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Say the first thing that comes into you head - to buy or not to buy...

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This wouldn't be the first time i've played this game on the forum. it's usually helpfull, and always interesting. so here goes...

1990 turbo diesel 110 csw, under 100k, straight bodywork, clean interior, supposedly solid in chassis and bulkhead, doors supposedly solid, full mot, NI reg. £2500. may be able to chop in my 98 disco for half decent money.there's a catch, right? (apart from the engine)

shoot, fellas.


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I would agree with John. 2500 is alot for that year. I would put a 200 in as well anyway. I paid 900 for my 1989 110 doors were dead but everything else was solid! I would check the chassis carefully. Either spend a bit more ob a 200tdi or alot less on turbo and change engine when you get it... Just my opinion :)

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After looking at it a bit more clearly I also have to agree with Disco Ron that the bulkhead looks like it'll need attention-which also leads me onto thinking what else will need looking at as well-are you looking at at least the rear cross member-Bulkhead outriggers?, Obviously the list could go on and on all depends how much you want to put into it and how big your budget is too?


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Off colour and very questionable shut lines suggest replacement doors, bfg mts suggest a home with reasonable finance, and a use for vehicle but body type and condition suggest possibly a family in the country who don't want to be snowed in/ get the merc dirty on the tip run, NI plate backs this up suggesting they didn't want the jones knowing how old it was. Probably had one owner for a while probably near new who did not tow much as the lack of power would have been addressed.

I would check for ammo around the dash and base of windscreen. Suggesting life as an estate vehicle.

On the other hand it could be a filled, rotted ,bodged up stollen 110 waiting for a sucker. Check the B posts too.


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The chassis is IMVHO the No1 item, if its not good just walk away.]

Then provinance - V5 matching clear numbers chassis, chassi plate engien address HPI etc etc etc , anything iffy run away

Then its down to the price you are prepared topay

Everything else is boltable and renewable, as is the chassis but that mad work, find something better


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always miss the sight of a nice boxy truck in the driveway nigel! the disco just doesn't compensate!

it's a tricky one this.the rear x-member looks freshly waxoiled, which bothers me. i bought a '91 90 in haste once. looked tidy anc clean, and nicely looked after/waxoiled underneath wasn't too much later (but too late) i started to realise it was just covering rust, mud, and anything else you may not want to find.

one of the rear sping hangers detached 75% of the way round on the wat home from hereford. loud bang as it jammed against the wheel arch. i was younger and stoopider and i paid for it.

if...IF i were to go for this it'd stay uk reg, as i'm in the uk 50% or more of the year, so import tax etc wouldn't factor. 200tdi would come later. i know of a disco locally a couple of hundred euro would buy.

realistically, i'd need him to px my disco at about 1500 squid, and in all fairness, i doubt he would. it may be worth that, sure, but you don't give full value on a px do you?

we're driving straight through the town he lives in later in the week on the way to sunflower fest, so it might make sense to take a look then.

i do rather feel i'm just missing the 110 nigel bought at the weekend already! ........must.....control.....urges.......buy.....windows.....not.......110.....!



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