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To SVA or not to SVA?


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OK SVA seems to be rearing its head more often now. Suppose, hypothetically of course, I was to keep my chassis, engine, axles,... so no points lost anywhere (not even by trimmig the end off the chassis) but added 3-link to the front would I need an SVA?

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Trev - if you did the glow from your halo would be blinding, depending which department of which body you speak to on which day you either definitely don't need one or you definitely do <_< TBH as long as what's printed on the MOT / V5 match what it looks like I wouldn't worry about it.

With computerised MOT's they do seem to be a tad hotter on things like fuel type, length, body style etc. so you may struggle to MOT a 200TDi 88" hybrid registered as a tax exempt 3.5 V8 range Rover.

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No. I have a shortened 90 chassis with a 300 tdi, range rover axles, 5 speed box and an S3 body. radius arms and panhard on the rear axle.

The V5 says its a 1974 s3. I had sent of the v5 to change the fuel to diesel, change the engine number and change the colour.

To the MOT man, all is ok because what he reads on the V5 is right.

What you have to be carefull with is your Insurance. I have send them pictures of all sides of the vehicle with the roll cage, the winch, the suspension, nothing hidden. If your insurance is ok with all this (and this took a bit of convincing from my side, especially with regards to the external roll cage) In my mind your clear to go.

I am sure people will tell you differently, but It has worked for me so far. Oh and I do pay road tax.


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Be nice to have a choice :(

When I went through this, you Used to be able to use the original chassis and with your other points you were ok

This was stopped and the wording changed to "Un modified" chassis in 2002

It don't seem to matter if it was done before this date !

The eyes of the gods that are the DVLA you've changed the vehicle from the original type approval and thats it.

So is fitting a winch bumper !, but there you go !

I think/feel i'm being made an example of....and its not nice

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no you don't- if you onlhy shorten the chassis by 15% then you don't need an SVA as the chassis is unmodified. or is that for getting a Q plate?

If you shorten it by 15% how is it unmodified ?

I was told by the chief SVA Bod at Swansea any modification to the chassis is notifiable to the DVLA who will then decide if the vehicle needs to be subjected to a SVA test

believe me I've tried everything with mine and there is no way round it it has to go through one :angry: full stop

If you can get away with it, good luck ;) , I thought I was ok with the truck being built in 1997...I was wrong

as the chassis was done before the 2002 change and I had over the 8 point for original bits I thought I would be fine as did the inspecter that looked at it and did the report, The DVLA want it Q plated so I need a ministers approval certificate

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If you shorten it by 15% how is it unmodified ?

I was told by the chief SVA Bod at Swansea any modification to the chassis is notifiable to the DVLA who will then decide if the vehicle needs to be subjected to a SVA test

In your understanding Les, would welding cage mounts to the chassis qualify as a modification? That would leave a LOT of people in need of a test!


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In your understanding Les, would welding cage mounts to the chassis qualify as a modification? That would leave a LOT of people in need of a test!


No !, that adding a cage which is not a alteration to the type approval apparantly, as opposed to shortening the wheel base or looping the back off which is... :huh:

As is fitting a D4x4 type rear crossmember :blink:

So the Bobtailing of a TD5 which seems to be the rage at the moment, would require the vehicle to be SVA'd

Just quoting what I was told <_<

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What matters here is whether you get flagged up for an SVA. I remember Les got in this situation because of the engine not being original, right?

I went through the trouble of sending of my v5 and have the engine number changed, and the fuel as well as the capacity. All it meant was sending it off with the changes and a week later it was returned with the right details, costing nothing. Admittedly, this was in 2002, so I dont know if things are just as easy now, but I was in the understanding that The v5 being right is a requirement of the insurance, which was my main reason for doing it.


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OK SVA seems to be rearing its head more often now. Suppose, hypothetically of course, I was to keep my chassis, engine, axles,... so no points lost anywhere (not even by trimmig the end off the chassis) but added 3-link to the front would I need an SVA?

I was thinking the same, but surely a 3 link is just really a bolt on? New crossmember with centre link and using the standard radius arm to chassis mounts, fabication only required on the axle, or you could buy one of the kits, totally bolt on then.

Understandibly no one wants to stick there head out, but like alot of the 'political correctness" and "health and safety" bulls@@t that we are bombarded with every day, its not done for the benefit of the masses but just done so that when something inevitably goes wrong a finger can be pointed and persons can be prosecuted.

Can you imagine it in the court room, your modified vehicle (a 4x4 no less) causing an accident in which someone gets hurt or worse :( . Theres plenty of info on the net about how unstable a 3-link is on the road, mainly by people who don't have one, you can disregard the people who have them and say they are fine. Never mind the fact that it contributed nothing to the accident, your still branded as a Satan worshipper. :angry:

A few years ago, a lad I know had a teenage school boy step out in front of him on a main A-road with the national speed limit, barely had chance to brake, the boy was killed instantly. When the Police investgated they checked the car, which belonged to his employer, the Police later told him that if they had found any thing wrong, such as tyre pressures then he could be charged with 'Manslaughter', even though there was cars in front of him and behind him who had witnessed the accident.

Its upto the individual to make sure all their mods conform and don't fall foul of the system, no one cares until something goes wrong, only then will things get scrutinised and fingers start pointing, the fact that you are insured will not matter.

Apologies for the rant.


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No !, that adding a cage which is not a alteration to the type approval apparantly, as opposed to shortening the wheel base or looping the back off which is... :huh:

As is fitting a D4x4 type rear crossmember :blink:


u sayin u need an SVA if u fit a d4x4 xmember or not? :unsure: (assuming vehicle is original length)

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u sayin u need an SVA if u fit a d4x4 xmember or not? :unsure: (assuming vehicle is original length)

Changing the rear crossmember with something other than the style it came out of the factory would require a SVA :blink:

so fitting a copy replacement bearmach part would be fine :)

fitting a custom winch crossmember would not be <_<

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so fitting a copy replacement bearmach part would be fine :)

fitting a custom winch crossmember would not be <_<

Right, I think if you turn up for an sva with a devon 4x4 crossmember, they say: I'm sorry, what has changed? It looks like a standard rear bumper with a post box, do you have to bother us with that?

Never mind a copper who pulls you over.

Boys, stop worrying about the details!

I just wonder what the janks do about this. they build contraptions that may represent something that got vagely something to do with a car (usually the bonnet, so you can see what it once started at), but engines, axles gearboxes and brakes are all sort of non standard. Or like one of the guys at pirate 4x4 puts it in his handwriting: If its stock it just plain sucks!

Still, they all run their cars on the street, and we all know america is law suit country number 1. How does that work?


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Hey, I don't care either way :P

As I've said I'm just quoting what I was told, Don't shoot the messanger :ph34r:

All I did was change the engine from petrol to diesel (engine is worth a whole 1 point)

The V5 said 4x4 Utility, and has done since 1997, so why me :(

I've got no choice but to go through all the hassle of the SVA or the trucks scrap, No Log book until I sort it out, its only been going on since last November

Do I want the hassle, no I don't, and I'm begining to wonder if its acctually worth it :unsure:

What I said/was told was......

If you change/mod the chassis you "should" notify the DVLA and they will decide if the amount of modification warrent an SVA

and the Yanks don't have the T****r's at the DVLA to deal with !

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I would be interested to find out what triggered the process you now find your self in? Was it just advising of the engine change? If so they have upped their game at the DVLA. I am in roughly the same camp as Daan with my motor. When I changed the engine I just sent off the V5 with the correct data and they sent it back updated. If they are now asking difficult questions when some one does this then it is a step change.

There is one solution to your problem - offically scrap your motor - tell them that you give in. Buy a suitable deisel series 3 or 90 (depends on what your motor 'most' resembles in the chassis department) that is completly F**ked and hence v. cheap. Transfer all identifying no's to your motor. Quitely inform them that you have noticed an error on the engine number on your new car and get the V5 updated. MOT and tax. Not saying that I'd do this though....


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Buy a suitable deisel series 3 or 90 (depends on what your motor 'most' resembles in the chassis department) that is completly F**ked and hence v. cheap. Transfer all identifying no's to your motor. Quitely inform them that you have noticed an error on the engine number on your new car and get the V5 updated.

Ah yes. "Ringing" that is called.


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