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Loose nuts!


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Remember to check yer nuts... :blink:

Last Saturday I was around MikeTomcat's with the intention to replace the brakes all around (discs, pads, shoes, cylinders etc) and re-seal the hubs. So, at the start of the day, I crack all the nuts and get the front up on axle stands. Get the first calliper and hub off to find that the stub axle seal has gone so spend two hours trying to find someone with one. Thanks to V8Bertha who had one :D Whilst Mike went off to fetch it, I got the other side sorted and put back together. Mike then came back and sorted out the other side. Got the wheels back on, tightened up and got the brakes bled. Due to the stub axle seal, this has now taken 9 hours or so and it is now dark. So I thank Mike, promise to buy him a takeaway sometime and tootle off down the road to go home. Mike warns me about the new brakes and says to take it gentle. Get home, all is well with the world.

Up at stupid-o'clock to go to work - a short bimble down the motorway. Cripes, the car feels funny - wandering all over the place...well the steering has felt a bit funny for a while...and what's that knocking noise? Well I did just chuck off the carp and tools from yesterday in the back, so it's probably something rattling. Nip out at lunchtime and the same things happen, so I ignore them :ph34r: . Leave work at 7pm, short journey towards the motorway when it all starts again. Decide this time to go past the on-slip and pull over. Out comes the wheel wrench to check the nuts at the front. All tight. Strange... :huh: Walk down the side to put the wrench in the back when I notice that all five nuts on the left rear are no more than two threads from coming right off, and the wheel has chewed the studs up nice and good:



The rear right was okay - just a little loose and no damage. Managed to get the left ones done back up with a lot of hefting on the wheel wrench then limped back home. The thing is, I still don't remember cracking the rear nuts, but I must've done. What with the front taking all day, they must have completely slipped my mind :unsure:

Today, having got new studs, I was going to sort out the rear brakes and hubs. Only, I've been sold the wrong length studs (too short) and the wrong brake cylinders (imperial instead of metric) :o

If you hear screaming and swearing in Southampton, it's probably me :angry:

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I've done a similar thing in the very distant past when I was an irresponsible yoof. The nsf wheel of my 11A 109 decided to make it's own way home. As the front of the car made a trench in the tarmac, my wheel carried on for a number of yards before thwacking into a lampost square on. The resulting judder of the pole caused the lens of the street lamp to detach itself from it's mounting and shower the road with glass. :D

Ahh, reminiscing. It's not what it used to be.

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Yep, I've done it as well - twice actually.

The one you need to be careful of is getting a nice shiny new set of painted rims. After the first few miles the paint under the stud wears, causing the nuts to loosen.

i had the same on a transit putting a rusty wheel on that came loose after a while and on a new jcb as you said with nice new paint which came loose

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Youll need a new hub - its not safe to replace more than 2, possibly 3 of the studs so if they are all chewed bin it and buy another.

You really now how to cheer me up Smo :angry: - is this applicable to all hubs (i.e. drum and disc) or just discs?

I think I have a pair of Salisbury hubs (& possibly stubs too) here from a Stage 1 V8, anyone know if they'd fit Ryan's back axle?

If they do I'd be eternally* grateful :i-m_so_happy:

*well not quite eternally, maybe a few weeks :ph34r:

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ive got 2 hubs off a 90 drum axle that you can have if im not to far away.

Thanks, might come back to you (assuming they're the same), but more than walking/cycling distance is out of the question at the moment...and there is no way I'm walking or cycling to Wiltshire! :P

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I suspect they're worried that the new studs might not be seated fully home, and any 'give' that they allow will mean that the new nuts come undone. If there's just two, that won't be disastrous and you'll notice a- at the weekly maintenance check that we all do, or b- when you spot there's two nuts missing. If you swap out all five, you could have the same experience again. :o

My take would be to make sure that the holes and splines are clean, there's no surface corrosion on the back face and that the studs are fully home when you install them. Then, just check your nuts every day for a week, once a week for a month and then whenever confidence dictates...

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that might be there official line but i can see no reson not to, personally i'd just change them and keep an eye on it if your worryed i bet if you ask a LR dealer they don't know that either.

just checked discovery manual (land rover one) theres no metion of number of studs that can or cannot be changed so like i said i'd just change them.


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I suspect they're worried that the new studs might not be seated fully home, and any 'give' that they allow will mean that the new nuts come undone. If there's just two, that won't be disastrous and you'll notice a- at the weekly maintenance check that we all do, or b- when you spot there's two nuts missing. If you swap out all five, you could have the same experience again. :o

My take would be to make sure that the holes and splines are clean, there's no surface corrosion on the back face and that the studs are fully home when you install them. Then, just check your nuts every day for a week, once a week for a month and then whenever confidence dictates...

Although it pains me to say it, :P:P:P I think this makes a lot of sense. After all, the manual doesn't say how you check the hub to see if any studs had been replaced in the past does it..........

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My take would be to make sure that the holes and splines are clean, there's no surface corrosion on the back face and that the studs are fully home when you install them. Then, just check your nuts every day for a week, once a week for a month and then whenever confidence dictates...
that might be there official line but i can see no reson not to, personally i'd just change them and keep an eye on it if your worryed i bet if you ask a LR dealer they don't know that either.

just checked discovery manual (land rover one) theres no metion of number of studs that can or cannot be changed so like i said i'd just change them.

Although it pains me to say it, :P:P:P I think this makes a lot of sense. After all, the manual doesn't say how you check the hub to see if any studs had been replaced in the past does it..........

Three votes :i-m_so_happy: for change 'em all. That'll do donkey :D

Alrighty then, early call to my parts supplier in the am and hope they've got the right ones in stock. Bit of a double-edge sword this - if they have them, then I'll be working in the rain tomorrow. If not, then I've wasted taking a day off work to get it sorted! And, God forbid, I might have to cycle to work on Tuesday - I'm going to be absolutely knackered <_<

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I had it the other way on a "new to me 90" on its first time out - front wheel parted company with the rest of the vehicle just before we stopped. :angry:

Turns out it had the shorter (series?) studs in it. :huh:

My local garage was quite happy to change all five studs. The wheels have stayed on well enough in all of these years Howlin Wolf so i wouldn't be too worried about changing more than two.

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