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SLab 24th July


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No catering as Ross says the cost for it is prohibative to be honest.

Tesco around the corner but are you not bringing an overland trailer so should be able to cook for all of us!!


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No catering as Ross says the cost for it is prohibative to be honest.

Tesco around the corner but are you not bringing an overland trailer so should be able to cook for all of us!!


Cheers TJ yes I am bringing the trailer but didn't want to upset anyone by making my own food when someone was doing it commercially guess I should think about printing a price list etcsmile.gif


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Went to Slab and took the trailer for an off road test drive....

Had a great day today, should have joined the Shire a long time ago, Mrs S came with us as wanted to learn how to drive the Landy off road for when we we go away she had been put off by previous 'pay & play' days at other locations, non of the messing or idiots in untaxed heaps, a friendly and helpful bunch help was needed twice both in the water and both times would have got stuck with or without the trailer, as we were pushing the limits, although there was enough for all types of driving. We came away with Mrs s having had a "great day" and asking "when the next event is" the kids and I also had fun but that goes without saying.......

If you have been put off by these type of days in the past at other sites I would say give a Shire day a go you won't regret it...

Full report on how the trailer went and more photos on the trailer build thread.


Forget to add £13 to the hand car wash 5 mins from Slab got both the Landy and the Trailer clean inside and out *Bonus*biggrin.gif


Edited by JasonG4110
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Gutted we missed you yesterday... Jen and I wanted to have a nosey at the trailer but due to other commitments (first night out without the baby!!) we couldn't make the event.

What are the chances of you dragging the trailer to another Shire event?


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Gutted we missed you yesterday... Jen and I wanted to have a nosey at the trailer but due to other commitments (first night out without the baby!!) we couldn't make the event.

What are the chances of you dragging the trailer to another Shire event?


Hi Dan,

There is a strong chance that I will bring the trailer again, TJ tried to sell MRS S on Seven Sisters in September.


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Another great day out, made better by the lovely weather, though I really must remember one of these days to add sunscreen to the back of my legs...

Had a load of fun driving the Freelander around the site and not getting stuck (always a bonus). Seems a light-ish vehicle and road tyres are the way to go! Actually, having the Freelander now means I'm getting out and checking the route more often than I used to, and less likely to get myself in a stuck situation. Luckily for others, the usual wet bits were still wet.

Strangely for me, not many photos. With such a big site, it was hard to find people doing silly stuff. At one point I drove around for 45 mins without seeing another vehicle.

Here is the complete set on Flickr.

Here are the highlights:


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr


SLRC Slab Common 24th July 2011 by ryskiphotos, on Flickr

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Hi Dan,

There is a strong chance that I will bring the trailer again, TJ tried to sell MRS S on Seven Sisters in September.


Ahhh... good old TJ.

I haven't received your booking form yet, do you need me to add some pro-seven sisters propaganda to help gently persuade Mrs S? :lol:;)

D :)

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