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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. Don't know but I can lift one on my own so I'd say around 50kg don't know if that helps may be able to weigh a wet one tomorrow. Mike
  2. Last time dave and fridge followed me to sliven in Bulgaria in under 3 days so this is upping the anti a little mind it was -20 degrees at one point and we did stay for a week. If he had given a little notice some of us would of joined him. Dave are you sure he made the ferry as I've witnessed his version of making it on time! Mike
  3. You can get chains for 285/75x16 as I got some for the tomcat about £60 a pair of the net go any bigger though and the price rockets. In my experience you won't use them we did 1000 miles in Norway on frozen roads at 45 mph so couldn't use chains as there only rated to 30 mph. Mike
  4. I was hopeing I could just remove the front plate and bellhousing to remove the input shaft swap that onto the disco box then swap the change mechanism over. But then that would be easy guess i'll put the half knackered one back in and either have play later or keep my eye out for a second hand one. Mike
  5. Is it possible to convert a disco lt77 to defender configuration. I have one of each but the out put shaft is knackered on the defender box I don't really want to strip either completely so wondered if I can just swap bits over. Mike
  6. I was told by a land rover engineer they would not fit any thing over 9000 lbs as the chassis isn't strong enough so make your own mind up. I made my disco bumper from 5mm with additional stiffening under the winch. The tomcat had a 6mm winch tray and 3mm tubes either side. I think you can buy a tray that bolts over the top of a standard bumper. Mike
  7. How would you know you wash your truck as often as I do once a year at MOT time. Mike
  8. I had disco set up on both the tomcat and 45 (def 90) both with sumo bars and didn't fit the damper on either never had any steering issues makes me wonder why there fitted at all. Mike
  9. Only insulate cast manifolds as welded tubular manifolds can crack at the welds when insulated I've had two maniflow mini manifolds fail due to insulating. Mike
  10. All you need to do is ask in advance I don't bite much! Quite often we struggle to get people to go hence only three trucks on the stand at the weekend mind it was a good one. Mike
  11. I had a front axle do this prop and wheel bearings were fine mind still don't know the cause as I just changed the axle as I had a spare. Mike
  12. This post is useless without pictures. Mike
  13. And E marked with the correct number Mike
  14. If its made by br*tpart I would not be surprised. Failing that check the master cylinder is the correct one/ not full of debris. Mike
  15. I'd be more worried that a disco 4 says in a loud voice with flashing neon lights rob me i'm loaded! I don't think the truck would be a problem but that's a whole load of the wrong sort of attention. Bear in mind some of the countries your going through people only earn a pittance. Mike
  16. Best get your finger out then Nige we don't want to hear excuses. Mike
  17. There was one on eBay not long ago gun metal colour had four doors but no rear seats didn't look bad but needed a bit of sorting out. Mike
  18. It should bolt through you normal tow bar mounting holes. ie two m16 through the crossmember and two m10 through the chassis rails where the tie downs are. Mike
  19. Just drive around a small area with a spotted you will soon work out what you can and can't do. I tow the club trailer on and off most of the sites we use whilst not really off-road the Shire shed isn't really designed for it. Trust me you'll soon work it out and I would far rather do it by feel. Mike
  20. As I said before you really do need to pay by pay pal now it's already to late to get an info pack to you the closing date was the 10th really so we've already pushed it back. Mike
  21. Sorry you need to pay before the event paypal is now preferable due to time. IIRC it £90 per car and £7 per night per person so in your case £104. Mike
  22. As nicks90 said mine was a disco pump though. Mike
  23. Use the headlights washer pump that's how my tomcat was and it worked a treat. Mike
  24. My misses is a registrar and she'll be there........ Starting engine, slam, gone! ! ! Mike
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