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STOLEN My Defender County, Cobham.


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This was stolen from my driveway this evening between 5.30-6pm

It didn't have a steering wheel fitted so unless they came very prepared then it may have been trailored away, another car was blocking it in but the window was smashed on this and pushed out the way.

Please keep an eye out as I would prefer to have it back




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Got mine back yesterday but they had stripped off a load of bits.

Looks like it will be written off.

Assessor coming on Thursday.

Looks more like they stripped it for there own vehicle as things like the screen wash jet had been taken out carefully but to get to it they ripped a hole in the dash.

Seats taken and nearly new wheels and rims.

The engine is now very smoky as well as the rear body being twisted due to the parts I had off while working on the chassis and strengtheners under the body. They must have taken it over something rough and without the strengthening it all twisted.

I hop you find yours in better shape than mine but you might not want it back when they have finished with it. Good luck.


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The linky isn't working, this seems to be the one you mean http://www.lro.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=86988

well done, seem to be losing my ability to copy and paste LOL.

Although I am not in the UK I really am concerned about the targeted thefts of Land Rovers, I know both of those areas very well as I worked for many years in and around Walton on Thames, Sunbury, Addlestone, Croydon and Mitcham, from experience I know the pikey's are rife in those areas and I had to employ a night guard for my waste transfer station in Mitcham to stop them coming in and stealing the copper/brass and wire, another skip operator close to me could not justify the cost of a guard and regularly lost his tot and often had damage done to his vehicles and machines at the same time!!

I hope they find it for you!!!

And as far as CCTV goes it is a good deterrent but it won't stop those who are more than opportunists, GPS trackers are the best way forward and something I have now come across called Alpha dot marking system, Defenders are stolen for parts normally and at least this system if used prolifically will become a standard thing to check the identity of the parts offered for sale on some internet auction sites and even at the S/H part fares!

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This is worryingly close to home now.

And to think they managed all that within a 30 minute window while everybody was up and about (OK just getting dark, but even so...)

I hope you get your truck back quickly, and in a better state than Gordon's.

Publicise this as much as you can, with as much info and details on non standard features as possible, it might just help.

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Ive just been looking on ebay for prices for replacing mine and noticed you were in the process of selling yours. You havnt given details to someone dodgy through ebay have you?

What a pain in the ass.


It wouldn't be the first time I have heard of that happening I'm afraid.

You give out your address for them to pay cash on collection, they pinch it before hand and you get stuffed.

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I think I might be fitting that extra cctv camera this evening .....

Maplin have some good deals on CCTV at the moment - and the picture quality is acceptable!

I'd recommend the more expensive ones as they have higher resolution cameras - a camera is worthless if you can't make out faces or registration numbers!


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Is it time we had a stolen vehicles section on the forum?

Ideally with a template so you don't forget things like location, colour & distinguishing marks. Not to say they shouldn't be in the Int forum as well, but as a repository for the full details.

Better still if the original poster had perpetual rights to edit the original post - so it can be amended if it's recovered etc.


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I hope you parked your somewhere else Barry as Tim says it wasn't in the road this morning. (but then with his eyesight.........)

It's in the side road as there was no space on the main road when I parked up.

I have a 2nd hand PTZ camera with 36x zoom on it that'll be going up quick smart, that way I can point the camera to wherever I park the car along the road. I can program in the usual parking spots as presets so a quick button press after parking the car and all is covered. I spoke to a police officer before I got it and he said there should be no problem with that.

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Is it time we had a stolen vehicles section on the forum?

Ideally with a template so you don't forget things like location, colour & distinguishing marks. Not to say they shouldn't be in the Int forum as well, but as a repository for the full details.

Better still if the original poster had perpetual rights to edit the original post - so it can be amended if it's recovered etc.


I think that is a brilliant idea :) Gets my vote

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