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freewheeling hubs


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I've got a 1975 series 3 Land Rover 88 with standard hubs at the front and would like to fit freewheeling hubs. Which are the best make and is there any problems fitting them and where would I find fitting instructions for them?

I hope somebody could help me,

thanks, Chris

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The short answer is there's very little point in fitting them - I don't know anyone who's proved they save a significant amount of fuel or reduce wear on anything and they're another thing to have to faff about with or to break.

There you go, saved you time and money already! :P

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No, maybe*, maybe*.

* = probably negated by the fact you forget to engage them often enough and end up with condensation-rust on the internals. The diff/halfshafts aren't under load in 2WD, so wear would be very minimal anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i do have fwh on my series, and i cant honestly say i notice a difference in fuel economy, cos i dont ever run for long with the hubs engaged. i do notice a reduction in noise, and also the steering feels smoother when turning tight corners.

i dont find them to need any faffing around, they come apart easily but i dont seem to be able to get the repair kits for them now, so if they ever break i will have to remove them. i wont be buying another set to replace, i'll just fit standard hubs.

They were on the motor when i bought it, and they are there so i use em!

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I agree they are another point of failure, but I noticed some differences on my SIII 88 after fitting them. Like ian_s, I also noticed a reduction in noise. And I also noticed a bit more speed/acceleration, very useful when entering highways with very short acceleration lanes (almost all of them, around here!). I know that Series don't like highways, but sometimes they are used... As for fuel consumption, I have no idea but I really doubt FWH make any difference.

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