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Off-topic threads

Les Henson

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so On topic must be truely LR based and nothing else, no chit chat no banter no road tax/insurance or political based threads.

best you lock my impact wrench one then too and i wont post anymore off topic ones.

Les - Les its the last thing on my mind

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When I first posted it was merely to say that I thought it was wrong to lock some of these topics. I have no interest in reading about Tax or insurance but they are both relevant and current topics that are worthy of a place in the forum. I think the ones with a funny content are also quite good for the forum although also not to everyones taste. I do however think there are many threads that are worthy of being locked and removed either for being repetitive or plain and simple basic in the respect that if any one wants to learn about stuff then before asking stupid questions on a forum, Have a look ( I would not mention any particular posts as I don't want to offend people. I am sure you know what I mean). Ive spoken with other forum members who feel the same.

I am however very un impressed with the attitude shown in some of Les's replies when its obvious that many members do not agree. Also his unwillingness to discuss any points or answer certain questions about how these choices were made.


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OH god not this cr*p again

I think if this carrys on the way the mods want it to it is going to be a forum of complete boring Land Rover nerds talking about looking for part number rtc 0001 ( end up like talking to the idiot james taylor :rolleyes: ) .

Yeah we need some sort of control but i think there is not a car forum in the world that is not talking about the rising fuel cost and rising tax So how the hell can that be off topic. I agree we need to stop real of topic post but there needs to be some limit and reasonable thought put into it

We also need threads like the New Gigglepin intercoms are aslo needed these in my mind bring the forum together with a bit of lite hearted banter which improves the group , also makes it interesting and nice to have giggle now and agian

But then threads about Jezes truck are fine and ok and everyone loves it but what is land rover on that , the grill from all i can see . So why is that on topic and road tax not.

Maybe you need to be in with the mods to get your post on topic Or may be the mods like to throw their weight about now and again to show who has power. I don't know but it is really starting to pi** me off and the forum is getting totally boring,There are no interesting topics, in my mind, and if there are Les jumps up and says they are off topic and locks them . And i know i am not alone in thinking if i am going to get told off for posting off topic post . And as said before i thought this was a forum for the members and run and paid for by the members. mm maybe i was wrong it is an ego boost for a few people who like to throw their weight around

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OH god not this cr*p again

I think if this carrys on the way the mods want it to it is going to be a forum of complete boring Land Rover nerds talking about looking for part number rtc 0001 ( end up like talking to the idiot james taylor :rolleyes: ) .

Yeah we need some sort of control but i think there is not a car forum in the world that is not talking about the rising fuel cost and rising tax So how the hell can that be off topic. I agree we need to stop real of topic post but there needs to be some limit and reasonable thought put into it

We also need threads like the New Gigglepin intercoms are aslo needed these in my mind bring the forum together with a bit of lite hearted banter which improves the group , also makes it interesting and nice to have giggle now and agian

But then threads about Jezes truck are fine and ok and everyone loves it but what is land rover on that , the grill from all i can see . So why is that on topic and road tax not.

Maybe you need to be in with the mods to get your post on topic Or may be the mods like to throw their weight about now and again to show who has power. I don't know but it is really starting to pi** me off and the forum is getting totally boring,There are no interesting topics, in my mind, and if there are Les jumps up and says they are off topic and locks them . And i know i am not alone in thinking if i am going to get told off for posting off topic post . And as said before i thought this was a forum for the members and run and paid for by the members.

Very well put and I think this is exactly how many people feel.

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OH god not this cr*p again

I think if this carrys on the way the mods want it to it is going to be a forum of complete boring Land Rover nerds talking about looking for part number rtc 0001 ( end up like talking to the idiot james taylor :rolleyes: ) .

Yeah we need some sort of control but i think there is not a car forum in the world that is not talking about the rising fuel cost and rising tax So how the hell can that be off topic. I agree we need to stop real of topic post but there needs to be some limit and reasonable thought put into it

We also need threads like the New Gigglepin intercoms are aslo needed these in my mind bring the forum together with a bit of lite hearted banter which improves the group , also makes it interesting and nice to have giggle now and agian

But then threads about Jezes truck are fine and ok and everyone loves it but what is land rover on that , the grill from all i can see . So why is that on topic and road tax not.

Maybe you need to be in with the mods to get your post on topic Or may be the mods like to throw their weight about now and again to show who has power. I don't know but it is really starting to pi** me off and the forum is getting totally boring,There are no interesting topics, in my mind, and if there are Les jumps up and says they are off topic and locks them . And i know i am not alone in thinking if i am going to get told off for posting off topic post . And as said before i thought this was a forum for the members and run and paid for by the members. mm maybe i was wrong it is an ego boost for a few people who like to throw their weight around

Well said! I agree entirely

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Maybe you need to be in with the mods to get your post on topic Or may be the mods like to throw their weight about now and again to show who has power. I don't know but it is really starting to pi** me off and the forum is getting totally boring,There are no interesting topics, in my mind, and if there are Les jumps up and says they are off topic and locks them . And i know i am not alone in thinking if i am going to get told off for posting off topic post . And as said before i thought this was a forum for the members and run and paid for by the members. mm maybe i was wrong it is an ego boost for a few people who like to throw their weight around

Says it all,,

Most of the posts above are from long standing members,, Is anything sinking in up there !! :blink:

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How many, how do you know, on what basis do you make that statement?


Through actually talking to people and listening to what they are saying. Its quite a new concept but i'm sure it will catch on.

Also you might try reading through this thread, Think one or two people have hinted what they feel here!

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Ok, the threads will not be removed by me. Someone else can flush the toilet. I'd like to point out that some of the long-standing members that are defending these threads also complain off of-topic threads on previous occasions. Those posting in support of these threads are a minimal percentage of the membership.


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Les definately shouldn't be taking the flak solely for this - if anything this latest tighten up is at my door :(

I posted up in the A&M forum that there was a post or 2 that were OT and we have discussed many a time the issue of having a forum controlled without it looking like a iron fist moderating it, what you all see it the tip of the iceberg, you don't see what goes on in the way of spammers, trolls, stupid inflamtory posts and other stuff that we filter without it ever surfacing, what remains is the stuff that is either 101% AOK, or the borderline stuff which we being human :P do sometimes wonder as to if its OK or Not OK :blink:

We are damned if we do, and damned if we don't.

The big difference is on these posts which we are uncertian, maybe they are say grey or borderline that we let go, is that when we do try to do anything we are never ever going to have the entire membership agree with what is done, christ we can't even agree as mods on them FFS :rofl:

What ALL the mods ARE concerned about is the forum and the memberships best interests, again can't please all of the people all of the time, so we will and do get it wrong from time to time in some peoples eyes, yet the same issue others agree with us...Aargh !

The Admin and the Mods are all concerend about the metronom (SP) effect, if we mod so hard that everything is pure tech then yes the site would be very dry, and many many members would get the hump (and I belive rightly so), so we don't we allow lots of low tech, high tech middle tech megasquirt tech :P and questions etc etc balanced also with a BIT of banter and lightheartedness which is why LR4x4 is as good as it is.

Other LR forums allow anything goes - virtaully no modding if thats what you wnat or a Chit-chat-chiken-shed-drivel forum then theres loads of those too, in fact the only reason I mod here is to have a technical type of website deviod of drivel and posts which are not worth reading and if they then become too many so many members won't stay around and contribute as they won't want to read 12 drivel posts to find one of interest.....seen it happen on so many sites.

So, for the record this ones is down to me, ...Les just delivered the message...

I would rather have LR4x4 as a valuable resource friendly with a number of posts the main of which are ON TOPIC and valid than

[Macbeth Mode On] The site that can't be spoken :P [/Macbeth Mode Off] which has almost nothing worth reading from a LR4x4 perpective. I loved filthyboys radio post - OT maybe but funny, as a one off from him and as a odd almost on but OT post its OK now and again, but we all have to take responsibility to protect this site and its content.

If ANY member thinks a post is unsuitable in anyway whatsoever then PM / report to the mods we do get this from time to time but it never hurts to have stuff pointed out to us

Oh, and Ali Read WTF is that photo :rofl: looks like 2 puppies with balaclavas on ???? :lol: ???

Right I am going to nip off and ban someone now :P


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Im in total agreement with the above . Thats my lot .
It seems there is life beyond the forum , A lot of us meet socialy and communicate with each other .

???? thought you had gone?

i am definitely off now too!

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Those posting in support of these threads are a minimal percentage of the membership.



Early days !!

If you lock this one, after only a few hours,, then it would be a "minimal percentage of the membership" think you will find it's a tad more that that !!!

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Les definately shouldn't be taking the flak solely for this - if anything this latest tighten up is at my door :(

I posted up in the A&M forum that there was a post or 2 that were OT and we have discussed many a time the issue of having a forum controlled without it looking like a iron fist moderating it, what you all see it the tip of the iceberg, you don't see what goes on in the way of spammers, trolls, stupid inflamtory posts and other stuff that we filter without it ever surfacing, what remains is the stuff that is either 101% AOK, or the borderline stuff which we being human :P do sometimes wonder as to if its OK or Not OK :blink:

Nige and the Moderators

None of the above posts to be locked are spam, troll material (we seen those slip through and run and run without moderation) or inflammatory, so what's the justification ? My Rover manual one was so simple and straightforward that it would have fell off the board pretty quickly without the need for locking and the others are relevent side issues to Land Rovering today.

This forum is rapidly becoming a boring part number emporium, with each attempt at levity, side issues or community feeling crushed with an iron heel. I'm pretty sure that things are different in the A&M forum.

I believe that James, Steve and Tim speak for the majority on this forum not a minority and this post is to say that I'll stand with them and that on this occasion you have over-moderated and you are wrong to do so.


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Nige and the Moderators

None of the above posts to be locked are spam, troll material (we seen those slip through and run and run without moderation) or inflammatory, so what's the justification ? My Rover manual one was so simple and straightforward that it would have fell off the board pretty quickly without the need for locking.

This forum is rapidly becoming a boring part number emporium, with each attempt at levity, side issues or community feeling crushed with an iron heel. I'm pretty sure that things are different in the A&M forum.

I believe that James, Steve and Tim speak for the majority on this forum not a minority and this post is to say that I'll stand with them and that on this occasion you have over-moderated and you are wrong to do so.


Hmm - bit quick on the old trigger there Mo as I don't think the posts in question have actually been moderated.

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I believe that James, Steve and Tim speak for the majority on this forum not a minority and this post is to say that I'll stand with them and that on this occasion you have over-moderated and you are wrong to do so.


It also grieves me that things like Defender crossmember rebuilds are in the International forum, and not the Defender, or possibly fab forum.

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Having started the topic on car tax I do (sort of) agree with the mods approach of letting it run for 24 hours then locking it.

This gives the regulars a chance to read these semi OT posts, but prevents the forum from being taken over by general banter.

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Hmm - bit quick on the old trigger there Mo as I don't think the posts in question have actually been moderated.

The first post on this thread was a notice of intention to lock the said threads, MOG, surely that's moderation ? And you'll note that I did put "to be locked" and not "locked". :)

Hey ho


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It also grieves me that things like Defender crossmember rebuilds are in the International forum, and not the Defender, or possibly fab forum.

If it grieves you then why not PM one of the mods. I move lots of stuff around as and when time permits.

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