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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the seals are so knackered that no vacuum is required. Mike
  2. Well I certainly hope it helps because my mot man is going to be grumpy if I don't do something. Mike
  3. Correct, valve stem seals. She's getting a bit smokey on overrun. Mike
  4. Can you guess what job I need to do soon, special tool made. Mike
  5. Dave Lang has driven a transit around the whole site on the main tracks, they are wide flat gravel. Turn off these onto just over truck width lightly rutted "greenlanes" turn off those on heavily rutted scratchy tracks. Go off piste where the king of the valleys or Welsh 150 have been and you'll need a winch and big tyres. There's long/short, steep climbs and descents. Rock crawls that can be done in the ambulance and ones ultra 4 use. Honestly about the only terrain/type of track missing is sand and there's 1600 acres of site to play with. Mike
  6. The club is back there in September, the site can be as demanding as you want it to be. Mike
  7. I would say go DAB but I just have and that isn't any better in mine. So jumping on the band wagon, DAB aerial suggestions too please. Mike
  8. Yours will be considerably better than mine (see first three pictures) mind the wife can take a great picture on her phone without looking at it, it's sickening. Mike
  9. There are lots of easy wide gravel tracks that allow you to get everywhere easily. Turn off the tracks and you have everything from green lane to challenge truck. The wife took so pictures of an ibex Mike
  10. Thought I'd post so pictures from the event. Mike
  11. I'm fairly sure Bowie is correct, is certainly series era. Mike
  12. Now you have my attention...
  13. Both fridge and I will be at the Silverstone classic, which is a shame but whatever date you pick it will clash with something. Mike
  14. Ah see cars are different I can remember a car or even a photo of a car from years ago, I can tell you were it was or what was in the photo. But I have trouble remembering my neighbours name let alone someone I've seen once or twice. There truly is no hope, I never had any marbles to begin with. Mike
  15. Whatever happens we need username labels because I haven't got a clue what most of you look like and I can't remember names for toffee. Mike
  16. How do the second row doors open? I bet it's not had an IVA either because there's no way that chassis is un-modified. Mike
  17. Good quality joinery, nicely finish but seriously how heavy. What I find interesting is he had as many machine tools in what appears to be a home workshop as we do at work and I restore wooden boats for a living! Mike
  18. Not sure if I really like this or hate it but it kinda works. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185473647933?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Y5ZCFyLzQa2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=rj9sNdGlTqa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Mike
  19. The beauty of the slrc event is it's already organised, the site is massive, camping is in a local ish campsite with full facilities and a fair few of us are already going, by the sound of it including some foreigners. Yes I am biased. Mike
  20. I'd love to, however time and cost are likely to kill it for me. But if I can I will. Mike
  21. 6 bolt and 4 bolt are interchangeable. It's the 3 bolt that's different. Mike
  22. You pay for the part they promise to send it and never do. Mike
  23. Given the vehicle in the picture is a 130 I'd suggest either they're breaking a different vehicle or the dvsa has caught up with them and confiscated the v5. Mike
  24. And you lot gave me grief when I made my engine mounts out of 6mm. Mike
  25. I have met you, you don't look anything like Joe and your certainly not average. However you've got work to do hope to it....... Mike
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