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Everything posted by reb78

  1. Haha. I try not to take beer with me when working on the car... thats all. If i am not sat idle all evening I find it helps not to keep visiting the fridge!
  2. I'd never consider gas or oil for the Rayburn - hugely expensive as you say on either of those. Mine is replacing a log burner in the kitchen which would be burning fuel anyway in the winter. The log burner is only small and keeps the areas it links to by convection really warm but I figured the Rayburn will do that (sure it will burn a bit more), and the rest of the house and the hot water. It used to be at my mums house and did the job really well there. It will also do slow cooked stews/pot roast etc really well. It can be a pain to cook on but its a bit like a steam engine... you need to get it fired up in advance, but you do know there will always be a kettle on the boil regardless!
  3. Agree with all of this. I think people need to look past just the mpg figures sometimes. My 110 is cheap to run for the reasons you mention, especially as I have no labour costs and if I do maintenance in the evening it stops me sitting around drinking beer and getting fatter!
  4. Thats my problem. All the installers seem like dodgy used car salesmen crossed with a pikey who setup a dodgy website yesterday with about as much knowledge of what they are selling as me! I struggle to trust I think!!
  5. I spent the whole weekend cutting firewood. Still have to split it. Hopefully the Rayburn goes in next month. I have also fitted a 3500l oil tank recently in the hope that i can take advantage of lower price periods but also cut down on its use with more wood. I will be adding a log burner back boiler to the system we install with the Rayburn too. I hope, for heating to become self sufficient through wood eventually (my own stuff with top ups from outside that I don't need to rely on). What I really would like is to add solar PV to the shed roofs - these are south facing. But I really don't know where to start with it, not having had any training in this area. The sheds are huge and could easily accommodate many more panels than I think I would need. I also have masses of space that could be used for battery storage. Like I say though, I am not sure where to even start with this! Cost will be an issue I am sure.
  6. Its the inside of my a frame cross member that did it for me. Its like that on the outside but when cutting to patch, it became very clear that the inside was absolutely rotten. Given the pounding it takes as the back axle moves around I disnt fancy it coming loose. I think @Retroanaconda had some Pics of his showing the same
  7. At least using waste plastic for fuel production should mean that less of the damn stuff ends up polluting the oceans. I despair at the impossible task of not using plastic. Its everywhere! So much of it just gets sent of for incineration anyway (labelled as recycling ) that we may as well convert it to fuel and burn it that way.
  8. I'm putting a rayburn in currently. Will heat 12 rads. The thermal store we need will also have inputs for solar water heating, log burner back boiler and an oil boiler. It will also have an immersion but only to be used if we ever put in PV solar. I have a lot of wood too so want to make the most of it and harvest what I have sustainably as needed. Mostly dead wood currently. Also need to get my arse in gear and buy a few tons of anthracite before that gets banned completely. Three should do a couple of years. The rayburn will be fine on wood when we are about but will need anthracite over night.
  9. I dont have any of that as an option. We don't have a company car scheme.
  10. I own all my vehicles outright no leases/company car etc. Just cant fathom why so many use the lease system. It does mean i own older cars though which I think excludes me from EV ownership for some time to come. Apart from a BMW once upon a time that ended its days in a spin on the M4 one night, i spend 7-8k a time and run them until they are worthless. The l322 might be the exception as i haven't fallen that much in love with it and should have spent the money on a digger so that might leave my ownership quicker than most cars but hey ho.
  11. Mines gone there - its 13 years older than yours though. As I was preparing for welding in repairs it became more and more apparent that the inside of that a frame cross member was a complete mess. I have a new Richards chassis and now need to find some time...
  12. This is quite impressive to be fair. Still not sure it could work for me. Is Tesla the only choice to make this work in reality? What are the purchase prices like? I'd have to be able to buy the car so i reckon its a long way out of reach!
  13. Swapping batteries will never happen... lets face it the world cant even get crapple to use the same charging port as everyone else!
  14. Same for me. To be honest, I haven't been in a motorway services since before COVID and dont intend to start again - they are filthy places.... Unless my bladder significantly weakens, I want to continue to do 4.5 hours in one go - its long enough without extending it (and 30 mins in the minimum I guess if there is a queue)
  15. I feel mine will do this if i over do it. It shows no signs of stopping or getting tight. I wrap a good load of ptfe tape round it, tighten to flush with the cover and leave a corner pointing upwards so i can see if it rotates (it never does).
  16. I seem to recall one of the manuals - might have been haynes, stated too high a torque for the bottom bearing pin bolts. Just a dim memory.
  17. Quite and it is this to which I refer above. A lot of their EAC branded stuff seems to be reasonable quality and well sourced. I say this from the odd time i have taken a chance on it when the cheapest of cheap britpart has been the only other option so not extensive experience. https://www.eacparts.com
  18. Some of the Britpart XS stuff is genuine in another box. EAC seem to make some parts and are decent quality. I still try to go to Britcar and LRDirect where they tell you the manufacturer rather than supplier (although the lrdirect website seems a bit naff for this at the moment ).
  19. I had this with waxstat too. The vdo guage was showing it wasnt opening until 97C! Soon took that one out!
  20. They've owned allmakes for a few years now i beleive, just kept it very quiet. Massive shame about Bearmach. They had some good products like Hawkeye - more reliable than nanocoms rubbish and Total was open across all vehicles and catered for models that GAP didn't cover.
  21. Absolutely the same. Love them.
  22. I heard on another forum that they are giving out redundancy notices. I have no idea if this is correct though. shame if they are as they are generally better than Britpart
  23. I dont think that camper cab would fit on a freelander..... even with all terrains! 🙄
  24. Eberspachers can be found fairly cheaply these days. The heater can be used for demisting and cab kept toasty by the eberspacher. Mine will have the cab at 30C if you let it. It also means I can leave the dogs in there in the winter and they will be happy.
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