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Old Sodbury at Newbury 7th April

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I went along too, first time i've been and i was impressed by the size.

Managed to get the parts for my TD5 fuel system and a propshaft. Was also on the look out for tha TD5 gearbox, but i only managed to find one, and it was already sold.

One thing i'll need to remember for next time is bring some sort of wheeled cart. Dragging bits back to the van which was at the furthest corner of the parking area wasnt fun!

I also noticed that quite a few folk seemed to had paid for a selling plot, but didnt really have much to speak of actuallly for sale... I presume thats just so they can get in the doors at 7:30 and get first grabs on all the goodies?

I've learnt that from a previous experience of carrying a diff from the furthest corner of the selling area to the furthest corner of the parking field!! :lol:

People also do it so they don't have to drag stuff they've bought so far.

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It was definitely a good event judging by the number of stalls+people.

Picked up a servicable winch bumper for £15 & a load of chequer-plate for a tenner, which amused the X-engers as I dragged it to the car!

Ah yes! I remember that! I think it was Nick and I who were talking too you.

Hope you've found a use for it!


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I might of bought a new project and the 110 will fund it. So will be looking for a cheap freelander soon.


What's your project? If it's any use, I was thinking about removing all the Electric Drive bits from my Freelander and building a plug in hybrid 90 instead - in which case the body (less engine & box) would be available.


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What's your project? If it's any use, I was thinking about removing all the Electric Drive bits from my Freelander and building a plug in hybrid 90 instead - in which case the body (less engine & box) would be available.


The cheap freelander would be a run around. The project on the other hand is an ibex 300 double cab unbuilt kit I stumbled across on ebay. Always wanted one so when I saw it every thing changed and the 110 had to go.


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Got 2 wings, sideboards of a lorry, 200tdi pas pump and some hoses so can adapt them for my project and lots of other stuff

Regret not to have bought a Series hydraulic winch

and sorry Si, no money left for a x-fan

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Ah yes! I remember that! I think it was Nick and I who were talking too you.

Hope you've found a use for it!


Ahh that was you Steve (and Nick) - Good to meet you! Budget wouldn’t stretch to an X-brake sadly but don’t need it for a while yet anyway.

Yea no plans as yet. As I think I said, I actually need a new floor for my 110 CSW tub (area around the seatbelt mounts corroded badly) but even ‘un bent’ I fear it will be too small! But £10 for that amount of chequer plate isn’t bad – am sure I can find a use for it!

I’ll definitely bring a trolley next time though…who knows I might be selling some of my surplus tat…er quality Land-Rover-related hardware

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I also noticed that quite a few folk seemed to had paid for a selling plot, but didnt really have much to speak of actuallly for sale... I presume thats just so they can get in the doors at 7:30 and get first grabs on all the goodies?

I'd sold most of my stuff by 10am ;)

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I'd sold most of my stuff by 10am ;)

We did the same. Its easy to forget the gates aren't open when you get the swarm as you start unpacking (I seem to remember the same thing happens at car boot sales).

Probably could have got more money for some stuff but the object of the exercise was to get rid of clutter so not too bothered

Didnt buy anything but had a good chat with Si about TDci security options (and the offer still stands to act as a guinea pig vehicle). I was tempted by a set f LED lights from Bolt on Bits but then my uncle bought a pair of defender doors so I had no one to steal any cash from!

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