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Everything posted by M&S

  1. If they are loose where they meet the door frame you can pop the plastic trim off on the inside and try tightening the three screws. Or slacken it and pop in a spacer, then retighten. A new mirror is easy to fit if you can get one from a scrapyard. Just three screws.
  2. Mike has given a very good link for reading. After that I purchased a set-up from Raw Components. I can highly recommend them as the kit is very good, comes with EVERYTHING needed. I went for the voltage sensing relay (rated at 100A) in the end as I run a TD5 and didn't fancy tapping in to any of the wiring.
  3. After lunch we headed back on Forest roads. A lot of the day (well most of it) was spent on these actually. We would have liked more off the off-road stuff because the bits that we did do were great. Heading through the forest in convoy felt a bit "Camel Trophy", especially on one track where it was completely overgrown with pine trees. Branches scraped the bonnet and the vehicle in front was never in site for more than a few metres before the greenary sprung back and hid it from view. The last off-piste section turned out to be very boggy. The G4D3 headed through first and I followed. The sound of the V8 getting thrashed at full throttle whilst the vehicle bounced and slid from lock to lock brought a smile to my face Think I know what my "family car" might be... Next it was my turn, and despite the D3 getting through I wasn't having any of it. I powered in, slid around, tried to drive out a bit, but no. Came to a dead stop. Second Low, throttle, clutch out, engine nearly stalling. Try to go back. Nope, stuck on something. Turns out I'd picked up a rather large branch A tug back and some guidance from the leader, LOTS of gas, LOTS of lock-to lock, LOTS of trying to correct and overcorrect, and finally I plowed a way through in a shower of peat! Not very elegant but I was happy to be through The rest of the group followed using a similar tactic. A long run up, loads of throttle, and cling on for dear life trying to avoid bouncing out and into the trees. Cool B) My advice to anyone who fancies a step-up from Green Laning is to check out what their local forestry commision has to offer. Yes it costs money (£50 in this case) but it's for a good cause. We met some great people, everyoine was friendly and it was fun. That's what it's all about isn't it?!
  4. From here we headed back onto Forestry roads. The mist was starting to clear and open up the views across Kielder Water. Another off-road track, again bumpy, covered in branches, and a bit sloppy led us to lunch at the quarry. Some of us went for a play in the quarry, tackling a couple of steep climbs/descents and making for some good photo's whilst others ate packed lunches The climbs never look that steep in the pics do they? But these were and I ended up at full throttle near the top scrabling to get grip on the dust. It was pretty lumpy as well, a few holes had been dug, a few rocks placed, I wasn't reversing back down . No, didn't fancy that in the slightest . Give it some more gas!!! The descent was fun too, the back end following us round near the bottom but corrected with a bit of left lock and a blip of the throttle
  5. Hi all, thought I'd do a quick write up of yesterdays outing. We met for breakfast and a briefing at the Dukes Pantry. It was pretty cold and misty so no views to be had as the day started. There were 14 cars in all I think, led by a Forestry Commision Ford Ranger and backed up by one of the Mountain Rescue teams own (personal) G4 Disco 3. There was also a Mountain Rescue 110 Ambulance, and a mixture of vehicles from Disco 3's to 90's, 110's to Jimny's. Even a new Toyota Land Cruiser. One thing they all had in common was a minium of AT's B) After the briefing we headed out onto Forestry roads. Eventually we reached teh first off-road section of the day. Rutted, a bit sloppy, a bit scratchy, and a few rocks thrown in for good measure. The best part of this trail was a pretty deep water section which we had to step down to the left, before driving around the rock to the right, and back out the other side. SCRAPE! I said AROUND the rock I thought that we would have a cut right down the left side of the vehicle but on inspection it turned out to be a scratch. A deep one, but just a scratch. My turn to drive for a bit. We were allowed to head off and loop back around to do the section again so I gave it ago. I clipped the back wheel on the same rock and so was happy with that. A couple of people have side steps not quite as straight as they once were!
  6. Thanks Nick, mine works fine then, as I thought it was. Even though it does run at all speeds, it's not drawing very much air through when cold so is running slowely. At higher temps there is a definate change in the airflow been sucked through the engine. If I fitted wings I reckon I could take off This is an old argument anyway, and one that will never be won by either camp, so long as your vehicle is running well and doesn't overheat I don't see the problem with either system.
  7. Ok, not wanting to get into the whole debate (as my viscous fan seems to be doing the job just fine so I'm sticking with it) I do have a couple of quick questions please: 1) How do you know if your viscous fan has actually failed? 2) Don't they tend to fail in an operating condition and if so, that's surely a good "fail safe" (I'd rather have cooling all the time to get me home). Cheers, Martin
  8. M&S

    04 bumper trim

    Not sure if we need to fit a stonegaurd or not? The original bumper had one but I'm not sure if it did much. But there is quite a gap between the steering guard and the bumper now. Any thoughts?? Will get to test it all out on Saturday at the Kielder 4x4 Safari - bring it on!!
  9. Hi all, thought I'd post a pic of what I have christend the "Nevada Cut" as it was something inspired by RonC Since Turbocharger kindly drove me into a rock on Stanage at the Derbyshire Forum meet I've been trimming the cracked bits off my bumper gradually. Today I finally went the whole hog and took a grinder to it all, trimmed it straight across, just below the reg plate We removed the arch liners also. There was a lot of mud behind these anyway that i couldn't get to when cleaning! And the washer bottle, although now "exposed" is at least clean. There was a tonne of mud on that alone I'll be painting the arches with silver hammerite to give it an extra layer of protection I think but reckon it's better that I can clean the mud off rather than leave it there. Anyway, we now have much better approach angles, and the new tyres don't rub when going around corners anymore - I don't know why they did, they are standard size, but anyway. Jobs a good'un so to speak B)
  10. If there's pressure building up in the header it sounds like a head gasket problem. I'd get it sorted ASAP. I ran a van for a year like this and then one day it died. In my case it was a porous head and not the gasket. It'll be MUCH cheaper to replace the head gasket now before it gets any worse (and leaves you stranded somewhere).
  11. As far as I am aware the regs do not apply unless you are using the equipment for work. So if you are on a job and use it yes, they do, but if you are collecting stuff from B&Q for your own personal use then no, they don't. Where you might also be required to follow the regs is if you purchase the crane through your company and attach it to a company vehicle. If you are an employer or self-employed person providing lifting equipment for use at work, or you have control of the use of lifting equipment, then the Regulations will apply to you. For home users the lifting regs do not apply (although you still have to make sure its safe obviously, as someone entering your premises could be injured, or your garage could be pulled down by a gantry crane for example!)
  12. I bought a Tmax compressor from LRS for £49. It's "only" the single cylinder one but it's more than upto teh job of inflating a tyre from flat or topping up 4 tyres from reduced pressures. For "normal use" it's perfect - why spend more?
  13. I've also found more often than not that I'll here the TC for a split second but the light doesn't come on.
  14. Brilliant, thank you very much for the great description. Job done! I couldn't believe that it was riveted but it was. They looked like they were threaded and bolted from the inside, but a quick rip over with the grinder sorted them out I've tapped out the holes 8mm and put dome headed screws through. Think that should be ok. If not I'll pop in to the sheet metal workers and ask them to put a couple of rivets in. I used the Hi-lift and Stephanie to prop the door whilst I removed the bracket and with the application of heat and a hammer I've straightened the hinge back up. Refitetd as per the paint marks (even down to the washers been in the same place) and the door closes! You need to slam it a bit but then we always did. Thanks again, Martin.
  15. Hi all, I let the back door swing open yesterday whilst parked on a slope I watched the lower rear door hing fold as it swung open so know I'll be needing a new one To get the door to shut again whilst out I slackened the hinge bolts. This got us home ok with the door latched but not shut properly. Anyway, just thought I'd ask for any tips before I go about removing the door - mostly to do with re-aligning it (I know, I should have marked around the original hinge but it's a bit late now). Also, are there any heavy duty hinges available, or is it just the genuine/all makes ones? From what I can tell the D1 & D2 hinges are the same. Just wanting to save any nasty surprises before I start what should be a simple enough job...and share my stupidity with you Don't let the rear door swing open!
  16. Where have you put your axle stands? Are they on the chassis, or one of the radius arms? The spot where LR tell you to jack the vehicle is fine for changing a wheel but no good for this job.
  17. I bought one of those boot tidy things from Tesco (£5). It has three pockets in it and prestuds/velcros to the back of the seats - or in this case, bulkhead The middle pocket is large enough to fit a road map in and other such junk. The two smaller side pockets are actually behind the seats, but we keep things in that we don't need often such as the first aid kit, rations, etc. My cubby box has a tacho in it so is nothing more than an arm rest, and I'm reluctant to remove it as I'm not sure what it's wired to (and been a TD5 I'm not taking the chance of just cutting the wires!).
  18. Could be loads of things! Is it just speed related or RPM related? See what revs you are at when it vibrates at 40mph, then try those same revs in a different gear. That'll differentiate between engine or axle rotation. Also, try with the vehicle parked up and adding some revs. That'll find things like exhaust resonance etc.
  19. Any gas system would need to be installed by a qualified fitter (you can lay it all out but they need to terminate it) and you need to get a certificate. Also, if it has a fixed bed in it you are supposed to let teh DVLA know that it's status has changed to "motorhome". I got around this by putting in a portable camp stove and we didn't have a fixed bed
  20. You'll need wheel spacers. The stud pattern is different for starters so teh spacer will have to be an adapter. Also the hole in the middle is smaller on the D2 wheels, so the new spacer would have to be thick enough that the hub cap on your D1 doesn't stick through - the D2 wheel will not go over it. Oh, and you'll need a new set of wheel nuts. Does seem like an expensive way of doing things.
  21. Yup, it does make a fair noise (like a t..t..t..t...t...t...t...t..t..t) and the TC light will be on the dash. As you unhooked the trailer and managed to get off the site I'd say it was working just fine. They need to invest in some proper tyres if they are going to be doing this a lot. It is a good system, I've followed defenders, discos, toyotas etc through some really sloppy stuff on bald road tyres and I know that wouldn't have been possible without the TC. A quick and easy check will be to pop two wheels on the grass and pull off with a good few revs. You should hear it clicking away and see the light come on.
  22. Yup, you have to replace the whole mechanism. I did mine here: Disco 2 Door Lock
  23. It's too late. We are looking at a 200tdi disco later The problem is it's mint, FSH, one owner (since 1992!!). It would be a shame to trial it really. This clubs season has finished until September though, so maybe Steph can run it as here car until then. She said "we'll keep that as the car and use yours for off roading" Not sure. Discos are cheap, 90's might be a bit tougher, suzukis are even cheaper (but not a Landy so...). Who knows, I have time to think about it. There was a 110 county station wagon (A reg) that looked standard, even down to the balding tyres. The driver did really well with it, one of the better ones in my opinion. Guess it goes to show how it's the driver and not the vehicle We are on the hunt. Want something standard(ish) though. Oh, and somewhere to park it
  24. Looks like you've done a tidy job, and it just goes to show how many different folk buy discos for so many different reasons. Cool
  25. Many are only rear wheel drive.
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