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Not everything amercian in big !

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I have been asked to "Dinky Dizzyizze! a HEI Dizzy from a 302

What absoplutely amazed me was the ferkin size of it, and what I was able to machine away, but

the drive gear on the end is TINY !

With an american V8 and a Dizzy the size this was / is I expected a bigger gear than that - and actually

the fact it is (IMHO) a tad underize for maybe what it does / longevity is maybe why its not in the greatest condition

Anyways a piccie to see

Thats all :)


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I have been asked to "Dinky Dizzyizze! a HEI Dizzy from a 302

What absoplutely amazed me was the ferkin size of it, and what I was able to machine away, but

the drive gear on the end is TINY !

With an american V8 and a Dizzy the size this was / is I expected a bigger gear than that - and actually

the fact it is (IMHO) a tad underize for maybe what it does / longevity is maybe why its not in the greatest condition

Anyways a piccie to see


Thats all :)


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Aha, took a while but I got it! Its the drive for the oil pump in the form of a dummy distributor drive :)

For foks who wouldn't butcher the old one, or, hell, just leave it on :wacko: (Probably just me really) :blush:

Thinking laterally, If its spare, I wonder if it would do as a dry sump drive?

After months of making mine fit down the side of the block, I almost wish I hadn't thought of that :mellow:

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