumps i pass are either BP or supermarket. Supermarket is probably bp anyway.

The way to go is to convert to veggie. Saves pennies and longer term will support the farming industry which is on its last legs and hopefully put the money back into this country. Mind the government will probably make a mess of that as well. :rolleyes:

And of course veggie is more enviromentally friendly as the co2 you burn is compensated for by the next batch of crops that are growing.

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iinteresting thing is, think how much lower the prices were when we had the last fuel blockades etc. and yet now we just sit back and take it!

the french dont stand for it, why do we?!

problem with the above is its the tax on tax on tax that's the problem, not the baseline fuel price IMO. its the government who need physically hurting!!

the fuel blockades worked so well that goverment made it illegel to do it again

the french goverment don't send there truckers farmers and bisnesses down the swany like ares do.

This kindo thing only really works in the city.

The only pumps i pass are either BP or supermarket. Supermarket is probably bp anyway.

The way to go is to convert to veggie. Saves pennies and longer term will support the farming industry which is on its last legs and hopefully put the money back into this country. Mind the government will probably make a mess of that as well. :rolleyes:

And of course veggie is more enviromentally friendly as the co2 you burn is compensated for by the next batch of crops that are growing.

support farming we need it costs are up and prices keep going down

Tim (the farmer).

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Like everything we buy .. depends on demand, and depends on where you buy it from.

Key is.. read the label. If it says made in UK, then it helps british farmers, if it doesn't then it probably doesn't.

The farm payments kind of people (not going to actually say their name) seem to be very slow in reacting to the new demand of this kind of crop.

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the other problem is that oil companies are segragated into upstream and downstream operations, and the forecourt business is tiny for them. SO, as I understand it (I'm sure somebody will correct me in a minute), if you dont buy fuel from an esso or bp garage, it doesnt really hurt them, because they supply a lot to other branded forecourts (think supermarkets and oil companies with no real exploration businesses).

The only real way to cut costs is to use an alternative fuel source - as suggested above.

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got this sent today

Subject: The price of fuel

Bring the price of petrol down

You know it makes sense!

See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it

We are hitting 106.9p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying £1 .10 a ltr. Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't

continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT,whoever

thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

Please read it and join in!

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take a ggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the market place

not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not

purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:

For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's

really simple to do!!

Do you really think this would work?????

I'm sorry to say it but this guy really doesn't have a clue. First of all, BP and Esso are totally independant companies. Secondly, BP don't produce any petrol in the UK - the fuel you buy on the forecourts of a BP, Shell, Esso or even a supermarket could well be supplied by one of the competing companies. The differant companies just have they're own additives. Thirdly, profit margins on the fuel is tiny and most money is actually made selling sweets - If you do this it will only hurt the franchise garages not the companies. You may say why not subsidise fuel given the massive profits these companies make? What insentive is there for them to do this? If they don't make anything on it then what's the point in selling fuel?

Finally, you've got to accept that about 2/3 of the price is down to tax and you certainly can't blame the oil companies for that! The other 3rd is down to the oil price with is high for a couple of reasons: demand in China and India and speculators pushing the price up. We've got used to really low oil prices but it's unlikely we'll ever go back to anything like $10 a barrel - that sort of price is just mental!

Although I hate the current price of fuel there's little I know I can do about it appart from where I put my cross on the ballet paper. Its also interesting to think about what £1 a litre looks like compared to other things we buy. Most people wouldn't blink about spending that on mineral water which makes you think....

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The French dont put up with it because they actually have the BALLS to take action and stand up against their government. Sadly the British public dont seem to have the guts! Oh sure we moan til we are blue in the face, but when the chips are really down, we dont actually DO anything. The government work for us. we are the ones that put them in power, and we are the ones that can take it away from them at the ballot box.

The public should unite (for once) and take action like we did before, only this time not crumble like little school children the minute the government makes a little threat!

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Like so many farmers, you must be wondering where the next Range Rover is coming from. :P


us not so much I grow your roast beef for on sunday lunch( when you not playing in the mud :P )

used to milk cows but gave that up after it was costing more to produce than we were getting to sell it

started growing crops so we don't have to buy them in.

but bio fuel may be on the cards. may need it to run my landy's on if fuel prices keep going up :P .


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