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Making a Spare wheel Carrier - HFH Stylee HD ..but no wounds....

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Spare Wheel ...........

ALWAYS been a thorn in my side, in the old Hybrid, and suprisingly even in the 90 when a Hard Top, now as a Roll Caged

truck cab, even worse.....But I want the ability to carrry a spare...and 35" simex seems big when your trying to "Pop" it in


Looked at all sorts of options :

Spare on rear door -

KILLS rear door, adds to overhang, and tried this, when off road at a "Jaunty" angle opening a side opening door can lift me off my feet as

it becomes "Quite heavy" door

Upright on top of Wheel boxes - er as my boxes have been raised near 4 " to aid articulation it looked rediculous ! plus zero visiblity,. plus

all that weight on one side didn't do much for the soft suspension

Lying upright on the 2 down bars on the roll cage -

No chance - again zero rear visibility, and also takes up any spare rear tub room...its been like that since going from HT to TC and I hated it !!

On floor of tub - No chance - 35" too big, and wouldn't fit / get out easily - also as I have centre winch AND Hydro Winch tank also a Non starter.

So. I decided to have it "suspended" with the bottom on the tyre just above top of side opening door, and got the tube bender and measuring stick out


This saw a U shaped bends x 2 38 OD CDS tube to fit just each side of the bottom the of the downbars, and a 2 x fish mouthed stubs further up,..the U shape to support the rear and the front to support the rest, Its also fully removable with just 6 x bolts.

Stubs were machined to make a back stop, but collars slide over centre tube base stubs were machined to allow tubes to fit inside

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The joiners were drilled 10mm and bolted togther and the whole asembly levelled up in the process. sie to side front to rear etc

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Heres the end result so far, ....bit more to do but you'll get the idea...more laters

I am more than happy with the result, easy to getr wheel / carrier off, to give access to the bed should I need it to shove something in, and gives me loads of space still under neath and side door still useful !! and with a net and some fixings I can use the well of the spare to shove bits in the the netting to keep it there.

I am sure many will not like this, but for me its practical, and yes I can see out of the rear windown well, and can get the X Anchor out too :P

Thought might be of interest as spare wheel issue has up to now annoyed me !!



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I like it a lot, and it set me thinking.....Polaris farm bikes came with stored 'square wheels' which we inflated on assembly. They popped back into shape with air. Admittedly it's a bit cruel on an offroad tyre, but if the need pops up, I now have a plan to fit a wheel on my busy truck :)

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Reading as you say 'More laters' Nige,

I was thinking a bit on security and saftey of the spare.

Maybe a bit of flat plate (10 mm thick say 100 mm wide) welded in between front and rear loop with a hole in.

Then another bit of plate with a few studs welded downwards , the same as a hub, welded to a peice of solid round bar

in the middle going down through the wheel and the big flat plate.

A hole in the end of the round bar big ewnough for a lock so it can be

Lockable underneath and out of sight when the door is shut.

And the wheel centre can still be filled with bits and the wheel

wont slide all over the place as you hit the loud pedal

Just a thnought Nige

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