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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. The wife has been using nanoCAD the free version is 2D only but the subscribed (relatively cheap from memory, especially compared to AutoCAD) does 3D I believe. She's really impressed with it her words were it works just like AutoCAD, yes there are some differences but she just got on an used it rather than needing tutorial's to draw a square. Mike
  2. oops, i may of slipped with a grinder. Still got to remove to uprights at the back of the trailer and take the ramps off. Mike
  3. Have you got the toe adaptor for the last one, basically it a Z of steel which allows the lift point to be two inches off the ground. They're great for lifting cradles. Mike
  4. I've popped in on the op for a look this evening. The shrouds mountings aren't great hence the fouling but that's been rectified and the alternator pulley is quite worn. My conclusion is the combination of fan drag on the shroud, lack of tension due to stripped bolt and a worn pulley have led to the belt getting hot and shredding. They have fixed two issues already and I've suggested a replacement pulley would help other than that there's nothing obviously wrong so I guess it's a keep an eye on it job. Mike P.S. it was nice to meet you both.
  5. Which truck will you get the most use/fun from? That's the truck I would fit them to. Mike
  6. Daft question, have you used the right bolts in the water pump pulley as to long and they can lock the pulley up. Mike P.S. if you get really stuck I'm not a million miles from you so pm me.
  7. That's happened there before.....and I got a lot further than expected. Mike
  8. Do the alternator and water pump spin freely without the belt on, it looks like the belt has got really hot. If they do spin freely I'd suggest replacing the pulleys. As an absolute minimum the pulleys need a close inspection and clean up. Mike
  9. Photos always help, how is it shredding the belt? Is it tearing the rubber part out or literally tearing it into strands. How good is the alignment between the pulleys is one noticeably offset. Mike
  10. It took me 5 years to build my ibex but I had a year where nothing happened as I moved house. Having said that the work I did is nothing compared to the machining and fabrication work you've done. I stand in awe. Mike
  11. One side is square the other is about 45Ā°. It looks like your just missing a square of metal that follows the angle and ends square to the angled part. Mike
  12. I've got a mould for that but unfortunately I've just put it in my lock up and I won't be back the for a while. Mike
  13. I've just done a panhard bolt and it was a 10.9 not an 8.8 so it might be worth checking. Mike
  14. Yes and no. They're a mini based kit car, they loosely resemble the moke but were built in a shed, then assembled by the customer at home using a rotten mini as a donor. Mike
  15. The MK3 is slightly better looking, I have a friend that has four of them and I will admit to considering buying one many years ago. Mike
  16. What machining did you require I used front hubs but didn't do any machining. Mike
  17. First wheel arch layed up, I'll break it out tomorrow. Mike
  18. I've had similar issue to others and I only ever used the parts department. šŸ¤£ On the bright side there's a man in Sheffield who sells exactly the vehicle most of us want, is a genuine nice guy, not pushy in any way and will build you exactly what you ask for. His name is David Foers..... If I ever have the money to buy new that's where I would be going. Oh and they British through and through. Mike
  19. I've never seen a straight one. But I've never had anything to do will td5 onwards. Mike
  20. 2500rpm is around 60 and 2800-2900rpm is 65-70mph I rarely go much above 70 these days. But I am given to a bit of spirited driving on back roads much to the disgust of cars I shouldn't be tailing. Mike
  21. More moulds. This should be the last of the external mouldings which will allow me to complete the box and get it fitted to the trailer. Mike
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