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Northern Winch Challenge Series

alan kemp

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I have been milling an idea over for some time now and would like to discuss the practicalities of it. Not too interested in insurance angles for now as this can be sorted out if we can get a club or clubs on board with the necessary insurance.

With the cost of fuel nowadays, it getting stupid expensive to compete, hence the northern angle, if enough are interested from this area, it could be a goer.

The idea is to have a series of say 6 events run at different sites in the north. Each event would be a 2 dayer to make it worthwhile, run by different clubs to give a different type of competition and to take the strain off a small group of people in organising the whole thing.

The event would be based on a winch challenge format where winching is the main discipline, ie, no sections would be drivable by anyone, (not even Chris and Si). It would be a team event with 2 cars and 2 co-drivers.

I would be happy to run the overall co-ordination and set out and run at least 1 of the events (provided I can compete).

Who would be interested in such an event? Any suggestions welcome as long as you would be prepared to get involved. (that has probably killed the idea stone dead).

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Who would be interested in such an event? Any suggestions welcome as long as you would be prepared to get involved. (that has probably killed the idea stone dead).

I'd be interested, at least in principle. We run an annual club level challenge event and with the MSA in the process of creating a new challenge permit I think it will become easier to run under the MSA banner in the future, I think the new permit will appear next year sometime but not certain about that.

The first question has to be about the style of the event, in some ways a series of events should be run under similar rules and in a similar format. OTOH having different formats may level the playing field a bit. If, for example, you have some events that feature navigation as opposed to the more simple "throw your motor at the terrain and stick between the bunting" style events.

I'm sure there would be a lot of interest as long as the dates are right, avoiding clashes with other challenges and club events is always a problem, especially when multiple clubs are involved and land availability is limited.

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I would be happy to run the overall co-ordination and set out and run at least 1 of the events (provided I can compete).

im up for that if as you say we are still allowed to compete

we put alot of time into the last badlrc challenge trying to make it work and just by the turn out and coments at the end of the day has proved there is a opening for a challenge serise local for us northern lot

i am sure this topic will have mr ht intrested when he finds his way home

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I'm sure you know you can count on me Alan to enter and put as much time in as possible that I can in setting up etc, but it depends on my job obviously,

Sounds like a great idea, especially after another £145 on diesel again at the weekend out of my own pocket, plus petrol, plus entry, plus losing money whilst not at work, plus bribery to the wife which is probably the dearest bit, and that's before any breakages or failures of the truck,

gets expensive doesn't it?

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How northern is northern?

as far up as bradford or as far north as the borders/northumberland?

Its open to suggestions but the idea is to have a series that we can attend for two days per event without too much travelling. I love the TFC and will allways do it as it is the top event in my opinion but its a day there and a day back plus fuel. Kirton is 21/2 to 3 hours away for me which is far enough. For anyone further north, an event which is lets say 2 (towing) hours from Manchester has got to be better than travelling to Slindon etc.

What do you have in mind?

I think if you organise an event, you should be able to enter, there is an obvious advantage but provided there is no navigation involved, anyone can have a look at the sections pre event and a map of locations would be provided and all sections made as clear as possible to avoid "hunt the punch". If we can get enough ground, there is no reason why we could not include navigation if people want it but the organiser could not compete in that one..

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How northern is northern?

as far up as bradford or as far north as the borders/northumberland?

This will open up some good terain going up through lakes into the borders, maybe a little more than 3 hours towing but should be good for a two day event,

Getting a msa club onboard is the answer to a lot of the insurance issuses, talk to mat at badlrc, he seams keen on the chalenge events especialy after the succses of the last one,

Sponsers would be good to help with cost and prizes,

i'me interested to see where this one goes,


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I am sure the few of us from Wolverhampton would be up for it but I think setting up and competing would have a few issues unless you have marshalls who are really on the ball to help out.

Might be better asking some one like JST (as an example) to be involved which would leave everyone free to concentrate on the competition which is much more fun.

Some people class Watford as north, for me, north is from the mdilands up.

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Have you thought about a similar system that is used in many other forms of motorsport whereby an event can be a qualifying round for a number of different championships?

So, for example a round of the Howlin' Wolf in the North is also a round of your Northern series, and you simply extract the points for your registered drivers.

Although this may not satisfy your desires for 2 day events or winching only - no driving.

Have you also considered the commitment required by the organisers for a 2 day event - basically a 4 day weekend.

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Remember when we set out sections for trials, we had set out some sections but had NOT drove them and were in no way advantaged on the day of the comp, except by knowing where they were, so if maps etc were not required I cannot see how an organiser could be advantaged unless he or she had set out ALL the punches to suit their own abilities, or had hidden them away somewhere.

I would imagine the time and effort to set out 40 straight (not roped or taped) punches is huge and very time consuming if it was to be of a similar standard to what we are used to.

And would there be enough marshalls/competitive vehicles "up north"willing to compete on a regular basis?

Could be good this one

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I think that the buxton one will tell you if there is enough interest, like anything new it will take time for it to get established and once the word gets about then you shoud get the following,


the plan with the first badlrc challenge was to test the water and see if there was enougth intrest in this area which there was hence the pre ch ristmas challenge going ahead

we have already been looking for other sites to host events at as alan said we need more events that dont brake the bank just getting there

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Think it is an excellent idea. The guys from Cheviot (Pete and Dave) PeteBog on D44 are running a novice event in the North East which by all accounts is likely to be well attended. I am sure there is an appetite in the Northern region for a series.

Preference would be for 2 day events but anything would be better than driving to Slindon!

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2 hours north from manc would get you to the lakes and just alittle more would get you to southern scotland to the Ae 4x4 club and their forest, they allready run a weekender saturday is red runs around twiglees,, i think this year(i didnt go as was working) and sunday is the black routes, so bottomless peat, trees, the usual forest delights, unfortunatly its just been, but it might be workable into a series, google ae4x4 they have a pretty good website, see what they think

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sounds good but i would like

1 day events,

team 1 car,1driver,1co-driver

and i don't think it would be fare to enter if you had set it out

John, you already have all you want with the Howlin Wolf series. There is no advantage if everyone is able to walk the sections prior to the event if they want to, none will be hidden, in fact it will be the opposite.

Niel, It had crossed my mind but would cause problems if you were fully booked (or not enough places to satisfy demand, if there is any). Also, it needs to be a 2 dayer I think to make it worthwhile setting out etc. I appreciarte the 4 day weekend and am up for that for one or 2 events per year. The "no driving" is not a set in stone requirement but I think a winch challenge should involve some serious winching in every section and should not be able to be driven. This is why it is better to have a team event as one can act as the anchor point when required.

If the bulk of the "serious" interest is further north than 2 hours from M/C then the centre point can be moved to reflect that.

If we have a volunteer to organise Kirton, thanks CJ, I would do Tong and Cowm assuming they were available at a decent rate, if BADLRC would come on board to include their event at Rushton, all we need is a Lakes or NE venue or N wales and we can get together and do some serious talking.

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Ive been looking at a few site's local to us and some of them will definataly work. We'll have to get to gether Alan about the begining of october ish as september is kind of stuffed for me because of what I got up to in January this year :unsure:

If we can some how get together a grouping of minds from the region then we can perhaps form some sort of a comitte that can aproch club comittiee's with our ideas and also make sure that all the rules reg's and point's scheme's run the same way.

Got my eye's on a site for next year it's small but has a really wicked punch.

I agree with the 2 hours from manc as long as thats at legal towing speeds not the speed which some people think is the legal road speed :rolleyes:

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Ive been looking at a few site's local to us and some of them will definataly work. We'll have to get to gether Alan about the begining of october ish as september is kind of stuffed for me because of what I got up to in January this year :unsure:

If we can some how get together a grouping of minds from the region then we can perhaps form some sort of a comitte that can aproch club comittiee's with our ideas and also make sure that all the rules reg's and point's scheme's run the same way.

Got my eye's on a site for next year it's small but has a really wicked punch.

I agree with the 2 hours from manc as long as thats at legal towing speeds not the speed which some people think is the legal road speed :rolleyes:

I have your number, October it is. Anyone interested in such a meeting, initially anyone interested in organising a meet with a site in mind.

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