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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. Phil doesn't know it but he has the tunnel and diaphragm covered. Mike
  2. Just to add to retros comment pre 91 the 90 had smaller front calipers than the 110 but post 91 ish they fitted 110 calipers to the 90. Mike
  3. @muddy he currently has an lt77 not an r380 so the transfer box will likely need to move position. He has a disco 10p attached to a manual and a disco 15p with auto. I believe the plan is to fit the manual to the 15p and fit that in place of the current 300tdi and lt77 in the defender. Mike
  4. As snagger says delete and fit a sensing cap. I didn't fit it when I built the ibex as it only tells you the brakes have failed and the cap does the same job. I think some early 110s it turned the brake lights on to but I might be thinking of something else. Mike
  5. I'm fairly sure you can't leave the transfer box where it is because the R380 is about 5 inches longer than than the defender LT77 and from memory the R380 is further into the engine bay to get the engine clear of the bulkhead. Either way I would put everything in the correct td5 position as it will make everything easier in the long run. Mike
  6. It doesn't look like Sid's wheels have a bead on the inside of the rim in the photos but that could be the light. My beadlocks work as daan shows, except as mine are single not double the disc part extends to capture the tyre instead of a tube between the two. Mike
  7. In which case you'll need: Props, front, the disco front prop should fit but needs to be checked. Rear needs to be 300tdi 110 onwards (not puma). Gearbox mounts and I think there's a cross member to. Engine chassis mounts (you might be able to cut the disco mounts off and use them). Td5 exhaust (it's bigger). Air box? Not sure if they're different. This is off the top of my head and assumes your going to put it in the correct position so you can use off the shelf parts. Mike
  8. It wouldn't be a simple job but you could replace that connector with the MGF/300 disco under bonnet fuse box. I fitted one on my ibex to get rid of the fusable links in a 200 disco loom. It also gives extra fuse options but from memory will likely need wires soldering/connecting together which kind of defeats the point. Mike
  9. As Louis didn't get to say it..... You can't park there mate. Am I right in thinking your 110 is currently a 300tdi but not originally. If so what gearbox is in there and if it's an R380 is it in the 300 position. Mike
  10. R.I.P. here lies the shattered remains of a 200tdi. 💀🚑 Mike
  11. I have an old cf25 and a cf35, previously had a cf50. All are good fridges, they will go down to freezing and keep it there even in summer. I strongly recommend getting one with a temperature read out. Our cf35 doesn't have one and we've had issues where the power failed for a while (not the fridge) and didn't know until we got something out. I've since added a read out. Mike
  12. Disco 200tdi in a 110 and 90 both use disco 200 airbox. Mike
  13. I have one like this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403730599999?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4tfk-ZXCRsy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rj9sNdGlTqa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I'm 6'3" and have no problem with it apart from moving somewhere with a gravel drive. It's had several things on it that shouldn't and coped well. Mike
  14. Stephen I hope you get home ok. Some comparison shots. Mike
  15. It was get see you all again. Unfortunately I didn't get to go round with the rest because of marshal dutys but I did catch them out and about several times. From the other end. Little and large. Mike
  16. It's not huge but it's only me and the dog this weekend so a "3 man" (more like two) is enough. Stephen has turned up and I think I'm in love. Sid is beautiful. Mike
  17. Sat here in the campsite waiting for fridge, the Belgians and anyone else that's camping at the show caves. Mike
  18. I was doing quite well, truck half packed, seals and fluids sorted, trailer collected this morning and then discovered one of my indicators has packed up. Fortunately it turned out to be just a broken terminal which I've now fixed. So place your bets on what's next....... Mike
  19. I've topped up fluids this morning only to find a leaking hub seal. Guess what I'm doing tonight then. Collect the club trailer tomorrow and load camping gear, off Friday morning. Mike
  20. I believe so, as far as in aware they're non transferable. Although I have heard if you build using new parts and get a new plate then you can. Mike
  21. Mine took over a month in the end. They sent a letter after 3 weeks saying they wanted more info to give it an age related plate. The irony is I deliberately build it from two donors because I didn't want an age related plate, needless to say I wrote back saying just give me a Q that's what I want anyway. It arrived a week later. Mike
  22. Congratulations that's both the Mike browns married off now. Mike
  23. Don't think so but that's a good call it's near the NEC, dad went said it's good. Mike
  24. It does look like it. Easy fix providing it isn't stuck (I suspect it isn't), remove pipes, undo clamp nut, a little twist side to side and it should lift out. Retrieve the copper washer and replace it, reassemble. Torque it up and check for leaks when running. You may need to tighten a little more or loosen and re tighten to get it to seal. Mike
  25. I ordered a job lot of various size zinc plated 8.8 bolts, nuts and washers from a fastening supplier on eBay. Then bought specials or sizes not covered individually. Mike
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