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Going up in the world?


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Other than bolting together - there's not much fabrication on my part. It should encourage me to finish off my vapour build though.

Many thanks to Nick & Paul for helping me lug around some of the steelwork this week. Saved me from a hernia.

Already had a chap from the council round asking if I was running a car repair business from my back garden - one of the people who live over the wall had complained! I, honestly replied 'No' - but he still wants to come and have a nosey around in a couple of weeks.

I just said I was building a car - and they must have been confused! Nothing illegal about having a 4 post lift in your garden!


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I've had the "Are you running a commercial garage sir?" twice from the Council... Once at my parents (that was popular! :o ) and once at our house in Norfolk.

Both times, they were cool. The bloke in Norfolk could tell pretty quickly that it was a grumpy neighbour trying to stir up trouble. I just suggested that he run the registrations on all five cars and he'd find they were all registered to me.

Maybe offer him a cuppa and a forum hob nob?

You could always point out that this is how you interpreted the SORN requirements to "keep the vehicle off the street" :lol:

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