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Everything posted by Happyoldgit

  1. Actually no, I have been quite happy with it. The screen is a bit bigger than the previous phone but not too big that it won't fit into a pocket and I soon got used to the additional weight - it seems like a well built but of kit. Signal strength is generally better too. Good buy IMHO. I bought a cheap digitiser and screen to replace the one that was destroyed on the previous phone. While not good enough to use regularly it enabled me to access the device and get off some data I needed.
  2. NFU or LV. Was with NFU for years but switched after several price hikes. LV have been very good.
  3. Perception is reality. Reputation starts at the dealership, vehicle experience and how swiftly issues are sorted under warranty. If problems arise with a vehicle still under warranty are handled quickly, efficiently, courteously, with the least inconvenience to the customer then the overall impression given is that the parent company and its franchised dealers cares for its customers. Sadly my experience of buying new JLR products has meant getting things fixed under warranty has meant dealing with a system with an attitude that almost begrudge repairing their products. Customers first have to convince warranty managers that there is an issue and then the manager has to convince JLR. Hassle creates frustration and ill feeling in the customer which is further aggravated when repairs are not effective long term. Most individuals who buy new don't want to fix their own vehicles.
  4. So far so good with regards the S96. Once set up it's been pretty intuitive to use with no issues in areas that other phones have struggled to get a signal. It's heavy but really solidly built, but I like being able to feel and be aware of it in a pocket. I have used the phone a lot for photos, browsing and calls, the battery is currently on 25% and on its original charge. I like the fact that you can connect a lanyard [supplied] directly to the body. The audio via the rear speaker is good, not hi fi quality obviously but distortion free and clear when the volume is cranked up. All in all I'm still happy with it ...typing that has probably jinxed it!
  5. Re the Doogee S96 that I ordered from Amazon late last night and was delivered this afternoon. I am still setting it up but am using it to post this. I paid £296 but noticed the price has now increased to £329.99! First impressions: it's solid, chunky, weighty and so far has been easy to setup. I have been playing with the night vision and it's good! Obviously the range of the small infra red led's is not going to illuminate a football pitch but they are fine in the average room and will illuminate surprisingly far outside. I also found some of the reviews are wrong when they state the night vision will only capture stills. By chance I discovered that by selecting the front camera the camera will capture video via night vision - bonus!
  6. Sincere thanks to all who offered advice and suggestions. You wouldn't believe the amount of time I spent comparing makes and models, not made any easier due to the very real ongoing effects of the chemotherapy treatment, what's known as "chemo brain" I'm told. Whether I made the right choice - for me - I have no idea but the phone arrived this afternoon and is on a top up charge now. More in due course.
  7. That's right. I may not have chosen the one you recommended but that is not to say I did not appreciate the advice. Thank you 🙂
  8. Quite so (I was referring to the Armor 9 or 10, apologies for not specifying) but among other things the camera specs are a bit higher although not as good as the busted phone. I think I stated somewhere that a reasonable camera is one criteria. The infra red aspect will be a novel, and if good, useful too. PAX 🙂
  9. A Doogee S96 it is. New or newishish models from Blackview, Ulefone and others were in the running too but I didn't want to chuck chunks of money at something that often looked like it would be coming direct from CH or HK and thus attract import duties and VAT. While the Doogee S96 has lesser specifications in some respects than the phone that just went mammaries up it's always swings and roundabouts with this stuff. Direct comparisons of specs on paper don't always equate to real life performance and experience ...but I will see. I dare say someone could very well be taking a sharp intake of breath right now and be ready to type "I wouldn't have chosen that if I were you, blooming' awful thing! You should have gone for one of these [insert much higher spec phone for the same money on offer for just today] instead" but that's just what I expect knowing my luck just recently 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Admittedly I am not firing on all cylinders at present and am currently waiting for an appointment for a scan which will hopefully show what the last few months of chemotherapy has achieved, but it is amazing how much time can be spent sorting out a sudden accidental phone breakage! Fortunately I had my old phone to hand so was able to transfer some of the stuff but even with backups of the new phone to hand it all takes time and frustration! Replacements for the screen and digitiser are expensive and not available that quickly but I did find a place that can supply at a reasonable cost sk I will have a go at a DIY replacement. Getting it repaired elsewhere will be a sizeable amount of money that could be put toward a more durable phone. Even with my currently often shaky hands having a bash at repairing has to be worth a gamble, there is some data on the device I would like to retrieve but cannot do so without a working touchscreen. I have used Otterboxes in the past but not this time. I've also had C port issues and spent time with a wooden toothpick and airline picking out bits of stuff that have somehow found their way in there. Thanks for all the much appreciated comments and suggestions chaps. I did spend a chunk of time looking at the Techradar and other comparison / review sites beforehand but my head began to hurt after a while. My wallet was also getting jittery over the prices of the latest model trendy normal phones - scary stuff. The poor old thing has only just stopped shaking from shock after forking out on a spanking Macbook Pro recently too!
  11. I've had one or two rugged phones in the past but having just busted the screen and digitiser of my current, cased and screen protected 5 month old ordinary smartphone I'm thinking of going back to something a bit more durable. Does anyone have any recommendations [apart from be more careful, don't drop your phone etc] with regard to a good current, or recent model, unlocked, ruggedised smartphone that won't break the bank? I don't want to know about cases for ordinary phones - been there - done that etc I want a phone that's built to withstand use that's a bit more than the daily commute or sat at a desk, something that won't throw a wobbly when used out in the wilds and workshop.
  12. Was thinking the same. One of us will more than likely tackle it in due course [I feel like c**p at this afternoon due to health stuff so it won't be me until I'm a little clearer headed].
  13. Gents, With respect, let's not get into a meta discussion about the forum, please. Thanks.
  14. Gentlemen, let us not forget the human side.... Thank you.
  15. This. Use the search facility and you'll find that the subject of LED lights has been done to death. While you may spend your money how you wish and end up with something that does the job you want bear in mind should you be involved in an accident involving 3rd parties etc and your vehicle be found to be fitted with lighting that falls outside the regulations - even something considered so trivial as what has been stated above then you could well end up in hot water. Your choice. A decent pair of Crystal shells, decent bulbs and an uprated wiring and relay system will serve you well.
  16. I can think of other things I would rather sink 190k into.
  17. ...old when you fall asleep readi......
  18. Suit yourselves. My life is too full of other dross at the moment to argue the toss so you carry on, I'm taking a break from LR4x4. Condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.
  19. Look, this thread is making me feel increasingly uncomfortable. Let's just drop all the speculation and conjecture and instead again remember that a child was killed. Show a bit of decorum and respect please.
  20. Tragic. Condolences to the family and friends of the young victim.
  21. Just listen for the beep ....he says having made a point of retaining as many of the original big, chunky, satisfyingly clunky Bakelite light switches in the house as possible 😉
  22. Thing is though, the more you use them, the more you get used to using well laid out touchscreens. The icon positions become as familiar as dinosaur switches and knobs and resting a palm on the edge of the screen to steady the finger jab. Pecking at a screen icon with a finger at the end of an extended arm in a moving vehicle is going to be hit and miss. I don't like finding that someone else has left fingerprints on the screen though, just as I don't like fingermarks left over a carelessly adjust interior mirror - but in my case the offending smears are going to be from family members as they are the only ones who drive my stuff.
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