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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Thank you, James for that heartfelt and frank admission of your guilt. I have gone ahead and made arrangements for myself for the first few days of the trip, namely hotels. I have booked an overnight on the 9th in the Angouleme F1 and I have booked myself into the Auberge de l'étable for the nights of the 10,11,12 and 13th May. Mo
  2. The good old readers forum - what rubbish ! Mo
  3. Erm, erm, wasn't me, it was er, Tim, that's who it was, and James as well. I'm innocent ... allegedly Mo
  4. Bish old boy, do read the whole thread will you, there's a good chap Formule 1 on the first page, Auberge de l'étable in Montory further up on this page I agree, Formule 1 are pretty hard to beat in the cheap and cheerful stakes ! For our southbound group I would suggest a night stop at Angouleme where there is a formule 1 hotel, and from then on to Montory (which is within striking distance of the northernmost 3 days of the roadbook route) for perhaps 4 nights (half board, demi pension). Then on eastwards toward Andorra via the roadbook over the remaining days. I have prepared an Itinery file for tomtom from home to Montory, if anyone wants a copy of it just email; you'll just have to change the first waypoint to your home (easy). Mo
  5. Glad you've got it all sorted now Tony. Mo
  6. Fridge, why does a generator have to be cleaner ? Mo
  7. About 20 quid but I'd be happy to give 30 to help a student get on. There I go again, always thinking of others ... Mo
  8. £40 !!!!!! What a bargain for a piece of moulded plastic !!!!!!!! Mo
  9. I suspect a small generator would do the job better, David, and probably be cheaper too. Mo
  10. I didn't do the t pieces in the bearing cap because I didn't know about them Would they cause the main rear seal to fail ? Les, mine didn't separate but the Britpart one leaked like buggery ! so much so that a week later on the day of a trip to Wales I pulled it all out again to fit a genuine one which didn't leak as much. Mo
  11. Both times that I had to replace my clutch I just eyed the centre up but the engine was hanging on the hoist at the time. Mo
  12. Blimey, that's a bit rum ! Tony's idea sounds good, ring them and ask for the ombudsman's phone number. Mo
  13. That's incredibly sad Ali, no wonder they sent the criminals to Oz, that bull bar is a crime Mo
  14. Perhaps it may help some of the more troublesome v8s run better Mo
  15. Get a 90, saves a lot of ****ing about ! Mo
  16. The day out on the quads looks good too ! Mo
  17. Good one Steve, nicely located compared to the road book too. What our our fellow participants think ? And could someone brighter than me explain the tariff I think I've fathomed the tariff now, it looks like there is a room price, then there is a half or full board supplement per person to be added to the room rate. Mo
  18. Crumbs Tim, that's doing things the hard way ! I had thought about going down to St Jean Pied de Port, stopping overnight in perhaps in Saintes which is quite doable (I did it 2 up on a Vespa 200 15 years ago !). Several days then of the roadbook, staying in hotels along the way whilst working our way toward Andorra, where we stay for a couple of days whilst Chris bankrupts himself on duty free Then home via Carcasonne perhaps (a must see in my book) and the Millau bridge. It's a shame we don't have a couple more days to spend at the Gorge Du Tarn before going home A more or less circular route which I thought would make the best use of our time. Your thoughts Chaps ? Mo
  19. Why not just buy another TD5 90 ? With a bit of protection and a front winch it'll be your daily driver, a greenlaning tool and you could enter winch challenges if you fancied a taste of the rough stuff. Without knowledge, experience and the ability to do most of it yourself (including critical design work), trying to build something extreme will result in a inflexible and expensive oddity that may or may not do all you want of it. Just my thoughts Mo
  20. Good one Tony. V8 Freak, you are not alone Mo
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