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The Pheasants have started fighting back

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Went to my local keepers day shoot today to make a video of all my mates shooting. Parked my Defender near by some barns next to the keepers very abused Defender hardtop. Lots of banging going on and filming going pretty good when I focused the camera on one big cock pheasant going atmospheric and very fast skywards. The last gun in the line nailed it and I watched it dropping diagonally towards the barns still travelling at a pretty fair lick.

Then I heard a car alarm going off. Oh Oh... I just knew it was mine.

Went to turn off the alarm as the drive was ending and found a dent in the drivers door the same shape and a bit bigger than a rugby ball. Its pushed the panel inwards till it must be touching the door card, as well as flattening the curved bit below the window. Luckily it doesn't look as if it has cracked the paint. :o :o :o

So shall I try the local dent doctor or try some very careful panel manipulation from the inside?? Together with one of my buddies we have rectified dent in steel panels a good few times in the past but Ali may be a different ball game.

Advice please


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Went to my local keepers day shoot today to make a video of all my mates shooting. Parked my Defender near by some barns next to the keepers very abused Defender hardtop. Lots of banging going on and filming going pretty good when I focused the camera on one big cock pheasant going atmospheric and very fast skywards. The last gun in the line nailed it and I watched it dropping diagonally towards the barns still travelling at a pretty fair lick.

Then I heard a car alarm going off. Oh Oh... I just knew it was mine.

Went to turn off the alarm as the drive was ending and found a dent in the drivers door the same shape and a bit bigger than a rugby ball. Its pushed the panel inwards till it must be touching the door card, as well as flattening the curved bit below the window. Luckily it doesn't look as if it has cracked the paint. :o :o :o

So shall I try the local dent doctor or try some very careful panel manipulation from the inside?? Together with one of my buddies we have rectified dent in steel panels a good few times in the past but Ali may be a different ball game.

Advice please


Not really much help, but my advice is, next time park further away from the gun line. Sorry could not resist that. Now of to hide in shame.

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dents in steel work tend to pop out becasue of the metals elasticity, but when you dent ally it tends to stretch beyond its return point so if you try and knock it back into shape you will find that the panel is now to big for your door, best bet is a new door skin (about £75) or if you dont mind the dent then knock it out so your window still works and see how long you last before it annoys you

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I agree with the above but would need to see the dent before commenting further.

People often don't realise what damage a good size pheasant travelling at speed can do, I've seen smashed windscreens and dented roofs and remember one particular gun suffering a broken nose after he was smacked in the face by a bird [pheasant ;) ] he had taken well out front.

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Ours run on two legs, the Emu is stupid, will run alongside your car at around 60 kph and then do a turn right over your bow :angry2: the Casserwary on the other hand is as mean as hell and will just go for you and they have 4" long toes that could just open you up facter then a can of beans

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Thanks everybody. At the moment I am tempted to have a go and if not good enough, fit a new door skin if necessary. Problem is that I fitted stainless ball bearings in the door hinges as an anti-pikey measure and will now have to drill em out.

Went out again today to video one of the other beats of the shoot. Spent a lovely day chugging through mud. Took the advice to park further away from the guns and then dropped my camera in the mud!! B*gger!!! Then got so wet we finished early. Am out again tomorrow so will let you know if things do come in threes!!

Sometimes you just have to laugh. :i-m_so_happy:



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Being a Gun captain I am asked to park just behind the gun line on some drives, so far have only suffered a dent in the gun trailer roor and a broken light, I think it's only time till I lose a window, well will now have to wait till next season.

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  • 2 months later...

Just as a postscript everyone. The lovely old chap who shot the pheasant managed to put an insurance claim through on his CPSA clay shooting insurance, without any excess.

I had a brand new professionally painted door and winder mechanism fitted 2 weeks ago.

What very nice people :i-m_so_happy:


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Ive seen some ex-military ex-snatch landrover windscreen and side-window mesh screens on another forum thats would probably stop a pheasant. Probably dice it up for you too if the bird was really travelling.

May be a bit of a hammer to crack a nut but they do look cool.


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