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1st time landy owner !


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I picked up my 1st defender on Sunday & safe to say I'm hooked already !

Not your usual car for a 21 year old girl but I can't imagine getting anything else for a long time.

Its a 1991 Defender 90. All mechanically & structurally sound but cosmetically quite shabby which means I have some work to do.

I putting rubber in the back on the floor & up the bench seat & then painting the inside silver i think.

Has anyone got any tips of what paints are the best for inside/outside ?

Any general tips?

I'm looking at painting the outside myself next spring so if anyone can post any pics of paint jobs they have done or have any experiances that would be amazing

thanks :)

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Welcome to the forum :) For some reason I read this:

I putting rubber in the back on the floor & up the bench seat & then painting the inside silver i think.

as: "I'm putting a rubber duck in the back on the floor" and immediately thought you had a water ingress problem :)

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Not your usual car for a 21 year old girl but I can't imagine getting anything else for a long time.

Not at all...my Wife's been driving a Series 3 every day for the last 7 years, and she's 27 now! Also wouldn't drive any other car...especially after we've had 2 serious accidents, and both us and the Land rover have lived to tell the tale!! (more than can be said for the two cars.....)

Welcome to the forum

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If you're going to hand paint rather than spray, a good quality roller can give a great finish. My missus has been painting caravans and vans with dulux 'pick your colour' paint (taragon glory is her preference!) for years. The gloss goes after a year or so, then really looks well weathered after 3. It is a cheap way around it though. I think you really get what you play for with paint.

My first landy was white until I set about it with a tin of NATO matte green and a (don't laugh) 1 inch stenciling brush. I did one wing with a cheap roller which soaked up way too much paint and made a right mess. The only brush to hand was an expensive tiny one. It actually came out really well. Did take a Day or 2, but I was drinking steadily throughout... !

Anchor supplies usually have a stock of military paint and there's a guy on ebay who has decent quality paint. He used to sell at the shows under the name of 'the paint man' i think.

If you need advice on colour, the answer is satin black. anyone who says otherwise hasnt thought it through!

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I used an enamel paint for mine, which I think was synthetic, applied it with a mixture of foam rollers and brushes. I would say the finish was perfectly suited to a land rover, It certainly looks better than it did before anyway! I've just finished doing a 110 csw the same way, so if there are any questions I can help with then ask away



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