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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. But before they do the horrible clattering noise will drive you up the wall and you'll throw them away and put the old plastic bungs back in
  2. Get a Genuine original. The prices are not unreasonable and they are much easier to fit and much longer lasting than any of the cheap rubbishy ones. Mostly they seem to last about 5-7 years which you really can't complain about! The only suggestion I have is to get a non-cat front pipe if the vehicle currently has a cat fitted.
  3. Well here it is but garbage in garbage out - I'd go and take another one if I were you!
  4. My only guess would be a dodgy voltage regulator on the alternator. You probably want to get it checked as high voltage will cause problems. Of course it may be that the alt is producing a low voltage and just occasionally wakes up to full oomph but worth checking as neither is desirable!
  5. I run 255/70R16 BFG AT's on my Discovery and they are excellent on road and OK off it. Remember the Discovery is a big heavy tank of a thing so you have more weight to bite in than on something much lighter like a 90. I find mine just ploughs all the time on softish ground, even on the wider tyres, so I would say it would be just about right with them on in harder ground conditions that you would find elsewhere. I wouldn't put 235/85R16 on as there will be clearance problems and the difference in handling between an /85 section tyre and a /70 section tyre on the road is quite noticeable, tall sidewalls are all wobbly and while this isn't really a problem on a Defender which is all wobbly anyway, on a Discovery where the handling is reasonable, it wouldn't be nice. I wouldn't hesitate to get the 255 MTs if I was after MT's, but I have the 90 for off road use so it will stay on AT's. BFG MTs are also available in a 225/75R16 if you really do want something narrower, but personally I think the vehicle looks much better with 255s on not to mention the improvements in on-road grip over the standard 235/70R16 Michelins that most are fitted with.
  6. Zeus do proper sexy brass ones with an O ring to seal them IIRC
  7. Box speakers up in the back makes a huge difference to the overall sound and easy to fit
  8. Info on Husky lubricants, from the book that came with my old one Note in particular not to use EP oil, ordinary 90 is hard to come by but PG Winches have it and the proper grease according to the website
  9. [winding up Tony mode] Buy a MM and have a good nap, secure in the knowledge it will still be operating perfectly when you wake up. Buy an electric and wake up all grumpy after only 3 minutes with the room full of smoke and horrid burning smells oh except you won't get to sleep in the first place because of the racket it's making [/winding up Tony mode] here we go again....
  10. Here's a real one Never thought of penguin rubbish bins for the tourist here, got a photo of one? I'll suggest that to somebody
  11. How it was in the old 90 done it the same way in the new one, 100% secure
  12. Good idea, no motor factors here though, any idea what sort of Toyota it was off?
  13. That'll teach you to lob crisp packets out of the window then
  14. No, sometimes happens just driving along and it has happened on tarmac. Though I have got the ETC to cut in at about 60mph on a couple of occasions which was interesting but a couple of the occasions when it flipped were accelerating hard from a standstill on loose gravel with a bit of steering lock on, it doesn't seem to like the fact that the inside front wheel suddenly starts paddling rock backwards at an alarming rate There's no switch to turn the system off, though sometimes I wish there was (for the ETC anyway) it's F annoying sometimes on gravel at low speed, every time you touch the throttle you get a rattle from it!
  15. Paul, Would you like to borrow my air rifle? I have never seen one (they don't like it here - not enough trees ) but I always assumed they were quiet timid little things not a dog eating monster Dad gets owls around his house too, noisy buggers, forget "tu whit to whoo" these go "CAAAAAAK" far less appealing
  16. A stupid problem. Land Rover 300Tdi oil pressure switches are rubbish. I am now on (I think) the 4th one under warranty, in a bit over a year of owning this 90, and I know of a lot of others that have failed as well - they just don't last any time. I had one fitted a few days before Christmas when the old one packed up, then a replacement fitted in about the second week of January, and now that is starting to play up! So - there are gauges and stuff available but I don't really want to do that I just want a warning light that actually works - can you actually buy a pressure switch, same fitting as the original Genuine one and just to drive the oil light (just makes a connection to earth I think), which actually bluddy works for more than 5 minutes or after the first time you go through some deep water? It isn't a new problem - the old V8 went through about four in the time I had it though those used to leak all the time, which I regarded as a good sign because it meant the V8 had plenty of oil pressure - but this is getting ridiculous it doesn't seem like a thing that should be difficult to design so it actually works
  17. I've got deep pockets.... just nowt in them except moths and fresh air
  18. I think the "all Land Rovers are still rubbish" thing is exaggerated. They do have silly niggly quality problems but I can't complain about my Discovery 2. I have had it for four years during which it has seen extensive use on rough gravel roads (not much actual off road use but still quite hard on a vehicle) and: - The back diff needed changing - due to a manufacturing fault from new and was done under warranty - Steering box bolts came loose, once, also done under warranty - Brake disc guards cracked due to the very rough roads here - which will happen on any vehicle. Took them off and welded them up, still OK. Other than that as far as I recall the only things its used are half a dozen oil filters, half a dozen air filters, a set of spark plugs, a set of BFGs and a set of brake pads. I can't really grumble about that I don't think... The only other complaints are that the ABS warning lights occasionally come on (about four times in total - ignition off and back on sorts it) and the chassis is quite rusty for the age of it but the Waxoyl I have been sitting on for a year will sort that out - it should have been done properly at the factory though. The difference between this vehicle and my old 1996 model Discovery is like night and day - I once sat down and wrote down all the things that went wrong on it in three years and it filled a page and a half of A4....
  19. The seat cushion will have split inside. They do this quite a lot. New whole seat from LR, or new cushion from the likes of Exmoor Trim Ltd. No idea about suppliers in that neck of the woods though
  20. If it is like the old ones it probably just pulls out and is just a tight sliding fit in the hole (ooer) so if you can get a pair of pliers on the back of it (mind the lead) give it a heave and see what happens. I think somebody at work had one out a while back but I didn't see it, if it is B****ered then you ain't got much to lose.
  21. Defenders less than about 4 years old (I think it came in for 02MY) have the lashing eyes in the back which are exactly the same as in a Discovery 2, as in DD's photo. I don't often use them but when I do they are excellent and when I don't, they are tight so no rattles at all.
  22. Don't know about V belts but the guy who sent me a load of info on a twin pump setup reckons the serpentine belt is right on the limit driving twin pumps so presumably a V belt is going to be less. But I don't know how much power the pumps use so it's not a lot of good really....
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