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Quick welding question


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I was led to believe co2 welds had more penetration but argon was more superior in every other way?

Either way the results are normally negligible penetration wise I'd go for a co2/argon mix as suggested.

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I'm no welder but from my experience if you go for something like the hobby weld you will see they offer different co2 %. You will find the higher co2 the deeper it penitrates but it will be too hot for bodywork etc.

The best I've ever used was boc universal, it seemed to improve my welding no end on all thicknesses they just got too greedy for my pocket :)

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No penetration doesn't improve ... without going into the reasons why you will get less arc wander due to the argon content, this means you should be able run less voltage and have less splatter and control the pool better... so you should be able to lay a better bead

As for a difference... I liken it to the difference between flux core and CO2

Oh and don't be tempted to run pure argon lol this is a bit specialized, it narrows the arc stream even more and requires slightly different technique to weld with... used by alot of automated welding bots so they can increase the speed of the welding

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If you are welding old metal I doubt you'll tell the difference? I'm mig with pure argon, because of the tig set I bought.

It's a very different game compared to work, which is brand new sheets of metal. Tony can lay down mig welds that look as good as they possibly ever could!

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Try some of your local steel fabricators , small firms will be the best , they'll probably change a bottle for cash . The only problem might be that boc bottles are bar coded (I've read it somewhere ????)

I change air products bottles for a couple of people

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Yes BOC are now coded, if you can find someone with a few bottles on rent that hasn't sent all their coded ones back yet you can swap yours for one of theirs, you can even have a full coded one the only issue is once they send yours in and BOC realise they have an extra bottle they aren't paying rent for.

we have moved to rent free I think air products at home with no noticeable difference in weldability ( plenty of landrover welding and bits of fabrication up to 15mm with 210 amp mig)


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If you know someone in trade there is a good chance they have a transfer hose, you can't buy these lol they have to be specially machined up.... as they are made so they disable the non-return valve in the valve stem

You can get them to full your bottle

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Thanks everyone ....

I think I might go the hobby weld route and just get BOC to take the old one back. If not now - then the next time there would probably be only coded ones about and it will in effect just be taking up workshop space.

Really helpful info here though thank you -

Ooo one last question - what kind of flow would you set the Agoshield to ?

I was using 10 - 14 lpm at the shroud with CO2

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I tend to leave mine at 14 but in the garage 8 would be ok. Somewhere I have a boc recommended settings guide I will try find it and scan it....

The hobby weld ones last me about a year, the boc ones used to last about 2. On hobby weld that's a £60 refundable deposit and 2 exchanges at I think £35 a go. On boc that's 2 years rental at about £85 a year and one fill up at about £30.

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OK so it's a spinny roundy thing that I took apart and scanned, if you print it out, cut out the window, put one over the other and rivet in the middle it will make more sense, but if you can't be bothered to do that each figure is as follows;

Material type

Material thickness

Recommended BOC gas

Welding wire diameter

Welding travel speed (mm/min)

Welding current (amps)

Welding volts

Wire feed speed (m/min)

Gas flow (l/min)

Welding position

Edge preparation

(sorry I don't have a reference for the last 2 attributes)


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