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Managed to get 2 balasts from a mate pretty cheap and ordering 2 bulbs with the wiring harness for them next week used his to test out on my motor a D2 and they work well and boy god are they bright compared to my standard ones.

What id like to know is as these are only for the main beam and not the side lights is it possible to get a connector to plug into it so it will run sidelights on hid as well without having to get another unit?

Anyone done this, or even make sense of what i have just typed/ lol

Cheers people,



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mmmmmm, cheers for that guys very good bit of info to have to hand and very important too.

So without breaking the law, and also my bank balance as i cant afford the face lift conversion lights from a later model Disco is there a way to get better improved lighting from my D2?

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Following on from Ralph's suggestion, things as simple as making sure that the lamps are clean can make a big difference too. Clean the reflector too if you can - rag and a wire coat-hanger can help get access. Old bulbs can start to get 'smoked' on the inside of the glass so you could look at new bulbs too. It all adds up.


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don't go for the 80/110 watt bulbs, the need a higher current flow & will cook the existing wiring -- been there, plus anything higher than the existing 55watt dip & 60watt main beam is technically illegal for UK road use.

Not what I was advocating, if you mean my post, hence why I said greater efficiency :)

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run the dip & main lights via relay's to reduce the current drop. try a search on here & have a read of this thread headlight relay fitting

I've done this to my 90, and it's brilliant(excuse the pun) I've now got at least 50% more light and where I live down in the southwest I need as much light as legally possible when I drive my 90 at night-stops me hitting wildlife etc when travelling about at night


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wasn't referring to your reply, just a bit more info & what will happen if thos bigger wattage bulbs are fitted.

I've seen the result of bulbs that draw high power, a series 3 with most of the lighting loom melted behind the dash :/

I can second the relay upgrade, having done it to my Series 3.

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Stretch, have a go yourself with the relay thing, it really is quite simple and effective.


May well do that mate. With the risk of sonding a complete moron and iv had a search but had no joy could you or someone tell me what tools / equipment i would need to do the job?

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I found the headlights on my disco 300 tdi a little less than adequate so bought some Osram night breakers same watt etc. As standard lamps but somehow seem to give out more/a better light, so much so I updated the lamps on the Audi too.

Could well be an option if they are as good as claimed me thinks, cheers mate

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I use the Philips version of the Osrams and they give a much whiter light output than ordinary H4 bulbs. Also, it says 8000K xenon bulbs in the heading. These give an almost violet light probably suitable for max bling only. To get the best usable light output in spotlights etc that are on only together with high beam, 4300K is the way to go. IMHO after having had 5500K and getting tired of the blue light...

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May well do that mate. With the risk of sonding a complete moron and iv had a search but had no joy could you or someone tell me what tools / equipment i would need to do the job?

Have a look at this thread http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=62423&st=20&p=541463&hl=+headlight%20+relay&fromsearch=1entry541463

Especially post #38 from western as it has a circuit diagram http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=62423&view=findpost&p=541584

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I have 100w bulbs in my 110, the wiring is plenty thick enough in the old 110 for them, don't know if it the same in the newer defenders, with replacement reflectors the lights are 100% better yer technically illegal but much better nearly as good as the Nissan lights now.

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Besides being illegal, 100w bulbs are garbage.

A while back my wife called me while at work to tell me that one of her lights went on the Disco. So when I got home later that night I grabbed the first light that I could find (a 100w bulb) and placed it in the headlamp. As time went by I totally forgot it was there till I took her Disco in for it's MOT. The right headlight fail the inspection for it's (pathetic) light pattern. .....Then I remember what I did and rectified it immediately with proper quality brand name bulbs.

Maybe your wires can handle the wattage, but the light pattern will be wrong and this alone could cause an accident. As previously mentioned, relays and proper bulbs will make a huge difference.

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