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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Crumbs Tim, that's doing things the hard way ! I had thought about going down to St Jean Pied de Port, stopping overnight in perhaps in Saintes which is quite doable (I did it 2 up on a Vespa 200 15 years ago !). Several days then of the roadbook, staying in hotels along the way whilst working our way toward Andorra, where we stay for a couple of days whilst Chris bankrupts himself on duty free Then home via Carcasonne perhaps (a must see in my book) and the Millau bridge. It's a shame we don't have a couple more days to spend at the Gorge Du Tarn before going home A more or less circular route which I thought would make the best use of our time. Your thoughts Chaps ? Mo
  2. Why not just buy another TD5 90 ? With a bit of protection and a front winch it'll be your daily driver, a greenlaning tool and you could enter winch challenges if you fancied a taste of the rough stuff. Without knowledge, experience and the ability to do most of it yourself (including critical design work), trying to build something extreme will result in a inflexible and expensive oddity that may or may not do all you want of it. Just my thoughts Mo
  3. Good one Tony. V8 Freak, you are not alone Mo
  4. For those of you running lpg when we go through France, this chap has a set of POIs for tomtom for lpg sites in France as well as here. I don't know if they are any good, I merely came upon them on my journeys through the web Mo
  5. I don't drain but flush the old out with new fluid, same as the chaps above. Mo
  6. That's fine chaps but there were others who wanted to camp, well Geoff anyway. Mo
  7. Geoff and those who want to camp, Weather should be ok for camping, so we can plan more varied accomodation according to peoples desires. Mo
  8. Couldn't you get one that fitted, Rogue ? Mo
  9. Thanks Mark. It is indeed Jim! Splendid, great info, cheers Mo
  10. Is there a terminal on the back of the ignition switch on a 90, that is only live when the ignition is off ? If not, how would one go about achieving a live supply only when the ignition is off ? Puzzled by electrickery Mo
  11. Hard luck Jamie, have been there with a broken rope and a dead winch motor, down a lane on my own. Having left the club laning group I was leading to recce this lane which I was told to avoid :D Mo
  12. I think that was a "so shove that in your pipe and smoke it" Andy Mo
  13. Don't keep the solar powered ones in the dark, they die. Mo
  14. Bruce, it's early sunday morning here, I wouldn't expect too many answers if I were you just yet. As for gearboxes, it's not a matter of LR offering different gearboxes; the lt77 is an older gearbox and the r380 is a later gearbox. Which is the most suitable for the task you have in mind depends on the engine that you are going to use and the practicalities of fitting that gearbox to the engine. I have an lt 77 on the back of my 300 tdi for no other reason than it was there when I bought it, it has 5 gears and a reverse and was exchanged for an exchange from Ashcrofts a couple of years ago. I can't see what difference fitting an r380 would make to mine ! If you want a stronger gearbox then go for the 4 speed lt95 from an old manual Rangy or the later Lt85 5 speed santana box. If you want to be exotic and gain lots of kudos then fit an auto. HTH Mo
  15. I had one but I have no idea what it was off I'm afraid. I replaced mine with a standard 300 turbo as I had no need for the added complication of such items. Mo
  16. I have never seen a good word written about them, except in adverts. Mo
  17. Looking good Tony. You're certainly getting the hang of it now Now turn up the volts and the wire speed and do it more quickly The time has come to get some thinner material and to learn about setting your welder up to deal with different thicknesses of material ( and how to fill up the holes you've blown ) Bravo ! Mo
  18. It would appear that they were unable to get the printing done. I don't know if Headhunter has put his order in yet. Mo
  19. Good progress Tony ! Keep practicing. Remember a ) to make sure that you are comfortable before starting the weld and b ) watch what is happening in the pool where the light is brightest, if you watch what is happening you can correct the weld as you progress (lots of beginners don't see their weld until they are finished and take off their mask ) Mo
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