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Did the idiots really expect people to embrace this idea? Going out of your way to pay for a government spying device to be fitted to your car to track your movements, then being charged according to where you have been isn't exactly appealing.

The divorce rate would probably rise dramatically, as a result of details of movements falling into the wrong hands too.

I presume there would be some civil liberties issues over all this, but I haven't heard anyone mention that anywhere.


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Sorry for being off topic but i was shocked by this video and thought others may want to see it. i hope the mod's dont delete it.

If you download and install the google video player http://video.google.com/GoogleVideoPlayerSetup.exe it will then automatically download and start the video. you can pause play and watch when you like once it's finished downloading. it's about 650 meg. 1hr 20mins viewing. if you just watch in your browser the picture gets pixelated if you go full screen. If you have trouble with the automatic download the video is here http://video.google.com/videogvp/LooseChan...929448192753501

i'm not usually interested in politics and that, but my brother pointed me at this so i watched - in disbelief. i'd be interested to know your opinions. i thought the least i could do was try and get some more people to watch it. when you think of the trouble caused as a result of 9/11 it makes you sick.

dave. :angry:

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First, as a current resident of the United States, I can assure you that there is no such place as Iowa. Chicago is in fact a 45 min flight from New York, and is virtually in the foothills of the Rockies. During the Cold War, the Americans perpetrated the myth of the "midwest" so that the Soviets would believe that they could not effectively target all the missile silos out in the Corn-n-Bible Belt ( which if it did exist, Iowa would be a firm and fervent part of, by the way). Now they're stuck with it and the Republicans find it handy that they can use these mythical districts to generate votes to offset the ones that the Dems buy in Illinois or all the dead people voting Democrat in Florida.

Second, glad to see such a well informed and open minded approach in your commentary above. It is just this type of insight and lack of biggotry that may bring all those Bible thumpin' Klan members down South into the New Labour fold thereby ensuring World Peace.

Third, I understand that Mayor Nagel, the Reverand Al Sharpton, and several psychiatric experts would like to discuss your views on New Orleans with you. On the other hand Billy Graham, Pat Buchannan and a host of other aging white male Christians are your new best friends.

Ooooooh! I do hope this is tongue in cheek or I have really written badly. :unsure:

I'm horrified - Iowa doesn't exist! But what about Dyersville and the Field of Dreams, The Bridges of Madison County, John Deere and the National Farm Toy Museum? The University of Iowa, Cedar Rapids and Grant Wood? We have friends in the State and we have been there regularly,

I've been to New Orleans twice, both before Katrina struck and friends of my wife and I were there 3 weeks beforehand. I loved New Orleans, but I was horrified by the attitudes of the small towns around, (I was looking for a place to establish a business for a client). I am sure the list of white male christians you provided feel that the damage from Katrina was God sent - so fixing it would be defiance of the almighty. There is no way they would be my new best friends - I'm not christian, treasurer of prostitute and HIV/AIDS charities, both locally and nationally. :ph34r:

The slow recovery of New Orleans is a disgrace, a consequence of incompetance, ignorance and stupidity. If you can pin it on the mad christian right, then I won't disagree, but I don't think it's that simple.

As a general comment, I love America, :) but I would not like to be poor, old or sick there.

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well what it the reason for watching it at least say before you ask people to download 650meg

they can then decided if they can be bothered or not

sorry, i thought the post title would have suggested what it's about. it's about all the carp about who's responsible for 9/11. conspiracy theory stuff. i just found it really astounding to watch as the footage they show seems to be fairly obvious but the fallout from that date still has massive impact in the lives of not just americans ever since. like i said, i'm not really into politics much but i found the video increadibly incriminating and thought there may be other people who would too. but if my brother hadnt told me i'd never have known about it, so that's why i posted it. if i'm out of line for putting it up then sorry, but i thought it would interest some of the members. if you dont want to download straight away you can find out more by typing "loose change" into google.

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That then raises some very interesting questions on USA politics.

Ah, Michael Moore produced a very credible documentary that (paraphrasing a little) showed GeorgeW is an idiot crook who ues his position to give people who helped him up the ladder huge amounts of dosh and top jobs. Never ran a company that didn't go bust..........

Now we are well OT

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Ah, Michael Moore produced a very credible documentary that (paraphrasing a little) showed GeorgeW is an idiot crook who ues his position to give people who helped him up the ladder huge amounts of dosh and top jobs. Never ran a company that didn't go bust..........

Did he really have to make a documentary to prove that Bush is a complete twunt? :huh:

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Did not see that the idea had been scrapped, however I did see the uproar the website has caused in Government.

Apparently no other petition on the site has had much interest.

MP's are slagging off the site and the creator.

Funny I thought the Government was supposed to act in our favour :D

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