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What do you make of this?

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Cant name names... but heres a situation for you to ponder/discuss.

Bloke works as a civviy for MOD.in the stores.

Bloke is building his own landie from scratch.( get the picture?)

Now we have all at some time "borrowed" bits from work, and this bloke was no exception,

However, someone noticed that he was ordering bits that werent normally in the stores and so... dobbed him in.

I must add that we are not talking gearboxes or engines etc, just little bits (right or wrong )

Dobber( i use the word dobber for no other reason then for the story telling, i have no axe to grind to either party) went to the BIG boss, and the MP's and CID are now involved.

Anyone know of this happening to anyone else? what happened? will they take the whole truck or just the parts they think he pinched?

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If it amounts to a lot of parts, even in small items, they will remove the whole vehicle most likely and leave it up to him to prove ownership. Maybe if he came clean and admitted to all the items he stole, then maybe the Police will prosecute for theft and the value of items stolen without attempting to recover them.

The parts stolen were new and now second-hand, so no-one would want them back to still use I would have thought.

Les. :)

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Do we know any of the parties involved?

I would imagine the onus would be on the perp to prove the bits that he/she actually own and have paid for. Any of the remainder is then up for grabs so to speak.

I suspect for most people that would be pretty much the whole truck - unless he/she has kept all the receipts?


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Yes, they will remove every nut and bolt that has a ministry mark on it, happened to a block at Boscombe Down who's kit car was noted to have ministry bits on it, he had to remove every nut and bolt, during which they inspected his house and found he had his new kitchen set held together with ministry fasteners, the MoD then went in and took his kitchen to pieces and left it as a kit for him to put back together. To finish it off he was told to resign or be sacked.

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Guest diesel_jim
Yes, they will remove every nut and bolt that has a ministry mark on it,

Although if the stuff is just plain genuine LR bits, there won't be any military markings on it, unless he's built himself a FFR, even then it's just NSN's

Tell him to get his cover story right......"I bought it all at old sodbury with no receipts" :D

To finish it off he was told to resign or be sacked.

I reckon that he'll be offered the same contract as this one... :rolleyes:

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NO it is NOT a forum member. (i may be many things but i am not that bitchy to discuss it on open forum if it were!)

NO you do not know this person.

It is a friend of a friend.........

And so i thought i would ask, for advise to pass along (wether i think he did wrong or not is by the by)

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I agree with Al,

Although in my opinion, it does not matter if he is a forum member or not. It is an ongoing legal / criminal case which will have significant implications for the indivuidual so I would not have thought it was appropriate for discussion on a public forum. :(

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He is a fellow Landie fan and as i said.. wether i agree with what he has done or not, if i can help then i will.( he is not a bad chap, just strayed off the track for a while)

Same as if it was one of you guys. i would help! thats what friends do isnt it? and we are meant to be friendly and helpful on here arent we?

P.S. Les's DVLA topic could be deemed to be an "iffy" subject if i am not mistaken? so whats the differance? just the poster me thinks!

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I agree with Al,

Although in my opinion, it does not matter if he is a forum member or not. It is an ongoing legal / criminal case which will have significant implications for the indivuidual so I would not have thought it was appropriate for discussion on a public forum. :(

people are happily talking about chopping chassis's, fiddle brakes, replacing axles et cetera on here, where's the cut off for legal discussion as replacing the axles for non-original items (rangie in place of series et cetera) and not telling the DVLA is just as illegal :unsure:

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people are happily talking about chopping chassis's, fiddle brakes, replacing axles et cetera on here, where's the cut off for legal discussion as replacing the axles for non-original items (rangie in place of series et cetera) and not telling the DVLA is just as illegal :unsure:

Slightly different cases don't you think... I have not seen any posts where anybody has said they are actively going to break the law ;)

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people are happily talking about chopping chassis's, fiddle brakes, replacing axles et cetera on here, where's the cut off for legal discussion as replacing the axles for non-original items (rangie in place of series et cetera) and not telling the DVLA is just as illegal :unsure:

not criminal though.

changing axles is not illegal as you will still be well within the points to keep the original registration(tax free if thats what is wanted)

the only bit that is against traffic law is the avoidance of paying road fund duty or illiegally ringing a vehicle.

matey stealing from work is daft and stands to lose a hell of a lot for a few bolts....

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I know of a story of a guy at land rover, who was gearbox fitter on the rangerover production line. He always wanted his own rangie and started collecting parts, 'borrowed' from his employer during the course of a couple of years.

When he got caught, the police decided to go round his house to have a look. They found: A chassis eith axles, an engine with gearbox, a bodyshell and several boxes with bits.

My opinion of this guy?

Good old boy!!!


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so whats the differance? just the poster me thinks!

It's not an attack on you, there's that paranoia kicking in again... ;)

The guy HAS broken the law (by your own admission). I just figured it may not be in HIS best interest, as much as anything else, to discuss it here - but sure, go ahead, I couldn't really give a... [insert favourite semi-comical expletive here. Any combination of an animal species and a random body part always seems to work well...].

The guy has obviously made a mistake and/or is an idiot. :(

Discussions on the legality of vehicle modifications are not in the same vein, no. And are also relevant to the forum. Which is nice.

[Ok, ok - not the whole 'off topic' thing again]... :ph34r:


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If matey was ordering bits through work, and paying for them, then OK. But ordering parts for his own car which are payed for by work, whether gearboxes or fasteners, makes no odds as far as I'm concerned, is plain theft. And unless he's got receipts to prove ownership of other parts, he stands to lose the lot. Same mentality as the tax man. If he catches you fiddling the books one year, he can do you for years before that on the assumption that you've always been doing it.

If matey's lucky, he'll only get the sack I expect. If not, they may prosecute.

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It's not an attack on you, there's that paranoia kicking in again... ;)

The guy HAS broken the law (by your own admission). I just figured it may not be in HIS best interest, as much as anything else, to discuss it here - but sure, go ahead, I couldn't really give a... [insert favourite semi-comical expletive here. Any combination of an animal species and a random body part always seems to work well...].

The guy has obviously made a mistake and/or is an idiot. :(

Discussions on the legality of vehicle modifications are not in the same vein, no. And are also relevant to the forum. Which is nice.

[Ok, ok - not the whole 'off topic' thing again]... :ph34r:


Paranoia who me? :D

Hang on theres some one at the door............

sorry i took so long........ it was MI5, CID, MOD, KGB, FBI, MFI, B&Q


well you never know who "guest" is do you?

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Paranoia who me? :D

Hang on theres some one at the door............

sorry i took so long........ it was MI5, CID, MOD, KGB, FBI, MFI, B&Q


well you never know who "guest" is do you?

I'd be wary of the KFC :ph34r::D

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P.S. Les's DVLA topic could be deemed to be an "iffy" subject if i am not mistaken? so whats the differance? just the poster me thinks!

Thanks for that, never thought of myself as 'iffy'.

Subjects are sometimes posted in all innocence and take an unexpected turn, as this appears to doing.

You can't always expect folk to do what you expect (like give a fair and honest reply without flaming)

Sure the subject is iffy - so what?


Les. :)

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Sorry Les didnt mean anything by that.

You arent "iffy" i just used your topic as an example.

Like i said it was something that happened to a friend of a friend...

and I...

(1) Thought it was a subject worthy of discussion

(2) Thought that i might get some advice to pass on ?

I like your attitude (re classified thread) and dont take anything from it other than houmor,

Take a chill pill guys, life is too short, forums are for friendly banter/advice.

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not sure what might happen although similar scenario:

MOD employed VM working in my workshop

Stores section wrote off a 12v drill and placed in a skip (they should have backloaded it or made it beyond repair and then back loaded it)

VM leaves work, sees drill in skip, takes home and fixes it.

someone finds out, hes suspended (6mths in the end) investigation is conducted, they searched his house/car/everything he had for further MOD bits, found nothing, he was reinstated after a panel agreeded that he had taken it from a skip not knowing it was MOD property even though it was in a skip.

If panel had not believed him he would have lost his job.

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On the other hand, and I need to be careful about not saying too much, someone at our place had ordered LOTS of stuff for both work and home over a length of time.

He was caught but since it was non arrow marked straight off the shelf and the accounting had been shoddy it wasn't possible to prove what was his and what was ours.

In fact he got the whole lot back since it wasn't clear who owned what.

His dismissal case turned to an unfair dismissal and I think he has won that one.

I think the MoD can sometimes do a lousy job dealing with these things. The crown service has changed, since about 2000 we are now considered innocent and need to be proven guilty (used to be the other way around!) and MoD's crown immunity in many areas has gone. In fact I think MoD is very poor at getting rid of staff in my experience, they nearly always come out on the losing side if the other side puts up a fight.

Maybe other areas of MoD are different.. dunno

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