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HOFS T-shirtS 2008.


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:D I'll see what we can russle up for the ladies and Fatboy... :moglite:

Looks like Mr Wash will be using the same supplier, so you can expect the quality to be the same as last time. :) [i might try washing mine now there have been so many good comments about the quality!]

We will look at offering two or three options, and see if its viable - at least then people have some choice - whether it be shirt type / colour / not at all remains to be seen, it will be investigated though. It will chiefly depend upon financial implications.



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I want one !! would prefer a rugby shirt but happy to take whatevers printed!! Will there be a size S printed or do I have to do a bit more eating to catch up with some of you guys??? :blush:

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The HOFS threads have always been an eye opener and that vehicle is a work of art. Loved the video from last time, so put me down for one human sized (M) T-shirt.

Best of luck getting the truck ready :)

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(Will get back to you with sizes, but from past experience they always seem to offer 7 flavours of XL ---> XXXXXXXL, and nothing for humans).

Oh, well if you're doing TSD size, I'd better have a couple :lol:

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Definitely need human sizes...medium is always good!!!

I'll put in my support for a ladies style...preferably tight and low cut, breast is best after all!!! (will need photo proof tho!)

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there are border guards that look like that........ baltic grey eyes, blonde hair, short skirts, very easy on the eye - just have to keep remembering the 9 on thier hip isnt a fashion accessory and you sober up real quick :lol:

Russia - apparently they have offroading there...


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Er...I don't mean to sound rude,but after 3 pages I still don't have a damn clue...

1)can I pull a somewhat shirt design together?


2)what to use and where?



Front & back?


Spanner with flames?

Russian pinup? (mmh)

Will we have a HOFS 2008 shirt? :wacko:

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Mey Michele,

Just bear with Al and I please we are just sotring out a couple of things first. I'll PM you with my email address and if you could do the same then i can include you in the emails.

Won't be too long



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OK. here is some direction

Black short sleeve rugby shirt.

Sponsors logo on left tit. (Choose acompany and tell them they owe for sponsorship :P )

HOFS logo across the back.

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Nah, it's no good, those shoes would be no good for the Russian swamps although the gold would be good for reflecting the light and blinding the other competitors :lol:

Anyway, back On Topic ;)

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OK. here is some direction

Black short sleeve rugby shirt.

Sponsors logo on left tit. (Choose acompany and tell them they owe for sponsorship :P )

HOFS logo across the back.

Sounds good :i-m_so_happy:

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Ok folks, standby.

Plans are in motion and gathering steam. I would ask everyone who has said 'stick me down for a (whatever)' in this thread to please not assume that your order has been taken.

There will be a new thread soon with details of everything and how to order etc. So while the expressions of interest are really great, you'll need to actually 're' order when the time comes. Thanks for bearing with us, there should be something along soon.

Cheers, Al.


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