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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Morning all, I'm trying to wire up my simple on/off carling contura switches. I can make the switch work no problem with the power in/out wires on pins 2 and 3 but what I can't get it to do is illuminate the "switch on" lamp. If I put an earth on pin 8, it doesn't illuminate and if I put it on 7, it illuminates the lamp but the switch is then on regardless of rocker position. Much puzzlement, I obviously have something wrong, please help - which wire goes where ? Cheers Electrical Numpty Mo
  2. I was hoping that we were going to see some pics of the engine on it's back in the engine bay, Chris. Not that I'm one to be entertained by others misfortune, you understand Mo
  3. I don't think it's in Will's nature to repair or replace ! Mo
  4. Mine are on the roof and indeed they are heavy when full of mud but then, that's what you have kids for Mo
  5. Bloody hell, Dave, have you got enough gear in there ? Mo
  6. The four people that go on there must be frantic ! Mo
  7. Unfortunately Clem, you've bought a worn steering box but check for play in the steering ujs, it won't make that much difference if they have play in them but it might help a bit to replace them if they do have play. I've never found adjusting the box made that much difference anyway, by the time you've adjusted the play out it's too tight to be practical. Time to bite the bullet and get a new one methinks. HTH Mo
  8. Go for option 3 Les, and join us on the Pyrenees jaunt Mo
  9. He was probably having too much trouble breathing (and getting oxygen to his brain) when he saw that on his account, to think to pull the sale. Or perhaps he's waiting for ebay to investigate. Mo
  10. Hmm, I'd have said Jodie Marsh Mo
  11. They are the same panel assemblies. Mo
  12. Many thanks for taking the time to answer Gents Much food for thought here Mo
  13. I used my tree strops and a shackle through each of the lifting eyes, which seemed to do the trick OK. Perhaps that's an idea for the refitting. Good luck with the search. Mo
  14. All I want is a poxy long propshaft bolt, the longer one that goes through the rear output drive flange and the handbrake drum. Paddocks tell me that it's a main dealer part, the main dealer parts bloke got confused. It's been holding me up since bloody saturday! Am I right? Is it longer? Does it have a part number ? Effin' Land Rovers Have you got a spare you'd be happy to post me quick ? Happy to pay even for a good second hand one. Mo
  15. That's jolly good value James ! Do you have to be insured with NFU to get that ? Mo
  16. Splendid, a nice hot summer this year then Mo
  17. Ahm, OK lorca earlier washer bottle as in Ralph's pic and Walfy's description above. Ralph, you really are too soft, you'll get a reputation, you know Dirty picture to illustrate Mo
  18. Has anyone got any recommendations for campsites in the Lake District that accept dogs ? It's not for laning just for a battery recharging holiday in the summer. I know I can google but I'm hoping that some of you could give me the benefit of your experience Cheers Mo
  19. Thou has fought the Devil and won ! Nice one Fridgefreezer ! Mo
  20. Very nice work 88, I take it that with the moist , warm climate in Panama unprotected steel rusts pretty quickly ? Mo
  21. Hmmm, I'd like some reversed disco steels Mo
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