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Everything posted by reb78

  1. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/autoexpressnews/237130/indestructible_land_rover_phone.html Its been mentioned, but no links to it. I think its based on the sonim XP (?) but has a few more features. Does seem expensive and I know its a bit gimicky - with the landy badge and all that, but it does seem to get reviews as a tough phone. You can get unlocked ones on ebay.
  2. How much would you reccomend turning from standard - i.e. what did you end up with in the end roughly? Did you just turn the diaphragm or do the starwheel and smoke adjustments as well? Oh - and was your speedo reading in your avatar a result of the tweak?!
  3. Got a spare TD one, which i think is the same as the 200tdi (might be wrong). I'll measure it when i get home later.
  4. Its always the standard rear axle one that worries me. I'm sure thats less than half a metre up from the ground. Ok perhaps if you are moveing, but if you have to stop wont it become submerged?
  5. Dont think you can adjust the slave cylinder pushrod, just the pushrod on the pedal. Did you fit the slave cylinder the correct way up? If the bleed nipple is lower than the input pipe it is upside down and you will have trouble bleeding it properly no matter how long you bleed.
  6. Are you sure its not tweaked too much?! Turn the pump back a bit...
  7. I thought that might be the case. I have registered on the other link and will have a look there. Thanks
  8. Ralph, Is there any way of getting the pics up again on that link? Dont know if it is possible or not.
  9. I have a system on my sat nav. Its rubbish in my BMW which is silent on the road. Its useless on my defender. In the BMW, the caller cannot hear me and i can just about hear them. In the defender noone can hear anything (yes it is turned up and the mic positioned properly)! I'd have thought the only useful solution (for all types of driving) is an in the ear type device as mentioned above. I just use my headphones connected to the phone handsfree and pop them in if it rings - the microphone is clipped to my shirt - works fine and the headphones block out the noise of the engine/road/tyres etc... Parrot might be ok as they clip onto the sun visor, but i reckon they'll still pick up a fair bit of vehicle noise making conversation difficult (especially on the motorway).
  10. Do what FridgeFreezer suggests, but i would think you may be better off going for the 1.4:1 defender box personally - especially given where you will spend most of your time. You're not really talking about 4 months cruising around at 80mph, probably closer to 35/40 on average, so the 1.4 might be a better bet IMO.
  11. If you are building an expedition truck as in the title, are you planning to go on expedition on motorways or in the bush? A 1.22 TXB might suit fir the drive across europe for a few days, but the rest of the journey - say 3 months might be better suited to a 1.4:1 defender box. Just a thought.
  12. May be wrong, but isnt it just that way for ease of adjustment of the tracking? If they were the same thread, you would screw one in and the other out as you turned the track rod and would therefore have to take the TRE off to adjust the tracking. So you could have them the same, but tracking would be a little more awkward. Edit - just read your post fully and you've already dais that anyway!oops!
  13. I took a bottle of oil back to halfords once - a month after i was mis-sold it. Their spec sheets were wrong. They tried to tell me that it had gone off because it was over a month since the sale and they couldnt take it back - needless to say i asked to speak to the manager and got my money back!! Your oil should be fine as long as it was in a sealed dry container. Its not like brake fluid that will absorb water over time and shouldnt be kept for longer periods once opened.
  14. 50 yards? no damage at all other than a little bit less shoe material left. Forgetabout it..
  15. £500 maybe a bit more IF the engine really is ok and was rebuilt. That way, if you do decide its too much work, there is some profit in it for your efforts to break it. New chassis alone will be ~£1300 so thats £1800 spent without any unexpected purchases - add another 500 (at least) on to cover for unexpected bits and you get to what the vehicle might be worth if it was running in ok condition and that doesnt take any of your time into account.
  16. Havent they re-appeared as extreme4x4LTD? http://www.extreme4x4ltd.co.uk/acatalog/index.html Might have your kit there...
  17. I agree. However, I dont know the answer, but are you likely to get the money from the vandals even if they are caught? I'd have thought it very unlikely unfortunately.
  18. Yeah, but if you claim you're also stuck with that insurance company as well - if you change companies, they wont honour a protected no claims with someone else... Its not worth the hassle of claiming on the insurance - i claimed for pothole damage against tfl, took 2 years of hassle to get the claim settled, i'd have been better off fixing it myself.
  19. Looks nice. I'm kinda glad i'm stubbornly trying to slowly do mine up otherwise i would be tempted (i'd love a v8 on gas),but with mine - i've started so i'll finish...
  20. I've no idea. I emailed him initially about a diesel one. I suppose if you have a petrol, you could still buy a diesel heater, fit a small fuel tank - modified spare fuel can perhaps, you could still run the heater (and run it in red diesel to make it even cheaper).
  21. Glad it came in handy. Nice chap really, sorted out everything i needed for the heater with no problems.
  22. Still think the bias springs could be the cause - the lever has to travel through the region set by these to get to 3rd or 5th. I had a spare turret for the lever when i had this problem - i stuck that on as the springs were better on it and it solved the problem.
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