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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. I am certainly not from South America
  2. Diesels work the other way around, richer = hotter, I have an EGT gauge in my 90 and trust me, when you wind the fuelling up you also wind the numbers up
  3. Did somebody say ESR2740 was the non cat front pipe for a 300Tdi Discovery? Oh yes I did
  4. Nope, I made my own http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=9181
  5. Welcome, be interesting to see some more about the 2.8 as I don't know of anybody else on the forum that has got one Not sure about the problem but something to do with the layshaft shearing does ring a bell from some years ago What the Ashcrofts don't know about LR transmissions, you could write on the back of my ear, but whether they would do one for a 2.8 I don't know
  6. You won't find a pre 95 300Tdi downpipe as the first 300s were 1995 model year You probably want a 1995 model year downpipe, though in some parts of the world it was fitted right the way through (here, for example) P/no required is ESR2740 Down pipe (non-cat)
  7. Send an email back congratulating them on finding a good way to demonstrate the theory that it is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt! As you say it "could" be done but ...................... how many people (who don't know any better) will read that in a club mag, think "oh thats ok then we'll do that every time and save on a rear winch" hey maybe you could put it over the top of the cab, would be much easier. Not only would it pull you backwards, but if you can't get under a low branch you could tie it to the rear towing point and reduce the height of the cab so the vehicle will fit Perhaps the next issue could include a tip about crawling underneath the vehicle and tying a tow rope round the propshaft and tie the other end to a tree, when you get stuck, then all you need to do is put it in reverse and when the rope winds in it will pull you out
  8. strange idea in having the fairleads pointing down at what appears to be about 45 deg - not so good in a straight back pull? orange one due out next week no doubt
  9. New top secret Government report reveals all - here Truth or fiction?
  10. I must admit I didn't get around to trying HDC on the Freelander 2, on the launch. I have a D2 auto and target speed in 1st low is still far too high!
  11. All good comments but one of the things that many fail to appreciate is that if you are stuck in the middle of nowhere, doing something that might in theory be slightly dangerous, is a damn site better than walking 10 or 20 miles. I've had to use two long tow ropes shackled together on the end of a winch line at full stretch, to pull somebody up a long steep hill, I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway because the alternative was to leave a vehicle behind because there was no way he was going to get up the hill and no other way up. There wasn't that much strain on the rope (just lack of traction) so it was ok in those circumstances. Likewise for stretchy ropes, if you rely on a dead pull in the ground conditions here you'd spend a lot of time trying to get some people out. All my stuff is decent (apart from the Td5 type rear crossmember ) and I won't do anything that is likely to break and give somebody a face full of metal. If I can avoid using shackles or doing a snatch or whatever, then I will, but sometimes, in the real world, needs must and then the best thing to do is just to keep everybody non-essential right out of the way and use common sense. Like anything, I think if you know the rules you can bend them a bit as long as you are aware of the risks of doing so. I can see if you are running a site/comp where litigation is a risk, then it might be wise to err on the side of caution in what you let people do, but if everybody present is a consenting adult (to coin a phrase).....
  12. I would call it sh&t not sad - if it was 1.5mph it would be useful - especially on a Discovery 2 where you have low range.
  13. Oh dear. Did you tell him they are permanent 4wd? The HDC light comes on when HDC is active (which is in 1st or reverse) and flashes and/or bongs when you are not in 1st or reverse to indicate that the driver is a tit for putting on HDC and then selecting 4th gear or whatever to descend the hill No real chance at all of damage if left engaged, all the HDC does is pulse the ABS brakes when the throttle is released and the system is engaged, keeps speed down to 4mph or so. All you might find is that in traffic in 1st gear, if you released the throttle then it might kick in and slow you down quite sharply but that would be all I think. When it does slow down like that you will get the normal ABS-like rattle from the ABS modulator as it pulses the brakes, but I'd not call it a "crunch" - might be worth checking that is not what he means though! Crunching may be "significant gearbox/IRD issues" but the other possibility is that one of the CV joints has disintegrated. I have seen this on one vehicle, the CV boot split and let all the grease out, CV disintegrated and the CV therefore made an "interesting noise" but because of the viscous coupling arrangement, the vehicle would still drive! It could be a front or rear CV, the noise would probably be worse if a front one is gone, because then it is driving through the viscous coupling to the rear wheels so the 5 or 10% slip (or whatever it is) would mean that the front (broken) CV would be slipping all the time and making lovely noises. Could also be the rear diff as apparently they don't have a good reputation, but having said that I've never seen a broken one.... I'd start by jacking each wheel up in turn and checking the CV's.
  14. The other main difference is that tuning a TD you are probably more likely to get a bang and then have to spend the bucks afterwards, rather than the other way around
  15. OK..... .....Not as underpowered as a NA diesel. Bit like saying "not as big a bang as Hiroshima"
  16. AFAIK yes it is but there are people on here who have done it. Pretty sure the rear section is the same on all vehicles
  17. No, if I understand it correctly the pegging stops the crownwheel moving away from the pinion (and consequent grindings/bangs) so can be done to any diff, and 4 pin diff doesn't improve a non-pegged diff in this sense. Never seen the problem personally though.
  18. Damn. I knew I should have gone for that £1 Glad you got it fixed Word of warning just check the brake pads if it was bad enough to shear a flange bolt - the brake pads may be worn a bit funny and you don't want to find out during the first emergency stop that one side stops quicker than the other.... so it may be worth a visual check, and just do a few test emerg stops on a nice empty bit of road, starting with a fairly gentle one and moving up to a "four strips of rubber on the road" job, just to make sure its ok.
  19. Try and get hold of a bulldozer or other bit of heavy plant? Depends on the location I suppose but if its on a weekend and there's a site nearby then somebody might be persuaded to leave something parked in a convenient place for a couple of cases of beer
  20. Possibly but the pipes are on the wrong side for a Tdi so you need to do some plumbing and I think that's messy. I'll be getting an Allisport one some time but at the moment I just watch the EGT gauge closely when the boot is well down Oddly, since tweaking the pump, I have found relatively little difference in EGT (previous max was about 620, I have seen about 650 since tweaking the pump but only on one or two occasions) the engine just seems to pull easier and doesn't need full throttle.
  21. Have you spoken to Eales since he built the engine originally, could it be something to do with the advance/retard you are using on the whizzy new ignition system, since I seem to remember you had problems with the Eales using very "odd" ignition settings when you first did it?
  22. Not fitted one to a Td5, but what you are looking for is http://www.thermoguard.com.au/ It could be drilled and tapped into the exhaust manifold somewhere, if there isn't a convenient plate to put it in like on a Tdi (can't remember)
  23. Will stick my bodged up RIB in the water I expect, to see if I can break it again, and will probably go away and try my new tyres as the weekend is supposed to be 18/19 deg and sunny... quite pleasant for these parts. ....and of course will be paying respects at various locations on Remembrance Sunday to thank those less fortunate than I for the freedom to allow me to play with boats and rovers, which I assume everybody else was also going to be doing but just forgot to mention
  24. Aye. But I have hydraulic power B) If nothing else it could produce some decent photos Jon, a contact on the inside who shall remain nameless says that there might be other sizes in the future though he was a bit vague on when! After 24 hours I'm not sure I can live with the noise/handling as a day to day set of wheels, but if they make a 33x12.50R15 I'll be getting a set for my "going up boggy mountains" tyres without a second thought I could probably sell them for what they cost with no trouble anyway, if I wanted to get BFG's again, a few people have gone "oooooo like the look of them"
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