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Scrap Iron racing.....Gone under!!


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M25 Junction 25 (easy to remember), that'll be a lot easier to get to, wonder if its related the LEZ (London Emsion Zone) coming in next year.

Whereby anyone without a genuine car classed LR County has to pay £400 or something stupid like that a day to get into the zone !

Also be a good excuse to avoid the M25/M11 traffic jam, at the next junction.

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M25 Junction 25 (easy to remember), that'll be a lot easier to get to, wonder if its related the LEZ (London Emsion Zone) coming in next year.

Whereby anyone without a genuine car classed LR County has to pay £400 or something stupid like that a day to get into the zone !

Also be a good excuse to avoid the M25/M11 traffic jam, at the next junction.

If I put my 1970 Truck Cab 2.25 Diesel Reg into their website it says I will be exempt from all charges. I'll even leave a trail of oil and smoke to show how green my LR is :ph34r:

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I work in Cheshunt!

You mean you go there for a few hours a day and drink coffee. Everyone knows that senior management actually do nothing at all. :lol:

On a more serious note - there will be a forum charity collection to help this ailing company, who are a real benefit to the 4x4 community.

Les :unsure:

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Guest diesel_jim
On a more serious note - there will be a forum charity collection to help this ailing company, who are a real benefit to the 4x4 community.

Les :unsure:

OK... i need to go for a.... number 2's.... i'll do it SAS style into a Lidl's carrier bag, they can have that.

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You mean you go there for a few hours a day and drink coffee. Everyone knows that senior management actually do nothing at all. :lol:

I stopped drinking the coffee and switched to tea, but the rest is fairly accurate of course.....


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OK... i need to go for a.... number 2's.... i'll do it SAS style into a Lidl's carrier bag, they can have that.


Nothing wrong with "hard routine" :blink:

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Guest diesel_jim

Nothing wrong with "hard routine" :blink:

yup... been there, seen it, got the T shirt... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

cold compo is pants tho... :(

Mind you.... hot compo ain't much better... :P

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just put my reg in for the hell of it, mines a 90 county station wagon TD and it says that the LEZ dosent affect my car. Happy days, now all i have to do is to like london enough to drive through it haha

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The latest i have heard is that...(alledgedly)

the workshop will carry on as a L/R workshop under different ownership & all mail order, stock etc will carry on from a different location again under different ownership.

But still unconfirmed..... The suspense is killing me!!

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